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What to Do When Ideal Customer Experiences Aren’t Possible

What to Do When Ideal Customer Experiences Aren’t PossibleIt’s no secret that people don’t typically call companies when everything is going smoothly. Your contact center is frequently tasked with serving as the first line of defense when the customer experience goes wrong.

A recent article by Brian Kracik discusses modern customer expectations. In order to deliver a customer experience that will minimize those irritated phone calls, you’ll need to provide:

  • A mobile website (and possibly a mobile app) that allows customers to find information and access support options.
  • Engagement across the entire customer journey.
  • Service that reduces or eliminates wait times through AI and machine learning.
  • Simple and easy pathways for communication.

Sounds easy enough. Simply provide your customers with cutting edge features and capabilities that eliminate any potential hiccups while navigating your website. An ideal approach in theory, but not always realistic.

These are excellent recommendations and something every company should strive to attain. However, we’ve worked with enough clients to know that it’s not always possible within your budget and resources to deliver on these modern expectations, particularly with the rapid evolution of technology.

So, what are you supposed to do if you can’t keep up with every new trend and innovation? For small-to-mid-sized companies, we recommend putting an emphasis on maintaining high quality contact centers, especially when outsourcing.

As with every aspect of life, things occasionally break down within your customer experience. It’s an inevitable reality, and one you can prepare for by setting your call center up for success.

If you have a small, reliable group of in-house agents, that’s a great start! However, you should avoid putting too much strain on your internal staff during spikes in call volume. Hiring an experienced outsourced call center to complement your existing agents will maintain a high level of customer support even during your busiest times.

Contact center outsourcing to nearshore locations in Latin America can improve your scalability and help you keep up with your customers no matter the scenario. Whether you need extra help during busier seasons, or you simply want reinforcements available year-round, nearshore call centers can be the perfect addition to an already strong support team.

Need a nearshore contact center to reinforce your customer service team? We can help!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.