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3 Ways Contact Centers Help Maintain Positive Brand Image

Companies can put as much effort into marketing as they want, but nothing truly beats organic word-of-mouth positivity from customers. An article by Mark Nicholson discusses this topic and points out that, while it’s the ideal form of advertising, it’s something companies have to earn through positive customer service. The reality is that customers do heavy research into products, services, and brands before making purchase decisions, which often includes reading reviews.

The better your reviews are, the more stars people give you, the more likely you’ll be to attract new customers. In order to get these reviews, companies need to ensure a solid customer journey and experience that creates happy customers who feel compelled to spread the good word about the brand through social media and other online outlets. In addition, Nicholson says that companies can help themselves in this endeavor by reaching out to customers to request reviews and managing their reviews online.

3 Ways Contact Centers Help Maintain Positive Brand Image

Maintaining a positive image is something most brands desire. With so many people investigating their options before making purchases and the wealth of information available online, it’s more challenging now than ever to earn customer loyalty. The solution? Delivering quality customer service and cultivating affinity between brand and consumers. Contact center outsourcing can assist with these tasks in the following three ways:

  1. Surveys and Follow-Up Calls: When people make purchases over the phone, there is a golden opportunity for agents to discuss their satisfaction levels. It can be as simple as casually asking how happy they are with their interaction or asking a few ways the person would rate their experience with the brand. This can also be accomplished via outbound calls, but this must be handled more delicately to ensure you’re not being a nuisance. In addition, many companies add quick questionnaires to the end of online purchases or send them via email. Contact centers can send these emails and monitor responses.
  2. Social Media: There is almost nothing more powerful in branding than social media. Companies can gain or lose a large of customers in a matter of one simple post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other channel. People are quick to react when companies make any mistakes or deliver poor quality service and products, so it’s important that businesses have agents specifically to handle social media. Contact center agents can monitor any social media channel and respond to customers instantly to correct any negative experiences or provide damage control to negative feedback.
  3. Modern Tactics: Brands need to meet their customers where they gather. People expect to be able to communicate with companies through any channel, including texting, live chat, email, message boards, and more. BPO contact centers are able to deliver omnichannel services to ensure companies are available to their customers on any platform, which will help them gain trust and earn loyalty.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click here: How Customer Experience Can Drive More Sales – Mark Nicholson 

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