The Future of Business with BPO Outsourcing Companies

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COVID-19 has framed business practices in new and unexpected ways. The forced switch to remote working established a precedent for many industries – what was once a highly unlikely scenario for conducting business became the norm – and to the surprise of many, it worked. In fact, it worked to such a degree that companies are being forced to take a hard look at how they intend to move forward. While there are still physical spaces that house businesses, organizations must examine the concept of what constitutes a “workplace” – and a “workforce”. The truth of the matter is that a new business model has emerged as a result of the pandemic, and it’s not going anywhere. In fact, this dynamic has organically paved the way for BPO outsourcing companies to step up and step in as partners to scores of organizations meeting the operational challenges that come with the “next normal”.


With physical business spaces being reimagined, organizations must be ready to pivot and work within the altered footprint of the “office of the future”. In many cases, an in-person workforce will be a thing of the past – or at least replaced by a hybrid model of remote and in-house. This is where BPO outsourcing companies can really make a difference. With many companies coming to terms with the concept of remote work, geography will no longer play a role in tapping the deepest talent pools to staff a workforce. And the expense that comes along with sustaining an in-house staff? Gone. Outsourcing various business activities frees up expensive real estate along with the dollars required for onboarding, maintaining and re-hiring workers.


Placing some of your most essential business processes with a trusted BPO outsourcing partner like Anexa makes more sense than ever. While many of the nuts and bolts of doing business have transitioned and/or switched as a result of the pandemic, one thing has not changed: your audience – the customer. Their expectations remain the same (in fact, if anything, they are higher than ever). Today’s consumer is more empowered and in control, understanding that their purchasing options (your competition) put them in the driver’s seat. They expect an elevated customer experience from the first interaction, and with Anexa functioning as the face of your business, they get exactly that.


With nearly twenty years in the competitive BPO outsourcing market, Anexa relies on a carefully curated pool of highly trained specialists to represent your company and its various departments. Our customer-centric services are conducted through various channels including telephone, chat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, SMS and email. They include operations such as promotion and sale of products, loyalty campaigns, customer service, tech support, requests/claims and tiered troubleshooting. We also offer a range of BPO back office, marketing and database services. Developed and perfected to take on your repetitive, non-critical business tasks, outsourcing of these services allows you to remain laser-focused on your core business activities.


At the end of the day, partnering with a BPO outsourcing company like Anexa ensures that many of your business processes – core and otherwise – are being professionally and accurately managed. In a post-pandemic world, that’s saying a lot. You will be able to strategically build your in-house teams, invest in true talent that supports your core processes and focus on growth. Whether your industry is technology, manufacturing, banking, service, energy, medical, education or “other”, it’s most likely in post-pandemic transition and you need to stay on for the ride. Anexa is here to support that. Reach out to learn more.