Sat.Aug 07, 2021 - Fri.Aug 13, 2021

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The Difference Between Repeat Customers and Loyal Customers


“We love our customers, and they obviously love us. They keep coming back, again and again!” . Who doesn’t want to be able to say that? And, if that is the case with your organization, let me ask you this question: Do you know why they are coming back? . Not to be a “downer,” but we shouldn’t confuse a repeat customer with a loyal customer. They are not the same. .

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7 Digital Customer Experience Best Practices for Higher Satisfaction


The quality of your customers’ experience impacts satisfaction and retention. Here are 7 digital customer experience best practices. We’ll cover strategies for enhancing experience throughout your customer’s lifecycle, with an eye toward increasing retention. We’ll include tips for leveraging technology to optimize the digital customer experience. 1.


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What makes Business Intelligence (BI) important?


Business intelligence (BI) bridges the gap between business goals and the information needed to reach them. This blog shares how the right BI tools can drive business growth and transformation.

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Without Knowing It, People’s Impression of You Are Being Influenced. Here’s Why.

Beyond Philosophy

Apple launched its Air Tags to help you find your lost items, like your keys or briefcase. Although I have other manufacturer’s versions of these products, I know that the Air Tags will be the best yet, and I can’t wait to get hold of them. My expectations and anticipation are because of the Halo Effect, and, just like mine did for Apple, it influences people’s impression of you. .

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Your Roadmap to Successful AI Implementations in the Contact Center

CX leaders are in a gold rush for AI, lured by the promise of cost savings and a revolution in service delivery. But simply deploying AI in your contact center isn't a magic bullet. There are hidden dangers that can derail your AI dreams. Recent incidents, such as the missteps of an AI chatbot deployed by Air Canada, have underscored the complexities and risks involved in leveraging AI in customer-facing roles.

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5 Top Customer Service Articles of the Week 8-9-2021


Each week I read many customer service and customer experience articles from various resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too. Eight Ways Companies Can Turn A Negative Customer Experience Into A Positive One by Young Entrepreneur Council. (Forbes) To demonstrate how to turn unsatisfactory experiences into satisfactory ones, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council shared their top-recommended way

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Introduction to Responsible AI: Unpacking the harms


The latest in our Responsible AI blog series, the CallMiner Research Lab explores two of the main categories of harms that AI outputs can cause: Harms of Allocation and Harms of Representation.

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Without You Knowing It, People’s Impression of You Are Being Influenced – Here’s Why

Beyond Philosophy

It all started with Apple’s Air Tags. As soon as I heard about them, I knew that they would be exceptional, and I had to have them. But why? I had a drawerful of other manufacturer’s products that did the same thing. What was so special about these? My answer is because these were from Apple, and the reason Apple is the answer is because of Halo Effects.

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Guest Post: How Can PR Crisis Management Shape Customer Experiences?


This week we feature an article by David Tattersall, Head of Client Relations at Handpicked Accountants , an online network housing the best-performing accountants across the UK. He writes about how successful, global brands use social media to deliver outstanding customer service experiences. In the digital era where customer experience is defined by a customer’s first impression of a website, interaction with a chatbot, or response to a social media remarketing advert, the opportunity stands t

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Managing Emotional Labor in the Contact Center

Contact Center Pipeline

The phone beeps in my ear; I answer with, “Thank you for calling Hoosier Healthwise. This is Mark. How can I help you today?” I pause to allow the other person on the line to speak. He says, “Well, I hope you can,” and he says that he needs help selecting a health plan. I […].

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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Changes in Attitudes…

Taylor Reach Group

By Colin Taylor. Last spring when the Covid19 pandemic began, companies were forced to make many changes to how they operated. With the offices closed, they sent their agents to work from home. This was a learning experience for the center leadership, the company, and the agents. According to the research we completed in May 2020, only 15% of contact centers had active and existing remote or agents working from home.

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How to Develop a Customer Service Strategy for Your Contact Center


No matter how great your product or service is, the success of your contact center largely depends on the customer service you provide. Ultimately, if customers don’t have a good experience, they’re likely not going to call back. According to research from Khoros, 86% of clients say they’re more likely to turn into lifetime brand advocates if they receive exceptional customer care.

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Amazing Business Radio: Sharad Khandelwal


Customer Insight. Shep Hyken interviews Sharad Khandelwal, co-founder and CEO of SentiSum. They discuss Khandelwal’s artificial intelligence platform that collects valuable information and insights from consumers who reach out. Top Takeaways: – The new technology, artificial intelligence, reads and analyzes all support conversations, regardless of channel, and even tags them with reasons.

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Executive Interview with ProcedureFlow

Contact Center Pipeline

I had the opportunity recently to meet with the team at ProcedureFlow to learn about who they are and what they do. In a nutshell, their mission is to make our contact center employees experts faster. They are passionate about making information not only easy to create and share, but also quick and simple to […].

