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4 Primary BPO Markets and What They Mean to Your Company

4 Primary BPO Markets and What They Mean to Your CompanyBusiness is always developing, and with more growth comes higher demands on employees. One department that gets hit the hardest by drastic company growth is customer service.

Customer service is an area where companies want to provide the best quality possible for their customers, yet they also want to see a solid ROI. If you want to be able to handle more customer calls, chats, texts, etc., one very good idea is for your company to partner with a business process outsourcing contact center.

These outsourcing companies can serve as a complement to your in-house customer care and back-office administration departments, or they can handle all of it. BPO companies can manage any aspect of your customer relationships, including sales, technical support, data entry, email services, live chat support, and marketing support.

Business Process Outsourcing services can provide scalability that increases overall customer satisfaction. These organizations can greatly reduce operating costs, sometimes by as much as 70% off of U.S. rates.

This is possible because business process outsourcing is a global industry, and thousands of companies are located all around the world. The multitude of options means that you shouldn’t have to settle.

With due diligence, you should be able to find a great outsource call center partner for your business based on price, language, services, and industry specialization. There are four primary BPO markets for you to choose from when making your selection.

  1. Domestic-based Outsourcing: This option guarantees that the agents who communicate with your customers have experienced the same culture since they live in the same country as your customers. This option is a generally higher cost that offshore and nearshore locations, but it’s still cheaper than adding in-house agents. This option is a smart approach for increasing the quality and quantity of your customer contacts.
  2. Offshoring: This option maximizes savings by using global locations where infrastructure and labor costs are lower. Offshore locations include the Philippines, China, Japan, and other countries in Asia-Pacific.
  3. Nearshoring: This option combines cost savings with the advantages of domestic-based outsourcing. In this scenario, you partner with a contact center service provider that operates in a foreign country, but within the same hemisphere as your customers. Nearshoring cuts costs while maintaining cultural and language familiarity between contact center agents and customers.
  4. Domestic Virtual Contact Centers: An increasingly popular choice, remote or virtual contact centers allow companies to gain the advantages of domestic customer service representatives while reducing overhead. This BPO service routes customer service calls to the home-based offices of highly trained virtual agents. Agents purchase the equipment used on the job in exchange for the flexibility of working from home.

Need a BPO contact center to provide high-quality customer service? We can help!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading nearshore outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering nearshore call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.