Sat.Sep 26, 2015 - Fri.Oct 02, 2015

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Customer Experience: Keep it Simple Stupid

Beyond Philosophy

If you had the choice of doing something the easy way or the hard way, and you didn’t have to do anything morally, ethically, or legally wrong to do it the easy way, which would you choose? My guess is the majority of you would say take the easy way. I certainly would. When it comes to brands and their related experience, it’s critical that you KISS it.

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The 8 Remarkable Traits of Leadership

Steve DiGioia

What makes a leader? Is it making great speeches or bossing others around? Of course not. This original article was written by Steve DiGioia. Leadership. We all wish that others thought of us as a leader. We have the skills, the drive and the “ intestinal fortitude “…(whatever that is). We work hard, overtime as needed, without complaining.


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5 Must-Read Research Reports on the Customer Experience in 2015


Customer experience isn’t just important in 2015 – it’s critical. CallMiner’s latest blog highlights 5 must-read research reports on CX this year.

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5 Ideas for National Customer Service Week 2015

Customers That Stick

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Manual Call Reviews? Theres a Better Way!

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 If so, this webinar is for you! What was once a common practice in the call center is now a barrier to success. Manual call monitoring is no longer an option if you want to proactively coach your agents to ultimately improve the customer experience using data-driven insights. Join this webinar with Angie Kronlage and April Wiita of Working Solutions to discuss how you can modernize outdated, manual call review processes through the power of autom

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Ad-Blocking Sends Clear CX Message: Get Obnoxious Ads out of my UX

Beyond Philosophy

Apple’s latest operating system iOS 9 allows people to block ads while mobile browsing, a development that has digital marketers and publishers in a twist. As Ad Blocking pushes online advertising to the brink of irrelevancy, it’s important to appreciate how the User Experience (UX) provides an integral link to Customer Experience (CX). And also, what a poor UX means to your brand.

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4 Ways to Improve the Retail Job Training Experience

Win the Customer

Onboarding retail staff can be overwhelming, especially with grand openings and seasonal hiring. The retail turnover rate in the U.S. is currently at 55.71%. For the 3rd quarter last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 897 thousand jobs were gained in retail, while 905 thousand were lost. That amount of turnover is enough […].

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Executive Talk: Kristi Holcombe, Travelers

Contact Center Pipeline

In this Executive Talk interview, I had an opportunity to chat with Kristi Holcombe, Director of Workforce Management at Travelers. Kristi has over 20 years’ experience in the contact center industry. She has worked in a variety of industries and operation sizes in different job roles. Through her varied work experience, Kristi brings unique insights […].

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Managing Knowledge Transfer During Contact Center Outsourcing Transition


Managing Knowledge Transfer During Contact Center Outsourcing Transition. Posted by Marsha Eisnor. Contact centers are often prone to transition. Whether it’s an in-house contact center moving to an outsourced environment for the first time or a migration of business from one outsourcer to another, knowledge transfer can be a big risk factor for both a successful transition and steady state operations.

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Ways to Deal with Negative Online Customer Reviews

Return Customer

If you put yourself out there as a business, you better prepare for dealing with dissatisfied customers. Since consumers have developed a habit of checking online reviews before purchasing a product, it’s in your best interest to learn how to handle negative reviews. If you do it right, you can actually gain a lot – recovering from a mistake sometimes helps brands to develop stronger relationships with customers.

Banking 122
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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Why and how to set better goals for your support team


Why you should set goals. Customer support goals are important for a number of reasons. Setting the right goals shows you understand the needs of your customers and what your team can do to better support them. Do not set goals randomly ; they should stem from extensive research that supports why you are setting them. Goals should be set at company level as well as at individual level, and you should understand how all these goals work together to achieve the overall company vision.

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Top 5 Posts in September

Contact Center Pipeline

Take a look at our top five blog posts in September to see which topics your fellow contact center professionals were reading about: How to provide a realistic job preview to improve new-hire retention; insights on how an omnichannel approach will impact agents’ roles, skill sets and training; how to calculate occupancy correctly; ideas for […].

