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BPO Vendor Management Part Three: 3 Key Communication Strategies for BPO Success

BPO Vendor Management Part Three: 3 Key Communication Strategies for BPO SuccessIn part one and part two of our series, we detailed five tips for targeting better KPIs and the top three training priorities for BPO vendors.

Now, in part three, we’ll uncover the three key communication strategies you should focus on to get the best results from your outsource call center vendor.

For optimal success, you should foster transparency, leverage their expertise, and include your BPO partner on your business journey.

Let’s dig in:

Communication Theme #1 — Foster Transparency

To achieve strong results, you’ll need to develop clear communication channels with your BPO partner.

Ideally, you’ll build a relationship where your BPO vendor feels comfortable being completely honest and forthright about progress, even if issues emerge or performance drops.

Partnerships where both parties are confident – rather than walking on eggshells when problems arise – make it easier to quickly address and resolve critical issues.

Here are some smart ways you can quickly build better transparency with your BPO partner:

  • Invest in a dedicated tool for communication, such as Slack or Discord.
  • Create a “Brainstorm” document where team members can share ideas freely.
  • Keep a recurring meeting where your teams can dialogue openly about goals, progress, strategy, and tactics.

Communication Theme #2 — Listen to Their Expertise

Before you do anything with a BPO vendor, you must set aside your ego.

It’s a common trap to veto actions and recommendations from your outsourcing partner because you’re convinced your organization’s expertise trumps your vendor’s strategic vision.

But guess what? You know your business — and your BPO vendor knows theirs!

Luckily, by deferring to the expertise of your vendor, you’re actually inviting better communication between parties, because BPO leaders are thrilled to hear your ideas and insights, as it adds potency to their strategies. From planning to execution, a BPO vendor is definitely going to keep you involved.

By listening to their expertise, you’re creating a true partnership built on your combined strengths and knowledge.

Communication Theme #3 — Build an Agent Journey

A huge victory from outsourcing is the freedom to scale; you’re getting more help serving more customers across more channels—it’s great.

But a key differentiator between good and great partnerships is how well your BPO agents help you scale while elevating customer experiences and achieving KPIs.

To go from “good” to “great” requires building an agent journey that helps train, mentor, and reward agent success.

Since your agents will be carrying a lion’s share of customer engagement, the more invested they become in your customer, and the more valued they feel as part of your organization, the better they’ll perform.

So how can you help build an agent journey that brings out the best in your BPO partner?

You could:

  • Invest in a knowledge base that helps deliver key insights and guidance for agents.
  • Add gamification to your business processes to help recognize and reward top performers.
  • Enroll BPO agents in internal communications, from employee newsletters to “victory” emails

Get creative and discover new ways to keep agents aligned with your business journey.

Which BPO Partners Communicate Best? We Can Help!

Choosing the best BPO partner that fits your communication style is a personal decision with a lot of variables — but we can help narrow the field with our extensive experience working with BPO partners across industries.

No matter whom you choose, make sure you’re following our key communication strategies, including fostering transparency, listening to expertise, and building an agent journey.

If you’re ready for a BPO partner that can meet your high standards and collaborate effectively, let our call center outsourcing experts help with a free no-risk, no-cost consultation today!