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Nearshore Contact Center Outsourcing Spotlight: Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic

Nearshore Contact Center Outsourcing Spotlight: Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Dominican RepublicWe have seen a demand for nearshore contact center outsourcing locations. We recommend solutions that leverage middle-market BPO companies that continuously outperform the big BPOs since they are more nimble, flexible, and quality-centric and provide lower attrition.

These mid-market nearshore contact centers offer a great culture, better CX scores and have the languages covered all with a lower cost delivery model (Up to 50% off U.S. rates). These locations are hidden gems that can offer great value. This article will discuss three Caribbean countries: the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic.


Bahamian call centers are PCI and HIPAA compliant and provide omnichannel capabilities that include phone-based call center services, live chat support, email services, texting, and social media customer service. They are focused on boosting company revenue with an emphasis on increased sales conversion rates while also delivering high CSAT scores and providing elite customer experiences. Bahaman vendors have helped Fortune 500 companies generate millions of dollars in revenue through sales and up-sells to provide a solid ROI.

A strong tourism industry helps make the Bahamas one of the best economies in Latin America and it’s a favorite destination for many companies around the world. English is the official language of the Bahamas, which means the contact center agents provide fluent and highly effective communication for a positive customer experience with U.S. customers. Contact center site visits are easy due to flights from Miami to the Bahamas being less than one hour.


Jamaica is known by many as a great place to travel due to its tropical climate and beautiful beaches, but it’s also a great place to outsource your call center services. Jamaica’s government is fully supportive of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. They have implemented high-quality internet technology across the country to assist with BPO efforts.

Due to the country’s history with Britain, Jamaican call center agents are well educated and speak English as their first language. This ensures that your customers will receive a pleasant, high-quality customer experience whenever they call your company. It also makes for solid ROI with outbound sales and telemarketing.

Jamaica is extremely close in proximity to the United States. Depending on your company’s home state, the flight to Jamaica can be as short as one hour. This can obviously be very advantageous to companies who want to visit the contact center frequently for training, quality assurance monitoring, and ongoing performance management.

Dominican Republic

A flight from the east coast of the United States to the Dominican Republic ranges from only two to three hours. In addition to the short flight, the Dominican Republic has a safe and convenient public transportation system. Many of the restaurants and hotels are US-based companies, so English is spoken in most establishments and makes for little to no language barrier.

As a whole, the Dominican Republic is a very convenient, safe, and enjoyable place to visit, so outsourcing with a contact center in the Dominican Republic would make for easy travel for vendor site visits. But none of the perks of the Dominican Republic are useful for your company unless the contact centers can deliver quality services valuable to your company.

A majority of the contact centers in the Dominican Republic are located in the Capital city of Santo Domingo, which boasts a large population of over two million citizens. This population density makes it easy for call centers to offer your company scalability during the busiest times of the year.

The Dominican agents speak fluent English as a result of many of them growing up in the United States. These agents are multilingual, also speaking Spanish and European languages. These agents will ultimately provide your business with versatile, high-quality inbound customer service and outbound lead generation capabilities.

Services provided by contact centers in the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, and Jamaica include:

Need a nearshore, omnichannel contact center to provide high-quality services for your company? We can help!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading nearshore outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering nearshore call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.