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Managing Knowledge Transfer During Contact Center Outsourcing Transition


Posted by Marsha Eisnor Contact centers are often prone to transition. Whether it’s an in-house contact center moving to an outsourced environment for the first time [.]. The post Managing Knowledge Transfer During Contact Center Outsourcing Transition appeared first on Team HGS Blog.

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5 Keys to Customer Experience for the Future


5 Keys to Customer Experience for the Future. I have a dream that in the future we'll look back and say "Remember how hard it was to be a customer back in the 2010s? Thank goodness it's so much easier now!" This dream stems from acknowledgement that it's all too often a bit rough to select, buy, or use a solution in our lives and businesses.

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The Verint Experience Index: Retail

Reports of the death of in-store shopping have been greatly exaggerated. This year’s retail survey found that more than 60 percent of consumers start and end their journey by visiting a store. Retail customers value price above everything, but the importance of other factors varies for different brands. In-store shopping is valued highly by grocery and home improvement customers Technology retail customers place less importance on in-store experiences – for them it only ranks sixth Digital exper

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I’m like parsley – I get everywhere!’ – Stories that amazed and inspired me at the 2015 UK Customer Experience Awards!


The month of September comes around every year. The kids go back to school. Millions go back to work after the summer holiday. Autumn starts to knock on the door. Christmas decorations are prominently displayed in stores all across the land. September is a month that signals change – some embrace it, while others despair at the fact that they may not get another day off until Father Christmas has paid a visit!

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Creating Actionable Knowledge

Contact Center Pipeline

The amount of information that contact center leaders have access to is phenomenal. We live with it every day, so we tend to take it for granted. Yet the data right in front of us remains virtually hidden to the rest of the organization. Without knowing it exists, they are not likely to ask for […].

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Custom Payment Options Enhance Customer Experience

Win the Customer

Customers are demanding more options and flexibility, so it’s wise for businesses to find multiple payment options that work for them and their customers to deliver complete customer experiences. Customers want and need flexible payment options. A 2013 UPS study of e-commerce sites found that offering a variety of payment options is the second-most important […].

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Are we getting our approach to customer experience wrong?


If you look at most Voice of the Customer (VoC) programmes typically, they start in the contact centre. The aim of these programmes is to make customers stay longer, spend more and recruit new customers. But, there are some clear challenges that the industry is facing with these programmes, which can be backed up with stats from Forrester: Over a third of VoC programmes have had no executive support. 60% of organisations don’t use the programme for customer experience design (such as asking bett

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Your Expert Guide to CX Orchestration & Enhancing Customer Journeys

Speaker: Keith Kmett, Principal CX Advisor at Medallia

Join Keith Kmett, Principal CX Advisor, in this new webinar that will focus on: Understanding CX Orchestration Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of what CX orchestration is, its significance in the customer experience landscape, and how it plays a crucial role in shaping customer journeys. This includes the key concepts, strategies, and best practices involved in CX orchestration. 🔑 Connection to Customer Journey Maps: How to effectively integrate customer journey mapping into the

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How to make support conversations useful to the rest of your company


Morten Lundsby, ex-Googler and founder of user insights tool UserChamp, joined us for a webinar in which he took a look at ways to get more value out of your customer conversations. In the webinar, Morten talks us through how to push onboarding materials upstream before a potential customer is a customer. He also tells a surprising story of when he went on a customer visit and how they didn’t even have a computer , and how to deal with obstacles like this.

Sales 92
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A Trip to Staples: Why Employee Experience Matters to Customers


Here's a little story about how I walked out of a Staples for the last time. A Snapshot of My Customer Experience. On a Sunday, just before 6:00 p.m., my wife killed our printer's black ink cartridge. This was a minor crisis. She is a teacher, a weekend printer of worksheets. I drove to Staples, our nearest office supply store. They were very close to closing when I got there.

