March, 2023

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Using Customer Feedback to Drive Company Growth with Michelle MacCarthy


Top Takeaways: Human-centric CX design is all about communicating with customers, and this goes beyond a one-off survey. It is about regularly speaking with customers directly to deeply understand the customer. It is uncovering where they’re benefiting from your product and identifying barriers or pain points that they are experiencing. Bringing engaged customers who are utilizing your products and services into the design process can help shape great outcomes for your company.

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3 Reasons Why Successful Teams Earn Your Trust

Steve DiGioia

“So, you’re telling me that THIS customer is more important than all the rest?” And that I should give them preference over everyone else that walks in the door?” Read 3 Reasons Why Successful Teams Earn Your Trust. “But they’re a VIP” , she kept on saying. Now she’s starting to annoy me… I was having a conversation with a few of my old hotel friends and we were discussing some of the silly things that have happened to us over the years.

Sales 182

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Guest Post: Top Tips for Companies Providing Remote Customer Service


This week, we feature an article by Kathleen White, a business manager who helps organizations improve career opportunities and employee engagement. She writes about how companies can adopt a remote workforce and enhance customer service delivery. There’s no doubt that there are challenges to providing remote customer services, but with careful planning, they’re easy to overcome.

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11 Customer Success statistics, quips and quotes on investing in these teams


The purpose of a Customer Success team is to help a company’s customers get the most value out of its product. The hypothesis is, if a customer maximizes the obtainable value, they will remain loyal and spend more with the company. This isn’t merely a theory. Case studies have shown loyal customers spend more— up to six times more —over the customer lifetime.

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Your Roadmap to Successful AI Implementations in the Contact Center

CX leaders are in a gold rush for AI, lured by the promise of cost savings and a revolution in service delivery. But simply deploying AI in your contact center isn't a magic bullet. There are hidden dangers that can derail your AI dreams. Recent incidents, such as the missteps of an AI chatbot deployed by Air Canada, have underscored the complexities and risks involved in leveraging AI in customer-facing roles.

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Lost and Damaged Reputation: Consequences of Poor Customer Service


A customer may forgive and forget a bad product, but they will never forget poor customer service. After all, people always remember how you made them feel. Customer support is notorious for not being helpful. Big brands like Amazon, Costco, Zappos, etc., are beloved by their customers owing to their wonderful customer support. And if you’re one of those businesses guilty of taking your customers for granted, then it’s about high time to reevaluate such a self-destructive strategy.

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Product Innovation Series: April 2023


Bruce McMahon, VP of Product Management, highlights CallMiner's latest platform enhancements, including new speaker measures by talk time percent and duration, and hierarchy filtering in Alert.

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23 Inspiring Women to Watch in 2023


As part of our Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day initiatives, we asked our own TechSee Super Women to highlight some of the amazing leaders in the technology, service, and support industries who inspire them, have helped grow their careers, or simply deserve to be celebrated for being awesome. 1. Elizabeth Parks, President, and CMO, Parks Associates – We never miss a new post or research from Elizabeth and her team.

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Complaints and Problems Are Opportunities to Show How Good You Are


I love hearing about complaints and problems that are solved to the point that the customer wants to tell the world about the experience. That’s exactly what happened to Bill Paretti, one of our faithful Shepard Letter subscribers. He was so excited about what happened that he shared it with me, hoping I would share it with you. Here’s the short version of the story, followed by my commentary and the lesson we can take away from his experience.

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The Power of Customer Empathy in Supercharging Your Customer Experience


In the world of customer experience, “customer empathy” is not just a buzzword, it’s a game-changer. Put simply, it means genuinely caring about the experience your customers have with your brand. And when you master this skill, you can create an emotional bond that sets you apart from the competition. Let me give you a real-life scenario of how it works in general.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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CX4Now: Contact Center KPIs that Matter


Your contact center may run like clockwork, with engaged agents answering calls quickly, solving problems, and creating satisfied customers in record time. But without the contact center KPIs and metrics that managers use to measure the effectiveness of their operations, you’d never know for sure. KPIs matter. And they’re changing quickly. We asked contact center industry influencers to share their insights into the changing role of KPIs and shine a light on new metrics to watch.

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Leverage Healthcare Technology to Enhance Patient Retention

The Northridge Group

If healthcare managers and small-to-medium-sized business (SMB) healthcare practitioners can agree on anything, it’s that acquiring new patients is both costly and challenging. Conversely, retaining existing patients is far more achievable and economically viable, especially in the ultra-competitive modern healthcare marketplace. There are many different tactics that health providers can use to improve patient retention rates in 2023.

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2 Ways AI Can Mitigate Fraud in Contact Centers

Upstream Works

Upstream Works is excited to introduce you to our newest product offering – Upstream Works for Amazon Connect. We enhance Amazon Connect with a unified desktop, digital channel flexibility, seamless integrations and management simplicity The post 2 Ways AI Can Mitigate Fraud in Contact Centers appeared first on Upstream Works.

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Outsource Consultants Again Named One of’s Fastest Growing Companies

Outsource Consultants

Saint Louis Park, MN, March 28, 2023 – Outsource Consultants is once again honored to have made the fourth annual Financial Times ranking of The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies. This list, compiled with Statista, ranks companies from across North, Central and South America by their compound annual growth rate in revenue between 2018 and 2021. Honorees of the list have shown extraordinary growth, with a doubled median revenue among participants, up from $12.2 to $22.5 million, making this yea

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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The Loyalty Gap: The Difference Between Repeat Customers and Loyal Customers


Or, In a recent Shepard Letter , I discussed the Trust Gap , which is the difference between an organization’s belief that their customers trust them and the percentage of customers who actually do. I’ve covered different gap concepts in the past, and it’s time to add yet another to the list, and that is the Loyalty Gap. By the way, this is a perfect time to mention International Customer Loyalty Month, which happens every year in April.

