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Improve the CX Experience

TMP Direct is an Award-Winning BPO company providing White-Glove service to our clients with 24x7 Omni-channel Support.
customer relationship

The way consumers interact with their favorite brands is constantly evolving; TMP Direct is prepared to assist clients in the support of these ever-changing operations. TMP can provide flexibility with “Best Shore” solutions by providing teams in the U.S., along with a large offshore workforce across the globe that provides support for voice, email, chat, messaging, and fulfillment. Our support staff and custom IT abilities provide our clients with a fully customizable experience.

What is your business’ priority over the next 5 years? If the answer is growth, providing customers with an amazing customer experience can DOUBLE your revenue in this time. 86% of customers say they see value in a positive experience and will pay more for the product as a result. On the other side of the coin, 1 in 3 customers will leave for a poor experience. Don’t let your customers slip away due to poor customer service!

Why TMP Direct?

turn key solutions

Turn-Key Solutions

Allow TMP to understand your needs and we’ll take it from there to provide a ready-to-go product with the Design, Suitability, and Performance to meet your vision.

Our clients save an estimated 97% of their time on new projects!


in house IT development

In-House IT Development

No need to wait for a constant back-and-forth between multiple vendors! Our team promotes efficiency with one team under one umbrella.

The libraries, platforms, and tools we can create save our customers on average 50% from their current solution!


multi application integration

Multi-Application Integration

Both widely-used and custom tools can be linked together to provide a seamless experience and transition of data throughout the customer journey.

Our customers use on average 3 different platforms and achieve these smooth interactions.


dedicated support

Dedicated Support

75% of customers say the most important attribute of their experience is a fast response time. We achieve 24x7 coverage through a concentrated and well-managed operations team. Our commitment to meeting KPIs includes utilization of forecasting tools and  having dedicated and shared agent staffing models to handle sudden shifts in volume.

cloud based and premised environments

Cloud-based and Premised Environments

Our functionality to operate in adverse conditions is stellar; our infrastructure has redundancies in place to ensure constant uptime and our agents have the ability to work from any location. 100% of our software operations and agent tools can be managed from anywhere.

best shore staffing

Best-Shore Staffing

As a worldwide business entity, we can meet the unique service and economical demands of your requirements. We operate across 4 continents and over 10 countries to identify the best-fit resources.

veteran leadership

Veteran Leadership

Our executive team combines over 100 years of customer service experience. The commitment our leadership has to best practices and innovative tools keeps our company guided in an upward direction.

security and protection

Security & Protection

TMP meets SOC and PCI compliances to ensure we are handling all customer and client information in a safe and secure manner.

Security services can account for up to 50% of an IT operating budget. Trusting in an established and compliant business can provide peace of mind and cost savings at the same time.

integrity and transparency

Integrity and transparency

9 in 10 customers are likely to stick with a business if they trust them. Clear KPIs and our commitment to them maintain that trust. Reporting and analysis is at-the-ready to show the team’s performance in detail.

World Class CX Experts

Our team aims to protect your customers from the competition using best practices in both retention and outreach.

We Provide Customer Journey Consulting
We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try it and you will see!
1. Great Team

We understand the expediency that today’s customer requires. Our team is prepared to handle the myriad of questions or concerns that one can encounter with a product. Our Contact Center is able to provide all methods of support for your customers in providing product FAQs and making amends for customers with complaints. Our team is able to handle all situations, light and severe, to ensure your customers are receiving a white glove experience and continued loyalty.


2. Crisis Management

Bad news travels faster than good news. Whether your business is experiencing a recall, public relations issues, or any other event that may incur a high volume spike in traffic overnight, our team is ready to strategize and implement a solution to manage these challenges.


3. Customer Engagement Solutions

90% of businesses with 10 or more employees require a type of CRM tool. TMP can catalogue the entire customer journey on your behalf.


1. Inbound Qualification

Offering consultation is a great way to get in the door and earn a customer’s business. However, the qualification process can strain a team’s resources for unqualified customers. Our team can ensure they offer information and a pathway to ease the customer’s search. We are able to field inquiries from customers via multiple channels (with a live agent or over the web), and book those appointments for your business right away.


2. Outbound Lead Generation

Do you need help reaching out to a large amount of customers? Our proprietary dialer system offers maximum efficiency. Whether it is for pre-sale offers, qualifications, and payment processing, or post-sale satisfaction surveys, we can ensure a positive impression for your business.

