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3 Requirements You Should Have for Your Healthcare Contact Center

3 Requirements You Should Have for Your Healthcare Contact CenterA recent article by John Nash discusses how retail companies keep up with trends in customer engagement, but healthcare organizations often lag behind. There is an opportunity for a healthcare provider to deliver the first-point-of-contact service to the patient’s home instead of the doctor’s office. In other words, the healthcare industry is due for a disruption similar to how Amazon has done it in the retail space. Nash’s advice for how healthcare organizations can handle this disruption lies in personalized member experiences.

In order to have personalized member experiences, companies need to make sure the right people behind-the-scenes have access to all of the customer data while tying all of the technology together accordingly. In addition, organizations need to understand their customers’ preferred communication channels and provide the best experience to them at any scale. The key point is that healthcare companies need to keep up with technology and adapt the personalized customer experience used by retail companies in their own business models.

Your healthcare organization has decided to expand its patient reach by outsourcing with a contact center partner…Great! People have grown accustomed to fast, efficient responses from all other industries they interact with, so they want the same from their healthcare or medical providers.

Adding an omnichannel contact center to your organization will help you give assistance to more patients or clients. However, shopping around for an outsourcing partner is a tricky task. The following are three requirements you should take into consideration during your search.

  1. HIPAA and CMS Compliance: This goes without saying. Healthcare and medical companies must follow strict regulations when it comes to their patients and clients. Their information must be held confidential and it must be treated with the highest standards of security. You should expect your contact center partner to adhere to HIPAA and CMS compliance like you would with any other partnership.
  2. Certified Registered Nurses (RN’s): When patients and clients call you, the representatives answering the phones can’t be random agents with no background in healthcare. You want your agents to be registered nurses so they can offer reliable, accurate information.
  3. Large Capacity: You know what really bothers people? Calling a company only to be put on hold or calling a company and having it take forever to get an answer. Now, imagine a person in that scenario, except they’re concerned about their health. That’s a recipe for a bad experience. Make sure your future outsource contact center partner has enough employees to provide the scalability you need no matter what time of the day, month, or year.

This blog post is based on an article by CustomerThink. To read this article, please click here!

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