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All Treats, No Tricks: Your Sweet Strategy for Outsource Call Center Selection

All Treats, No Tricks: Your Sweet Strategy for Outsource Call Center SelectionAs a child, did you have a trick-or-treating strategy to maximize both the quality and quantity of your candy haul?

Of course you did; when something is important, you don’t leave anything to chance.

At Outsource Consultants, we have a proud history of finding outsourcing analogies with seemingly unrelated topics, and this is no exception. Because the tactics you once used to fill your pillowcase with chocolate are the same ones you should be using for outsource call center search and selection.

1) Choose the Right Costume

In the BPO world, this means establishing your requirements up front. Are you going to be Iron Man for the sixth straight year (proven outsourcing tools and features) because it’s worked in the past and is conveniently hanging in your closet—or are you going to look to the latest pop culture phenomenon for inspiration (innovative new features, from AI to omnichannel) that will excite your audience? Iron Man will probably get the job done, but a little creativity will certainly up your odds of receiving that bonus peanut butter cup.

Too many organizations start their outsource call center search without a clear idea of what they’re looking for. They end up letting the materials presented by their BPO candidates dictate the criteria they use to make a final selection. Inevitably, something gets overlooked. In some cases, this leads to minor inconveniences. But all too often the result is hitching your wagon to a BPO partner that simply isn’t equipped to provide the best possible experience for you and your customers. 

Taking the time to consider all components of call center success – from the obvious to the innovative – will positively impact your success down the line.

2) Choose the Right Neighborhood

This all comes down to strategy. If you’re looking for the best candy, the shortest distance between houses, and the fewest “no shows”, then you’ve got to map out what success looks like. Your odds of scoring a king-sized Snickers bar are better in a wealthier neighborhood, but you need to factor in the additional time it takes to walk from one massive property to the next. Do you stick closer to home and go for quantity over quality? Do you risk trekking across town because of an unverified report about a street that’s packed with premium candy? 

Developing your outsourcing strategy comes with similar challenges. You need to determine how you want to balance cost vs. quality, or decide to take a chance on holding out for that elusive BPO partner that promises to provide the best of both worlds.  Your strategy here will be the difference between a teeming pillow sack of cloying delight and horrifying disappointment. 

3) Choose the Right Treats for You

Any seasoned trick-or-treater knows the anticipation that accompanies those moments between the knock on the door and the big reveal of the goodies on the other side. Is it going to be a delicious Milky Way? Did you inadvertently stumble upon a well-meaning dentist who’s once again handing out toothbrushes? Or maybe, you find yourself alone in your delight upon seeing a candy bar that lacks general appeal but happens to be one of your favorites. It may not be the most popular option, and your friends may be disappointed..but it’s exactly what you were hoping for.

Some outsource call centers are the Milky Way; they’re safe, popular options. Others are toothbrushes; no one’s rushing to partner with them for good reason. But most BPOs fall somewhere in between, and the perfect choice means finding the partner that fits your unique requirements and needs.

Defining the characteristics of your ideal call center partner before embarking on your search is akin to being given a detailed map containing the addresses of the houses that are generously handing out your favorite candy.

4) Refine Your Options

You’re out of the cold, your costume has been shoved into a storage bin, and your candy haul has been carefully organized into piles on the living room floor. You’ve completed the initial task of collecting your treats, but your work is far from over. It’s time to get down to business and make some calculated upgrades.

Is it really a successful Halloween until you’ve swapped out your unwanted candy for something better? Trading your way to a better haul is just like narrowing your outsourcing options. Time is sparse, appetite is limited, and neither should be wasted on a pack of sugar-free gum.

Now that you have your finalists laid out in front of you, the picture starts to come into focus. You know exactly what you’re working with, and you can weigh your options with confidence to make choices that satisfy your requirements. Your selection should be based on your unique needs and free from irrelevant distractions.

5) Enjoy Your Haul

It’s time. You’ve put in the steps, you’ve followed your strategy, and you’ve somehow convinced your little brother that five KitKats is the going rate for one Tootsie Roll—you’re riding high. Now you can indulge. Selecting the perfect outsourcing partner is that same sweet feeling. By having a clearly defined strategy, you can confidently choose your partner, knowing you’ll have mountains upon mountains of candy (let’s call it success) to look forward to.

Outsource Consultants can support you throughout your entire outsource call center selection process. We’ll help you define your requirements and do the heavy lifting by finding BPO partners that are a perfect fit. All you need to do is select the right partner from a list of heavily vetted options. Ready to get started? Request your free call center cost proposal.