1. Growing Awareness

Often a customer may not be purchasing a product because they don’t know yet that it exists. Our agents ensure the customers are well informed on the variety of products and synergy between them.


2. Appreciate Existing Customers

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 65%. Our agents have the savvy to pro-actively offer customers info on other products or services that are available.

1. Building a Relationship

Dissatisfied customers must be heard and cared for. Whether it is through a coupon, refund, or a simple apology, our team will do what’s right. If the customer will not use the product because it has too much sodium? We will offer them a low-sodium version to keep them in the family. Our goal is to provide a positive lasting memory of your brand on the customer.


2. Pro-active Renewal

Don’t wait for the customer to lapse or cancel! Our team will promote your product and ensure the cx cycle continues. We can set up auto-reminders on your behalf or reach out with our team to add a personal touch to your customer engagement.

1. Always Room for Improvement

The Voice of the Customer is arguably the most important feedback a business can receive to propel positive progress. We value continuous learning as it leads to a profitable improvement.


2. Measurable Results

Customers can leave feedback at the end of the call or receive an email about their experience. However the feedback is delivered, we can calculate and analyze the needs of the business based on the numbers.


While the average survey response is around 25%-30%, TMP boasts an average above 50%!
Our Customer Satisfaction Exceeds 95%!
1. Automation

Timely and automated reports are at your fingertips! We analyze all aspects of the customer experience, from KPIs to Quality Control. Real-time movement will prevent dissonance from ongoing activity. We can discover opportunities, specific insights/customer behavior, and amplify our presence with these more intelligent processes.


2. Customization

Our ability to create the exact portal of information you want to see sets us apart. As your business evolves, so will the analytics. The agility we offer can create a solution specific to your needs.

1. State-of-the-Art Technology

Our team is consistently developing and enhancing our proprietary services to suit your custom needs. Customer outreach is growing across the digital landscape and we aim to bring the most cutting-edge performance to meet the newest demands through both our AI technology and enhanced agent efficiency tools.


2. Safety & Security

The privacy of both our clients and our customers is of utmost priority. We are proud to maintain our SOC and PCI compliance to ensure our team can meet the confidentiality required.


3. Domain Expertise & Delivery Excellence

We have a strong focus on emerging technologies. As digital outreach evolves in chat and self-service offerings, TMP is able to keep up and learn these new features as they develop. Seamless solution integration allows your current systems to integrate and/or transfer data to ours. PCI and SOC compliance reinforce our security and best practices in managing our technology and your privacy.

1. Wide Variety of Business Knowledge
Consumer Packaged Goods
Health and Wellness
Home Improvement
B2B Services
Public Sector


Staff worldwide


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Our Updates
CRM in BPO customer support
Next-Level BPO Services: How CRM Solutions Are Redefining the Experience