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The widening UK customer experience gap


Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 The widening UK customer experience gap. Published on: September 30, 2015. Author: Derek Lewis In previous decades an organization’s brand was something it controlled, with how it was perceived in the market driven by expensive advertising and marketing campaigns. The rise of social media and increasingly demanding customers has changed all of this.

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Shopping Cart Abandonment: Why It Happens And How To Prevent It (Infographic)

Provide Support

For many years shopping cart abandonment has been a huge problem for eCommerce business owners. According to the Baymard Institute , the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 68.53%, which is an outrageous statistics. To put it simpler, nearly 70 out of 100 people leave your website without completing their purchase! While there are many reasons online shoppers abandon their carts that you have little or no influence over, such as comparison shopping, many of them can actua

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Contact Center Dialers Demystified

Dive into the realm of contact center dialers with our infographic! Explore the various types – Preview, Predictive, Automatic, and Progressive Dialers – and unravel their roles in boosting call center performance.

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7 Tips for Better SAAS Board Meetings


Here’s part two in our series on how to perform better in the boardroom. We interviewed directors of SaaS startups to get their insights. Quotes are anonymous to enable directors to speak their mind. 1: Check Your Pompoms At The Door. First off it’s worth reiterating what was said in the recent board relations article. Startup board members aren’t there to catch out or beat up the CEO.

SaaS 68
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Omni-Source Data: The Ingredients for CX Success


Customer experience management is like cooking. If I have eggs and butter in my kitchen, I can make a fried egg. If I have eggs and butter and also flour, salt, milk, baking powder, vanilla, and lots of sugar, I can make a cake. Eggs are good—but adding more ingredients gives me something much more sophisticated and appealing. (I mean, come on, it’s cake !).

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The evolution of contact center performance


Date: Monday, September 28, 2015 The evolution of contact center performance. Published on: September 28, 2015. Author: Pauline Ashenden In the past contact centers were often viewed as a cost cente r, meaning that the primary goal of companies was to run them as efficiently as possible while still responding to customers competently. As companies are becoming more customer-centric, this is approach is changing.

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Marketing Operations Value: 10 Essentials


Marketing Operations Value: 10 Essentials Lynn Hunsaker. Marketing Operations value goes well beyond automation, tech stacks, attribution and cost of customer acquisition. The operational challenges faced by today’s CMOs are broader than this. As Marketing Ops teams expand to meet these needs, value increases in important ways: stature, scalability, strategic impact, and nimbleness.

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How Intent Data Helps Marketers Convert A-List Accounts

One of the biggest challenges for any B2B marketer is understanding your prospects’ next move — who is most likely to buy and when. Without these insights, marketing campaigns can feel more like guesswork, with high investment and little return. We’re here to tell you there’s a better way. By tracking buyers’ digital footprints and online activity, such as website visits, product reviews, and spikes in content consumption, you can engage prospects with a message that really resonates.

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Grow Your Business through the Power of Listening to Customers

CX Journey

Image courtesy of Leah M. Berry Are you listening to your customers? Do you understand what they are trying to achieve? Are you using what you hear/learn to actually design a better experience for them? I was thrilled to be interviewed by Leah Berry and to a be part of her 30 Experts in 30 Days series; she asked me questions about employee experience and customer experience, of course, but from a variety of different angles.

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5 CX Must Reads: Best of September


Check out this month’s must-reads about customer experience from around the web. Chosen by the Sentiments team, we have aggregated what we think are useful and engaging articles for anyone interested in understanding and improving the customer experience. Facebook’s ‘Dislike’ Button: Accountability and Opportunity in a World of Dislikes. Facebook’s new dislike button gives users the ability to express empathy on social and gives brands the ability to better understand their customers.

Sales 74
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Common Trial Conversion Activities help Customer Success “see the light”


Common Conversion Activities metric a strong predictor of purchase in #SaaS trials. #CustomerSuccess Click To Tweet. If you’re not great at math and you pine for a metric that isn’t calculated by an equation, today is your lucky day. Ever hear of CCA ? SaaS growth strategist, Lincoln Murphy , created a measurement called Common Conversion Activities—and it’s not a number.

SaaS 68