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3 Ways to Help Maintain Positivity as a Customer Service Agent

3 Ways to Help Maintain Positivity as a Customer Service Agent“Customer experience” is only a keyword for many companies. It’s unfortunate, but it’s reality according to an article by Andrew Tillery. Tillery points out that while many companies claim their customers are at the core of their business, most companies fail to live up to that promise. This means that the companies who truly live by their philosophy separate themselves and provide an experience customers remember fondly.

It’s difficult to know the exact ways to ensure a successful customer experience every time, but Tillery says there are some basic rules for companies to follow.

  1. Intentionally starting each day by thinking about how your goal is to provide great customer care. This can even be done through scheduled moments of reflection.
  2. Be consistent with your service and remain focused on solving the customer’s issue.
  3. Study your competition and strive to stand out from them.

Being in customer service, especially as a call center agent, can be a very difficult job some days. There is a constant stream of calls coming into the queue and an agent is expected to deliver a consistent and positive customer experience to each person while adhering to strict guidelines and compliance in many cases. On top of these expectations, agents are required to hit a multitude of KPIs that often include sales goals, which can sometimes conflict with the goal of providing empathetic customer service.

Customer service a very draining profession, and there’s a reason many call centers have a very high turnover. There are a variety of ways people can maintain a positive mindset while working in a call center. The following are three things that can help agents through difficult times:

  1. Pre-shift moment of thought: Start each shift by taking a moment to gather your thoughts. Literally, schedule it. This can include a mantra to remind yourself that your ultimate goal as a customer service representative is to provide a consistent, positive experience. This moment of reflection can also include preparing yourself for potential negative scenarios that could arise throughout the workday. You know there will be negative calls, it’s just the nature of the beast. Mentally preparing yourself for negativity can help maintain poise when the moments arrive.
  2. Step away for a minute: There are times when calls become overwhelming. The old phrase is, “The customer is always right,” but the reality is that sometimes customers can be rude or even mean. No matter how great of a customer service agent you are, there will inevitably be some calls that make you feel terrible afterward. In situations like this, take a minute to collect yourself and calm down. If allowed, get up and take a brief walk realign and get your mindset out of the negative experience.
  3. Talk with your supervisor and co-workers: Holding in burdens will never end with a positive result. It’s healthy to confide in others on bad days. Your co-workers are going through the same work challenges on a daily basis, so expressing your challenges can be a great way to build camaraderie while also alleviating frustration. Call centers also need to provide an environment where supervisors welcome agents’ feedback. If an agent knows their management cares about them and wants them to voice their opinions, it could possibly help keep the work environment from feeling too hectic.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

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