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Build end-to-end document processing pipelines with Amazon Textract IDP CDK Constructs

AWS Machine Learning

In this post, we demonstrate how to solve these challenges using Amazon Textract IDP CDK Constructs , a set of pre-built IDP constructs, to accelerate the development of real-world document processing pipelines. However, you can extend these constructs for any form type. Queries is a list of queries.

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Build an Amazon SageMaker Model Registry approval and promotion workflow with human intervention

AWS Machine Learning

The solution uses AWS Lambda , Amazon API Gateway , Amazon EventBridge , and SageMaker to automate the workflow with human approval intervention in the middle. The EventBridge model registration event rule invokes a Lambda function that constructs an email with a link to approve or reject the registered model.

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Automate the process to change image backgrounds using Amazon Bedrock and AWS Step Functions

AWS Machine Learning

The Streamlit web application calls an Amazon API Gateway REST API endpoint integrated with the Amazon Rekognition DetectLabels API , which detects labels for each image. Constructs a request payload for the Amazon Bedrock InvokeModel API. Invokes the Amazon Bedrock InvokeModel API action.

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Build a receipt and invoice processing pipeline with Amazon Textract

AWS Machine Learning

The next stage is the extraction phase, where you pass the collected invoices and receipts to the Amazon Textract AnalyzeExpense API to extract financially related relationships between text such as vendor name, invoice receipt date, order date, amount due, amount paid, and so on. It is available both as a synchronous or asynchronous API.

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Dynamic video content moderation and policy evaluation using AWS generative AI services

AWS Machine Learning

The frontend UI interacts with the extract microservice through a RESTful interface provided by Amazon API Gateway. The UI constructs evaluation prompts and sends them to Amazon Bedrock LLMs, retrieving evaluation results synchronously. Detect generic objects and labels using the Amazon Rekognition label detection API.

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Build a foundation model (FM) powered customer service bot with agents for Amazon Bedrock

AWS Machine Learning

The action is an API that the model can invoke from an allowed set of APIs. Action groups are mapped to an AWS Lambda function and related API schema to perform API calls. Customers converse with the bot in natural language with multiple steps invoking external APIs to accomplish subtasks.

APIs 93
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Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock now supports hybrid search

AWS Machine Learning

Use hybrid search and semantic search options via SDK When you call the Retrieve API, Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock selects the right search strategy for you to give you most relevant results. You have the option to override it to use either hybrid or semantic search in the API.

APIs 115