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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How Customer Analytics Can “Up” Your CX Game

The Northridge Group

Let’s say you’ve already taken the necessary measures to move your contact center from good to great. You’ve adopted clearly defined and focused metrics, you have a vision that aligns the needs of customers with the aspirations of your business, you’ve implemented a clear coaching plan, and you have an open feedback loop for employees to provide comments on customer pain points.

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How to Improve Call Center Agent Productivity


High call center agent productivity is every call center manager’s dream. Not only does it lead to higher profits and lowered costs, it also results in better employee engagement and improved customer experiences. So many factors damper agent productivity, like high call volumes and staff turnover, both of which are only too common in the call center industry.

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The Best Growth Opportunity in 2021: Outsourcing

Outsource Consultants

Why is 2021 the time for outsourcing? Because if you want to fly, you have to give up everything that weighs you down. No, I didn’t steal this from a locker room bulletin board, but the aphorism is still true. The most successful companies in history — and the most successful ones in 2021, for that matter — succeeded exponentially not because they did many things well, but because they did specific things great.

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The Ultimate Guide to In-App Messaging


Remember the days when people used pigeons to deliver a message? First, it was time-taking. Second, it was highly inconvenient. And third, poor birds. They had to carry wrappers tied to their small paws and [ … ]. The post The Ultimate Guide to In-App Messaging appeared first on HelpCrunch blog.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Driving Software Adoption through Customer Success: 6 Ways to Improve Customer Engagement


Driving software adoption through customer success in the 2020s is a precision business. In the same way that access to large quantities of accurate data enabled drug companies to produce a vaccine record time, making people resistant to the effects of COVID, data has enabled customer success teams to delight customers and pandemic proof their organizations.

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The Many Faces of Guru (As Told By Our Customers)


What can Guru do for you? We’re a knowledge management tool first and foremost, but there’s a lot you can do when you have the power of knowledge at your fingertips.

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July podcast roundup: Customer effort through an AI lens


It’s the final countdown! July passed us by quickly, and with it came the last five episodes of our twelve-part podcast series, Customer Effort: Through an AI Lens. In this final month, we picked up the effort story with the next three pillars of effort reduction, and then explored some final dos and don’ts. If you’re ready to embark on your effort reduction journey, you won’t want to miss these last few episodes.

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Sales Team Coaching With Emotional And Social Intelligence

Integrity Solutions

Great sales team coaching takes specific knowledge and functional expertise to build a successful team. On their own, these aren’t enough to bring out the best in their sales teams and help them achieve their full performance potential. By adding Emotional and Social Intelligence to the coaching model, sales team coaches can discover amazing success.

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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My Latest Podcast with Arkphire - Developing Trust with Remote Workers

Jon Arnold

From time to time, the folks at UK-based EM360 engage me to host a podcast and interview one of their sponsors. Aside from podcasts, I also contribute guest posts, and am listed in their Tech Index directory. This time around, I was in conversation with James Buchanan of Dublin-based Arkphire , talking about the challenges faced by their customers to manage remote workers.

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[Q&A] Ready to Scale: The Tech Stack That Drives Your Digital Customer Success Program


Your digital-led Customer Success program will only be as good as the technology behind it. But how do you go about building your Customer Success tech stack the right way? InSided VP of Customer Success Anika Zubair joined us to talk about the product categories and solutions that leading Customer Success professionals are embracing as they build out their digital-led programs.

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Multimodal User Experience Design Best Practices


Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant—virtual assistants have transformed how we interact with technology and what we expect from it. Today’s most popular assistants offer a multimodal experience — the ability to interact on multiple channels — and are a major leap from the voice-only assistants that dominated the market just a few years ago. Unsurprisingly, sales of these multimodal assistants grew 30% in 2020, while voice-only assistants saw a 3% decline.

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How Important Are Auto Dialers?


How important are auto dialers for call center software. The pace of technological change in the last few years has been astounding. We have come a long way from the ‘no internet’ and ‘intermittent internet’ connection era. For businesses to generate sales leads, the erstwhile favored channels of in-person meets or phone calls are now completely replaced by online lead generation techniques.

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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VirtualPBX Softphone Updates August 2021


The latest and greatest is now available on the VirtualPBX Softphone for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac users. Already the VirtualPBX employee favorite device, we’ve made a series of improvements to improve user experience. For those with automatic updates enabled, the below changes are already available to you. Need to download the newest version manually?

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Contact Center Compliance with the Florida Bill SB 1120


The new Florida Bill SB 1120, updating the “Florida Telemarketing Act” and the “Florida Do Not Call Act” has been in effect for just over one month now, since July 1st, 2021, acting as a specific state version of the federal “Telephone Consumer Protection Act” - TCPA. The post Contact Center Compliance with the Florida Bill SB 1120 appeared first on NobelBiz®.

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How can Jitter frustrate your customers?


These days, most telecommunications traffic is routed through a packet-switching network, and it is frequently routed over the public internet. For example, speech data is converted into packets for call participants and routed ‘towards’ a receiver. However, packet switching networks do not guarantee that packets will arrive on the same path as their destination.