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8 Customer Service Challenges Harming Your Bottom Line [+ How to Conquer Them]


Our life is a challenge from the offset. First, we learn how to crawl and walk. Then, it’s time to socialize with other kids in kindergarten and school where we fight for a place in [ … ] The post 8 Customer Service Challenges Harming Your Bottom Line [+ How to Conquer Them] appeared first on HelpCrunch blog.

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Concentrix to Combine with Webhelp, Creating a Diversified Global CX Leader, Well-Positioned for Growth


Enhances Concentrix’ position as a leader in $550B+ growing CX market Adds clients in attractive growing markets, further diversifying our marquee client list Significantly expands footprint in Europe, Latin America, and Africa Expands breadth and global reach of high-value services and digital capabilities Strengthens support for clients and staff, combining complementary cultures Accretive to revenue […]

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Nuance is revolutionizing the contact center with GPT technology


The global public attention that greeted the launch of ChatGPT has highlighted that we’re at a pivotal moment in the development of AI. As pioneers in contact center AI, it’s exciting to see the emergence of advanced open AI models that can augment our existing innovations with powerful new capabilities. We’re delighted to introduce conversation [.] The post Nuance is revolutionizing the contact center with GPT technology appeared first on What’s next.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Real-time fraud detection using AWS serverless and machine learning services

AWS Machine Learning

Online fraud has a widespread impact on businesses and requires an effective end-to-end strategy to detect and prevent new account fraud and account takeovers, and stop suspicious payment transactions. Detecting fraud closer to the time of fraud occurrence is key to the success of a fraud detection and prevention system. The system should be able to detect fraud as effectively as possible also alert the end-user as quickly as possible.

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4 Ways to Maintain Agent Morale While Returning to the Office

Outsource Consultants

During the COVID-19 pandemic, work-from-home models spread throughout the call center industry. Some BPO providers were fortunate enough to have a remote work infrastructure in place before the COVID-19 pandemic, but many had to quickly adapt to new quarantine regulations. As a result, many call centers were forced to make short-term adaptations to their employees’ working processes in a blink of an eye.

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ChatGPT will Revolutionize Conversational AI, Just Not the Way You Think


By Jordi Torras, Chief Innovation Officer, Inbenta In just a few months, ChatGPT has captured the interest of hundreds of millions of users and the imagination of businesses the world over. The Generative AI platform’s meteoric rise is understandable – a new and transformative AI tool capable of fixing code, responding to questions, writing emails and articles, and everything in between, is now widely available to the public.

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Customer Service Knowledge Base: The Definition and Lifehacks for Building One


The life of a customer service representative isn’t always cakes and ale. Here you are, sitting at your desk, catching every client’s issue, and telling them how to proceed with the product. In fact, this [ … ] The post Customer Service Knowledge Base: The Definition and Lifehacks for Building One appeared first on HelpCrunch blog.

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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How to help contact center agents avoid burnout

Toister Performance Solutions

This blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Is burnout gripping your contact center? A worldwide survey of contact center agents revealed 59 percent are at risk of burnout, including 28 percent who face a severe burnout risk.

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5 Productivity Tips Your Customer Support Agents Will Thank You For In 2023


Last Updated on March 17, 2023 A Salesforce research says that 89% of the customers who liked a company’s customer service are likely to make a repeat purchase. The era of “build a great product, market it well, and the customers will come” is over. It is 2023. Customers talk. And, to make matters worse, [.] The post 5 Productivity Tips Your Customer Support Agents Will Thank You For In 2023 appeared first on Kommunicate Blog.

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Use Snowflake as a data source to train ML models with Amazon SageMaker

AWS Machine Learning

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service. With SageMaker, data scientists and developers can quickly and easily build and train ML models, and then directly deploy them into a production-ready hosted environment. Sagemaker provides an integrated Jupyter authoring notebook instance for easy access to your data sources for exploration and analysis, so you don’t have to manage servers.

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How to Manage Your Call Queues During Volume Spikes


Don't panic! Call spikes happen. Learn easy call queue management strategies to get your contact center call queues under control.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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5 Great Call Center Agent Retention Strategies


We’ve all heard about the human touch and how important it is in the CX and call center spaces. Your customers want thoughtful and empathetic service, and that’s not something you can get from technology alone. Skilled agents are key to delivering a great customer experience, and agent retention is vital to a healthy contact center. Why do call centers struggle with retaining their agents?

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The Customer is Always Right. Or are They?


As a customer, I like this slogan and use it quite often when facing poor customer service. “The customer is always right” gives a strange feeling of satisfaction and empowerment. Above all, it’s a strong [ … ] The post The Customer is Always Right. Or are They? appeared first on HelpCrunch blog.

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After the Pass-Off: Closing the Call After the Receptionist

Abby Connect

A customer calls. Your receptionist answers and makes a fantastic first impression on your behalf—they’re charming, well-informed, and manage to forward a happy, engaged potential customer to your phone line. But what happens next is up to you. Can you cinch the deal, or will you fumble the pass?