7 Stats that Prove Your Business Needs to Implement Customer Support

For small businesses, investing in customer service doesn't seem urgent. It is always something to implement later. It should not be the case.

Customer experiences define and shape the growth and success of a business. 

The way you treat prospects and existing customers affect brand perception. And that's why you should not neglect customer support at any stage of your business.

To prove this point, here are 7 amazing stats that show your business needs a call center.

1.  96% of customers say customer support influences their loyalty to a brand

Great user experiences, driven by customer support, create lifetime customers. It's five times cheaper to retain an existing customer than acquire a new one. People are loyal to a brand that is responsive to usage issues.

2. 79% of customers will share relevant info about themselves during personalized customer support scenarios.

If you develop a strong and empathetic customer support strategy, customers connect fast with agents and share relevant information easily. You can then study the data to shape your products and services to serve your customers better, which naturally leads to business growth.

3.  67% of customers are happy to pay more for a better customer service experience. 

Believe it or not, many businesses today don't operate effective customer service. Since customer support heavily influences a person's decision to buy, people are usually willing to purchase from the more expensive brand if they offer seamless customer support.

Invest in a proactive customer service strategy even if none of your customers call in. They rarely do. Only 1 in 26 unhappy customers ever complain.

4.  72% of customers will share a positive experience with 6 or more people. 

Customer service influences brand perception. When a user has a positive support experience, they will gush about it, remain customers, and recommend your brand to their family and friends. Simply put, your brand has gained their trust.

In contrast, a bad support experience may cause them to stop buying from you. 62% of customers say they share their bad experiences with others. Think of all the social media posts put out by angry customers.

Your customer support strategy can be the make or break of your business.

5.  66% of customers would switch brands if they were "treated like a number, not an individual."

The magic of awesome customer support experiences is personalization

Never forget that customers want to be called by their name, listened to, and offered services that solve their needs. This cuts across all niches. Even the grumpy and logical B2B executive wants an offer that aligns with his business interests. Sending an email without his name on it will cause your email to be deleted. Always personalize.

6.  "70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated"

People in the B2B world know that acquiring and nurturing a B2B lead takes several months, except when they're actively looking for a solution. It's similar to the B2C space. People browse several online stores and look at multiple reviews before clicking buy. 

One of the best ways to stand out from your competitors is to offer clear contact details and make the support experience smooth.

7.   9 out of 10 businesses compete mainly on customer experience

For whatever products you sell or services you deliver, there's a huge chance that you're competing with many other businesses in the same space. At this point in history, customers have several more options than before.

So, the deciding factor in many buying decisions comes down to customer support and trust. If they trust your brand, they buy. And customer support drives that trust.

Provide awesome customer support experiences and stay light-years ahead of your completion. To get started, contact Vcaretec.


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