Sat.Nov 07, 2020 - Fri.Nov 13, 2020

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6 Questions To Ask To Ensure Your Voice of Customer Programme Delivers Results

Enghouse Interactive

Providing the service that customers are looking for and meeting their increasingly demanding needs is key to business success today. Understanding exactly what customers want is therefore critical for organisations, which is why more and more are implementing or expanding Voice of the Customer (VoC) programmes.

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20 Empathy Statements to Show Stressed-Out Customers That You Care

Contact Center Pipeline

These are difficult times, and our anxious customers need us more than ever. Some of them need help with a simple task, like: “How do I add a new driver to my auto insurance policy?” Others need help solving a problem: “Why was I charged twice for inflight WiFi?” All of them need our empathy. […].

Coaching 194

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6 Strategies for Delivering a High Level of Customer Service During COVID-19

The Northridge Group

With the onset of COVID-19 came a period of real difficulty for most businesses. Companies equipped with the technology to transition to a remote environment were urged or forced to do so—and fast. With this pivot, many companies anticipated new pain points would emerge within their existing processes. However, as this new digital landscape continues to form its roots, there are parts of the virtual workforce that are not only surviving but learning how to optimize their existing processes.

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The 5 Rules for Designing a Great Digital Experience

Beyond Philosophy

Digital experiences are a crucial part of your Customer Experience , especially during the pandemic. Some organizations are excelling, while others could use some work. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, we have some essential considerations for designing your digital experience in the form of 5 rules. On a recent podcast about these 5 rules, I shared a recent digital experience that was definitely on the “could use some work” side of the spectrum.

Chatbots 405
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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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The Mike Moment


We’ve all heard the old adage: “It’s better to give than to receive.” That’s what customer service people do. They give and give and give. They help solve problems and resolve complaints. What they get in return—hopefully—is a nice thank you, which, when you think about it, is fairly insignificant , though appreciated, for the work they do. Yes, they are paid for the job they do, but the people who are amazing at this role aren’t doing it just for the money.

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This Tip Will Reduce Agent AHT by Moving Customers Out of Venting

Myra Golden Media

Twice in the last week, Contact Center Agents have reached out to me for help on reducing Average Handle Time (AHT). I’m listening, and I have an answer. I say “an answer” because I’ll be sharing more solutions in the coming weeks. You can move customers out of venting, rambling, and storytelling using Reframing Statements. Reframing Statements shift conversations with challenging customers from focusing on the problem to what you can do about it.

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How to optimize customer service costs with visual assistance


The discussion around how to reduce customer service costs is not a new one. For decades, service organizations have been proposing innovative ways to cut operational costs in customer service: Let employees bring their own coffee? ??. Eliminate evening and weekend hours? Limit call times to 3 minutes each? Slash the number of technicians per shift?

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Amazing Business Radio: Josh Liebman


Optimize Your Feedback Loop. Collecting, Responding and Reacting to Customer Feedback. Shep Hyken interviews Joshua Liebman , founder of BackLooper. They discuss strategies for collecting customer reviews and feedback and what to do with it after you collect it. Top Takeaways: First you have to get customer feedback. Next you must respond to it. Then you should do something with it—as in, use it to improve internally.

Feedback 336
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25 Indicators of Fraud on Inbound Calls


Here are 25 indicators of fraud on inbound calls in call centers.

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Manual Call Reviews? Theres a Better Way!

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 If so, this webinar is for you! What was once a common practice in the call center is now a barrier to success. Manual call monitoring is no longer an option if you want to proactively coach your agents to ultimately improve the customer experience using data-driven insights. Join this webinar with Angie Kronlage and April Wiita of Working Solutions to discuss how you can modernize outdated, manual call review processes through the power of autom

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303: Dave McKeown – Moving from Execution to Excellence

CX Global Media

Dave McKeown was about to speak on one of his first workshops when he was faced with the dilemma of not having enough money to pay the hotel bill. Not wanting to borrow money from his girlfriend (now wife), Dave put together his very first webinar where he was able to earn enough money to cover for his hotel bill. From that experience, Dave learned to always invoice his client 50% upfront and that whatever challenge he faced, there will always be an answer out there.

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Transform Your Contact Center from an Expense to a Revenue Source

Contact Center Pipeline

No matter the brand, customer service needs to be a priority. Here’s how to make it a revenue source as well. Contact centers are often seen as an expensive but necessary line item that should be streamlined as much as possible in support of the bottom line, but brands are waking up to the value […].

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5 Top Customer Service Articles For the Week of November 9, 2020


Each week I read a number of customer service and customer experience articles from various resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too. The experience equation: Happy employees and customers accelerate growth by Vala Afshar. (ZDNet) Research shows the relationship between employee experience (EX) and customer experience (CX) and its impact on accelerated growth.

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The 5 Rules For Design A Great Digital Experience

Beyond Philosophy

The 5 Rules for Designing Great Digital Experiences. A lot of Behavioral Economics can feel intimidating. However, it doesn’t have to be. The Five Rules Podcast Series is our attempt at giving you an easy entry point into the complex and messy world of Behavioral Science. In 2020, we have all been doing many more online customer experiences than we thought we would.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Interview with CX Ambassador Matthew Phillip


Interview with Matthew Phillip, Marketing Automation Manager at Mylo, a Lockton company, the insurtech leader revolutionizing insurance shopping, about his career in the customer experience space.

