What to Look For in an Outsource Live Chat Company

Customer service is a vitally important part of any business. Without satisfied customers, sales don’t happen, revenue dries up, and entire organizations can topple. Over the past few years, good customer service has become incredibly important to customers in nearly every industry. People today expect fast, intuitive service, and if they hit a speed bump they want things to be resolved right away. It has also become more important for businesses to prioritize good customer support. The pervasiveness of review platforms like Yelp and Google Reviews means that one bad customer experience can reach an audience of hundreds if not thousands. In order to be successful today, your company absolutely needs to prioritize customer service.

Live chat is a fantastic way to let your customers know that you are conscientious and responsive. When a customer on your site is offered the option of live chatting with a customer service rep, they immediately know that any issues they may encounter can and will be addressed quickly. Live chat is a great way to answer simple questions, get an overview of a customer’s complaint, and either solve their problem right then and there or escalate it to the appropriate party.

Live chat support, while simple for the customer can be complicated for your company to install. You are going to need technology architecture, customer support professionals, and a dedicated process that will require training, overview, and feedback. In a lot of cases, this is too much for a small or growing company, and so many people choose to outsource their live chat support.

Live chat outsourcing is a fantastic way to ensure that your customers get the help and support they need without needing to make the significant investment of hiring on additional team members.

Here is what you should look for in a live chat outsourcing company:

●     A company that can offer services 24x7. Customers who turn to chat are looking for immediate answers. Allowing them to open a chat only to tell them to come back in the morning will only frustrate them further. At (v)WeCare, we schedule chat support reps around the clock in order to avoid this very issue.

●     A company that offers co-browsing or screen-share with customers. Have you ever tried to follow someone as they try to describe what they are seeing on their screen? Anyone who has ever helped an elderly relative to connect to the Internet or set up a printer will tell you how frustrating it is. Our live chat outsource reps are good at what they do, but their job gets a whole lot easier when they can see the customer’s screen. That is why (v)WeCare offers co-browsing and screen-sharing capabilities. It makes things faster for the customer service rep, and therefore smoother for the customer.

●     A company with more than just one line of support. An individual customer support rep cannot be expected to know everything. What if your customer has a billing question that is specific to their account? What if they are out of the country and are beholden to different laws and regulations? A good outsource chat company will have layers of support with experts in each field. At (v)WeCare, we enable our chat support specialists with private chats to more of our team members. That way, when they don’t have the answer right on hand for a customer, they can seek it out quickly.

So if you choose to work with a live chat outsource company, make sure that their solution is robust enough to support anything and everything your customer may need.


What is Outsource Live Chat?


What Your Customers Expect From an Outsourced Live Chat Service