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Do More In ‘24: Ten Customer Service and CX Tips for the New Year


Happy New Year! I want this year to be your best year ever for creating amazing customer service and experiences. And for everything else, too! But as it applies to the customer experience, I thought it would be fun to share some ideas we need to do more of. With that, here are 10 ideas. Many, if not all, will apply to you and your business. Do more in 24!

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Customer service is a performance art. Are you Oscar-worthy?

Bill Quiseng

QUI QUESTION: Customer service is a performance art. Are you Oscar-worthy? Movie actors like Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Dwayne Johnson, and Keanu Reeves act to be happy, sad, scared, scary, or angry. Yet, we, as the audience, believe they are genuinely real. The actors may “act their part”, but they are so good that we, as the audience, believe they are real.


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Why Call Center Retention Matters


If call center retention keeps you up at night, you’re not alone. In the era of the “great resignation” and in an industry with record staff turnover, employee retention is on every manager’s mind. The numbers are sobering. According to the 2021 ICMI report, a contact center’s average employee turnover rate was 58% per year. This figure is about 10 percent higher than the US average employee attrition rate of 47.2%.

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Nuance is revolutionizing the contact center with GPT technology


The global public attention that greeted the launch of ChatGPT has highlighted that we’re at a pivotal moment in the development of AI. As pioneers in contact center AI, it’s exciting to see the emergence of advanced open AI models that can augment our existing innovations with powerful new capabilities. We’re delighted to introduce conversation [.] The post Nuance is revolutionizing the contact center with GPT technology appeared first on What’s next.

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Your Roadmap to Successful AI Implementations in the Contact Center

CX leaders are in a gold rush for AI, lured by the promise of cost savings and a revolution in service delivery. But simply deploying AI in your contact center isn't a magic bullet. There are hidden dangers that can derail your AI dreams. Recent incidents, such as the missteps of an AI chatbot deployed by Air Canada, have underscored the complexities and risks involved in leveraging AI in customer-facing roles.

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Understanding the Difference: CQA Score, QA Score Card, and Dashboard in a Call Center

SQM Group

This blog will compare these three tools and demonstrate how each contributes to optimizing performance and elevating overall efficiency.

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Win the Customer, Not the Argument


In a confrontation with a customer, you have a goal: win the customer , not the argument. I’ve written about this before, and it’s worth coming back to this topic from another angle with a different example. First, an interaction with a customer should never result in an argument. The best people in customer service, sales, or any frontline customer-facing job avoid escalating a confrontation to the level of a dispute.

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What Does It Mean to Be Enterprise Ready for Today’s CX?

Upstream Works

Upstream Works is excited to introduce you to our newest product offering – Upstream Works for Amazon Connect. We enhance Amazon Connect with a unified desktop, digital channel flexibility, seamless integrations and management simplicity The post What Does It Mean to Be Enterprise Ready for Today’s CX? appeared first on Upstream Works.

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CX4Now: Contact Center KPIs that Matter


Your contact center may run like clockwork, with engaged agents answering calls quickly, solving problems, and creating satisfied customers in record time. But without the contact center KPIs and metrics that managers use to measure the effectiveness of their operations, you’d never know for sure. KPIs matter. And they’re changing quickly. We asked contact center industry influencers to share their insights into the changing role of KPIs and shine a light on new metrics to watch.

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CallMiner Product Innovation Series: September 2023


Bruce McMahon, VP of Product Management, shares updates from the 2023.09 release including enhancements to bulk export API capabilities, giving customers even more control over their data.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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The Power of Customer Empathy in Supercharging Your Customer Experience


In the world of customer experience, “customer empathy” is not just a buzzword, it’s a game-changer. Put simply, it means genuinely caring about the experience your customers have with your brand. And when you master this skill, you can create an emotional bond that sets you apart from the competition. Let me give you a real-life scenario of how it works in general.

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Leverage Healthcare Technology to Enhance Patient Retention

The Northridge Group

If healthcare managers and small-to-medium-sized business (SMB) healthcare practitioners can agree on anything, it’s that acquiring new patients is both costly and challenging. Conversely, retaining existing patients is far more achievable and economically viable, especially in the ultra-competitive modern healthcare marketplace. There are many different tactics that health providers can use to improve patient retention rates in 2023.

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Be Magnificently Boring to CARE!

Bill Quiseng

Business leaders are happy because customers were satisfied with their product or service. But that’s not good enough. Satisfied customers feel that their experience was good, not better, just average. Nobody raves about average. And satisfied customers will not return as soon as they find an experience that is better or a price that is less expensive.