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Would you trust a robot e-banker?

TELUS International

AI-powered robotic process automation, virtual assistants and chatbots promise to change the banking CX. Learn how banks can build trust and get consumers onboard.

Banking 145
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Guest Post: Ditching NPS for Real Feedback–Which is Better For Your Customer Experience?


This week we feature an article from Su Kaygun Sayran , a content writer for JotForm. He writes about what specifically makes feedback effective in helping you improve your customer service. Feedback, the one thing that businesses know that they need but dread to receive it at the same time. But at the end of the day, it’s the feedback that makes or breaks a company.

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Meet NICE inContact: Our November 2020 Sponsor Wall of Fame Honoree

Contact Center Pipeline

Contact Center Pipeline’s SPONSOR WALL OF FAME Company name: NICE inContact CEO: Paul Jarman When Founded: 1997 Describe your company: NICE inContact, a NICE business, works with organizations of all sizes to create extraordinary and trustworthy customer experiences that create deeper brand loyalty and relationships that last. What do you consider to be your company’s […].

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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How to deliver the best mobile user experience


Five key elements to delivering the best mobile UX and how to use customer feedback to optimize the experience.

Feedback 170
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Audit Phone Calls with Event Sourcing in.NET


Events are everywhere! The software development world has realized the benefits of modeling our business processes and application logic as a log of events. Event sourcing has been growing in popularity as a way to build systems that protect against data loss, model complex business scenarios more clearly, and provide flexibility in how they can be extended.

APIs 139
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The Future of the Contact Center is Remote


We thought we were bold when we said more than 65% of contact centers would move to the cloud in 2020. It happened even faster than we thought. Read the Full Industry Report Here: The State of the Contact Center in 2020. We’ve spoken to the experts for our State of the Contact Center 2020 report. And it looks like it’s here to stay… Contact Centers Made an Unprecedented Pivot to Virtual Working. “60-80% of agents moved to work at home during ‘shelter in place,’

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Cyara Partners with Splunk to Help Resolve CX Issues Up to 10x Faster


Organizations are constantly looking to improve their customer experience (CX). While the contact center has always played a key role in this, since we’ve been in this global pandemic, the contact center has become the place where consumers interact with organizations. And contact centers depend on complex technology to deliver that great CX. Technology which, from time to time, fails – resulting in issues such as outages, poor voice quality, prompting errors, dropped calls and delays.

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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Delivering impactful results from your Voice of the Customer programme


Date: Friday, November 13, 2020 Author: Pauline Ashenden - Demand Generation Manager Delivering impactful results from your Voice of the Customer programme. Published on: November 13, 2020. Author: Pauline Ashenden - Demand Generation Manager Understanding changing customer needs is vital if companies are to increase engagement, satisfaction and long-term revenues.

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A 5-Step Plan to Change the Stereotype That Customer Service in Call Centers Has to be Terrible


If you’re anything like me, you’ve lived through a few (or a dozen) bad customer service experiences. Because of those memories, I try to avoid calling customer service at all costs. And I’ve worked in customer service. I understand the amount of effort your agents pour into the experience each day, and I appreciate it endlessly. Yet still, from the perspective of a customer, if I know I have to dial up a call center, I think of a million reasons to delay it until tomorrow.

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3 Emerging Call Center Markets to Consider in 2021

Outsource Consultants

Despite the recent BPO market challenges due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the future is still generally bright. . The global outsourcing market is expected to exceed $400B by 2027 , with annual growth as high as 10% annually. . A strong intercontinental georedundancy strategy, coupled with leveraging at-home agents, is more important than ever. And as regions that were once considered pillars of the industry face uncertainty, setting your sights on emerging markets is going to be a key to success i

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Why a Customer Success Plan Is the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Customer Relationship


A key component of creating customer success is working with your customer to identify and organize mutual goals into a standardized customer success plan. Outcome success plans focus on capturing mutual objectives, documenting the steps toward achieving them, and sharing information between both clients and your own internal teams—driving interconnectivity and displaying progress through one easily accessed live portal.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Integración de Nuevos Partners en México y Centroamérica


Hemos vivido un año diferente , lleno de retos para todas las industrias y el sector de Contact Center no ha sido la excepción ; s in embargo , el valor y la importancia de mantener y fortalecer el relacionamiento entre las empresas y sus clientes, ha elevado la relevancia del Contact Center como herramienta estratégica para fortalecer la experiencia del cliente, en todas las líneas de negocios incluyendo ventas, cobranzas, servicio al cliente para mencionar algunas de las principales. .

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7 Compelling Benefits Of A Knowledge Base to Consider


Some of you might have preconceived notions when it comes to self-service. I’d say that it’s for nothing. These numbers speak for themselves: 77% of customers say they have used a self-service portal at least [ … ]. The post 7 Compelling Benefits Of A Knowledge Base to Consider appeared first on HelpCrunch blog.

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Cloud adoption as a strategic decision in digital transformation


Organizations worldwide are now waking up to the advantages of moving to the cloud as a strategic decision, not only to keep businesses up and running, but also to boost performance, cut costs and enhance customer experience (CX). For years, contact centers have run on-premises infrastructure, battling the difficulties of scaling operations or updating systems and tools whenever customer demands shift.