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3 Standout Asia-Pacific Countries For Contact Center Outsourcing

3 Standout Asia-Pacific Countries For Contact Center OutsourcingWe have over 25 years of experience working in the call center outsourcing industry. We’ve recommended a variety of US-based and nearshore locations to our clients. However, we also want to make sure we’re recommending quality offshore options.

For offshore contact center outsourcing, it’s hard to top a few of the countries located in Asia-Pacific. Asia-Pacific is one of the largest, most populated regions in the world with multiple spoken languages. Some of these languages include English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, German, Hindi, and more.

There are nearly fifty countries within the Asia-Pacific region, but three countries stand out as the top locations for contact center outsourcing: China, Japan, and the Philippines.


Unless you’ve been completely ignoring the BPO market over the last decade or so, this country is no shocker. It’s potentially the world’s largest outsourcing market in the world, generating billions in revenue. The Philippines has a talented, college-educated workforce and access to cutting-edge technology that can be of value for businesses in most industries.

While offshore outsourcing generally has a reputation for difficult language barriers, contact centers in the Philippines are an exception. They have strong English-speaking agents with minimal accents (compared to other offshore locations) and a sharp understanding of American culture.

Added to the benefits of high-quality agents and technology, outsourcing to the Philippines can cut operating costs by up to 70%. If you had a hard time understanding why the country has been so popular for business, that’s a major reason right there.

Some of the most popular services Philippine call centers provide their partners include outbound telemarketing, inbound customer service, technical support, and a variety of other business process outsourcing options.

A majority of the top Philippine call centers are located in cities such as Manila, Cebu City, and Davao City. In addition to English, Philippine contact centers can provide their services in Spanish, German, Korean, Hindi, Mandarin, and Cantonese.


This is the top country in the global economy for industrial output and their major cities have some of the best telephone and internet systems in the world. There are over one billion people in China. Yes, you read that right, one BILLION.

This gives call centers in China a large selection of candidates to choose from when hiring agents, which means they have options for talent and they can provide a very high level of scalability for potential business partners. Many companies looking to outsource are seeking contact center partners whose agents can provide multilingual service.

These call centers have agents whose native languages include English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. Specialty services we’d recommend include inbound services like tech support, customer, service, and sales, or outbound services like lead generation, sales/up-sells, and appointment setting.


Do you want to talk about countries with dramatic economic growth over the last century? Look no further than Japan. This country has one of the most skilled and educated workforces in the world and it’s in the top five when it comes to purchasing power and importing and exporting.

Millions of people speak Japanese around the world, so businesses would be fiscally wise to offer this language as part of their customer service offerings. Companies that partner with contact centers that have Japanese-speaking agents on their staff can provide your customers with top-of-the-line inbound and outbound service.

Speaking from experience, our Japanese contact centers provide solid BPO solutions that include e-commerce development, digital marketing, data curation, and logistics.

Need an Asia-Pacific, omnichannel contact center to provide high-quality services for your company? We can help!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading nearshore outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering nearshore call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.