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How Regression Testing Can Spur Business Growth


Today’s contact centers are under pressure to innovate and evolve faster than ever. As digital transformation takes hold across all industries, businesses must quickly adapt and update their tools for customer engagement to more efficiently grow and expand their operations. And as we’ll discover, regression testing services play a crucial role in this.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Americas FSI Digital Commentary: 3 Ways to Accelerate Digital Strategy in 2023

Cisco - Contact Center

As a change agent serving the financial services industry for over 20 years, it is a great privilege to collaborate with Bank, Insurance, and Wealth Management institutions to devise and execute digital transformation strategy, solve complex business problems, and leverage technology to strengthen business results. Ending a chaotic 2022 with the Federal Reserve in their December meeting raising interest rates to control inflation another 50 basis points following four consecutive 75 basis point

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ISO 42001: A new foundational global standard to advance responsible AI

AWS Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformational technologies of our generation and provides opportunities to be a force for good and drive economic growth. The growth of large language models (LLMs), with hundreds of billions of parameters, has unlocked new generative AI use cases to improve customer experiences, boost employee productivity, and so much more.

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No Excuses for Poor Disaster CX

Contact Center Pipeline

Disasters, like the recent holiday storms, are inevitable. How you plan, respond, but most critically inform and communicate with your employees and customers is what counts. This isn’t rocket science. And it is the foundation of the customer experience (CX). Customers and staff get it—both foreseen and unforeseen “events”. I’ve covered, been responsible for the […].

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The Customer Is NOT Always Right – Again!


Whoever said “the customer is always right” didn’t hear this about this story. Fox News just posted an update to a 2021 story about a man arrested for pointing an AK-47 at an employee at a pizza shop in Knoxville, Tennessee. The short version of the story is this. A customer walked into a Little Caesars restaurant and became angry when he was told he would have to wait a few minutes for a pizza.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Bilingual Customer Support: Where Live Agents and AI Coincide


When one in five of your customers speak something other than English as their first language, providing bilingual customer support is critical. Without it, you risk taking a hit to your CSat scores, your brand loyalty, and your bottom line. But what mix of live agents versus AI is best for your business? And how do offshore solutions, interpreters, and texting play a role?

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How Artificial Intelligence is Changing CX in the Contact Center


If there’s one thing managers need to understand about digital transformation, it’s how artificial intelligence is changing CX in the contact center. The cost savings AI offers makes the move to more automation inevitable. Gartner reports that AI chatbots alone can save the contact center industry up to $80 billion in annual labor costs by 2026. By 2031, the savings could grow to $240 billion.

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Considering a homegrown generative AI solution for conversation intelligence? Here’s why it’s harder than you think


Today's conversation intelligence solutions are applying GPT and LLMs, and organizations must carefully evaluate building in-house solutions. Read this blog to learn why.

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What is Voice of the Customer? [+ how to get data analysis]?


With all relationships, taking the time to listen is crucial to its success. Nowhere is this more true than with customer relationships. Without listening to the voice of your customer, you’ll be like a ship without a rudder or a compass…lost and drifting without direction. But listening isn’t always that easy. Customers don’t always take the time to express their feelings.

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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Four Ways to Transform Your Contact Center into a Loyalty Center

The Northridge Group

By rethinking how your organization approaches customer support, you can transform your call center into a loyalty center that reduces churn and boosts Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). Here are four tips for turning your call center into a loyalty center: 1. Prioritize the Experience Customer support agents are trained to solve problems as efficiently as possible so they can handle the next call in the queue.

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This is our time for a Patient CARE Revolution!

Bill Quiseng

For many years, there has been a stranglehold “Profits over People” mentality for healthcare leaders. These “Profits over People” traditionalists care about their hospital’s labor, research, and equipment costs, Medicare reimbursements, pharmaceutical companies’ payments in cash and in-kind gifts, and their patients’ payments more than they do their patients.

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How Chatbots Are Transforming Healthcare (And How Testing Can Help)


Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken many industries by storm in recent years. This is especially true in healthcare, where the pandemic drove a surge in AI use that touched nearly every aspect of patient care and service delivery.

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How to Create Live Chat Survey Questions to Improve Customer Service


In a world where customer experience is everything, brands must continually strive to make their services as customer centric as they can be. Walker’s report “Customer 2020” predicted that by 2022, price and product would [ … ]. The post How to Create Live Chat Survey Questions to Improve Customer Service appeared first on HelpCrunch blog.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Use AWS PrivateLink to set up private access to Amazon Bedrock

AWS Machine Learning

Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service provided by AWS that offers developers access to foundation models (FMs) and the tools to customize them for specific applications. It allows developers to build and scale generative AI applications using FMs through an API, without managing infrastructure. You can choose from various FMs from Amazon and leading AI startups such as AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, and Stability AI to find the model that’s best suited for your use case.

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Future of Work Expo Recap - Review and Pix

Jon Arnold

Last week was my fifth go-round as Chair of the Future of Work Expo in Ft. Lauderdale, and given my travel schedule, this is the first chance I’ve had to get this recap done. As good as the 2022 edition was, this was even better, and am expecting nothing less for 2024. Speakers are already asking about coming back, and am keen to start mapping out the program.

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Please Put Me Back On Hold!


“Please put me back on hold. I want to keep listening to the music,” said nobody, ever – unless they were listening to the hold music at the Kansas City Foot and Ankle medical practice. The owner of this four-office podiatry practice with seven doctors and 25 staff members, Dr. Mark Green, has always focused on creating a positive, unique and frictionless patient experience.