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Contact Centers Help Businesses Anticipate Customer Needs

Contact Centers Help Businesses Anticipate Customer NeedsIn an article, Ken Paetzold discusses how delivering a unified customer experience can be a challenge in an era where there’s such a disparity between generations. For example, the youngest generation is growing up in a world where they’re used to doing everything online through smartphones and sharing everything on social media, where some people in the older generations are still primarily used to utilizing phone calls for customer service.

With such a broad range of customer experience preferences in a digital age, it can be a challenge to meet everyone’s needs. Paetzold elaborates on the following ideas for how companies can provide a solid experience for all of their customers:

  • Collect feedback from customers on their favorite service channels and how your company can better use those channels.
  • Utilize digital innovation to provide new and unique customer experiences. Never become complacent in the way you’re delivering service.
  • Do your best to separate your user experience from your competitors. This ties in with digital innovation, but the goal should be to anticipate the customers’ needs before they request help or updates.

Contact Centers Help Businesses Anticipate Customer Needs

Companies should emphasize the need for innovation and anticipation in the customer experience. This philosophy isn’t strictly for people in charge of the customer journey; it can also be adopted within the contact center. With a myriad of technological options that include robust CRM systems, Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, call recording, and many more, there is no reason contact centers can’t be one step ahead in the customer experience.

The technology available for contact centers can be utilized to predict the customers’ needs and help create an outbound calling strategy where agents reach out to customers based on their purchase history and previously logged interactions with the contact center. For example, the contact center could have a campaign where the agents reach out to customers to offer discounts on products that are purchased regularly around the time they would make the purchase based on previous purchasing patterns (e.g., if a person buys baby formula once per week and on Saturdays every time, the agent can call the customer on a Thursday or Friday to discuss product offers or discounts).

This is only a small idea for how contact centers can inject some innovative customer service strategies into their offerings. Strategies like this fit some and don’t apply at all to others, but the point is more that contact center leaders can think about their customer service as proactive on top of the traditional route of being reactive. The goal for every contact center is to respond to customers as they reach out to the brand, but modern technology and strategy can help go beyond what is expected and help to deliver innovative solutions that not only improve the customer experience but also help increase revenue.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

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