In the fast-changing landscape of BPO, integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technologies has proven to be a game changer. As businesses attempt to improve their customer support and call center experience, combining modern BPO tactics with cutting-edge CRM technology is increasingly important. Let's look at how CRM solutions are transforming the BPO experience and reinventing customer connections. The Role of CRM in BPO Services ● Improved Customer Support Customer support is a central aspect of BPO services. An effective CRM system helps call centers handle customer interactions more efficiently and accurately. By offering a complete view of customer data, CRM solutions equip support agents with the necessary information to resolve issues promptly. This results in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are essential metrics for any business. ● Tailored Customer Interactions CRM systems enable BPO providers to customize interactions based on customer history and preferences. With access to detailed customer profiles, support agents can tailor their responses and provide solutions that meet individual needs. This personalized approach not only enhances the call center experience but also strengthens the relationships between businesses and their customers Key BPO Strategies Leveraging CRM ● Streamlined Workflow Automation Integrating CRM with BPO services offers a significant advantage through the automation of routine tasks. CRM systems streamline workflows such as data entry, follow-up emails, and ticket routing. This streamlined process alleviates the manual burden on support agents, enabling them to dedicate more time to intricate and value-added tasks. Moreover, automation decreases the likelihood of errors, ensuring a uniform and dependable customer support experience. ● Real-Time Analytics and Insights CRM solutions furnish real-time analytics and insights that prove invaluable for BPO providers. By analyzing data about customer interactions, call volumes, and resolution times, businesses can pinpoint trends and areas necessitating improvement. These insights aid in refining BPO strategies to amplify efficiency and efficacy. For instance, discerning peak call times can facilitate superior workforce management and resource allocation. ● Omnichannel Support Modern CRM systems facilitate omnichannel integration, empowering BPO services to oversee customer interactions across diverse channels including phone, email, chat, and social media. This seamless amalgamation ensures that customers receive consistent and cohesive support irrespective of their chosen channel. Multichannel support is paramount in today's digital era where customers anticipate flexibility and responsiveness from businesses Transforming the Call Center Experience ● Improved First Call Resolution (FCR) First Call Resolution (FCR) is a critical metric for call centers, denoting the proportion of customer concerns resolved in the initial interaction. CRM solutions play a substantial role in enhancing FCR rates by equipping agents with extensive information and resources to promptly tackle issues. Elevated FCR rates result in heightened customer contentment and diminished operational expenses for BPO providers. ● Improved Agent Efficiency CRM systems provide a range of features aimed at boosting agent efficiency, including integrated knowledge bases, guided workflows, and performance monitoring. These functionalities empower support agents to carry out their duties with greater effectiveness and proficiency. Ongoing performance assessment and feedback mechanisms ensure that agents are consistently refining their skills and delivering top-notch service. ● Iterative Customer Feedback and Progress  CRM solutions streamline the collection and evaluation of customer feedback, which is essential for ongoing enhancement. BPO providers can gather feedback via surveys, reviews, and direct engagements. Analysis of this feedback aids in pinpointing both strengths and areas for improvement within the support process. By addressing these improvement areas, BPO services can continuously elevate the quality of their call center interactions. Conclusion The integration of CRM solutions into BPO services is reshaping customer support and call center dynamics, enabling businesses to provide personalized, efficient, and omnichannel support. This fusion enhances customer satisfaction, boosts agent performance, and cultivates a competitive advantage. As the BPO industry progresses, leveraging CRM solutions will be essential for staying competitive and delivering exceptional customer support services. At TMP, we seamlessly incorporate CRM solutions into our BPO services to transform customer support. Through advanced CRM technology, we customize interactions, streamline processes, and guarantee omnichannel support for clients. Leveraging CRM features such as integrated knowledge bases, guided workflows, and real-time analytics empowers our agents, driving efficiency. Reach out today to experience our enhanced support solutions

Market challenges and omnichannel service
Trailblazing Strategies: How TMP Direct Leads in Consumer-Packaged Goods Industry Growth

Sustained success in the rapidly evolving consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry of today depends on staying ahead of market challenges. Businesses must be aware of how dynamic the sector is and maintain their commitment to successfully navigating the challenges that exist. Through the utilization of digital transformation, omnichannel commerce, and advanced analytics, companies can take advantage of novel growth prospects and improve client experiences. ● Adapting to Changing Consumer Expectations: Technological improvements, shifting demographics, and changing preferences all contribute to the ongoing evolution of consumer expectations in the CPG business. Companies must appreciate the necessity of staying ahead of these trends and proactively adjusting to changing consumer demands. They should stay ahead of industry trends by doing ongoing market research and analysis, allowing businesses to predict changes in consumer behavior and modify their strategy accordingly. ● Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation: In today's increasingly digital environment, embracing digital transformation is critical to driving growth and remaining competitive. Companies are utilizing digital technologies to streamline operations, improve processes, and increase consumer interaction. From e-commerce platforms to mobile apps and social media integration, businesses must develop a strong digital presence and communicate with customers across many channels. ● Embracing Omnichannel Commerce: Omnichannel commerce has transformed consumer interactions with brands, necessitating companies to adopt integrated strategies that unify online and offline customer experiences. This involves synchronizing sales, marketing, and customer service efforts to create cohesive brand experiences at every touchpoint. ● Harnessing Advanced Analytics for Informed Decision-Making: Advanced analytics are crucial for businesses in today's data-driven world, enabling them to make informed decisions by analyzing customer behavior, market trends, and competitive dynamics, identifying growth opportunities, optimizing marketing strategies, and improving operational efficiency. ● Shaping Superior Customer Experiences: By building highly meaningful engagement touchpoints with customers, businesses foster deeper ties and drive brand loyalty. Companies must differentiate themselves from the competition by providing outstanding experiences through tailored marketing campaigns, proactive customer assistance, or self-help omni-channel offerings. In conclusion, TMP Direct enables organizations in the consumer-packaged goods industry to overcome market challenges and capitalize on new growth possibilities. TMP Direct helps businesses remain ahead of the curve by embracing digital transformation, omnichannel commerce, and advanced analytics. Companies who work with TMP Direct as a strategic partner can acquire a competitive advantage and prosper in a changing market.

Embracing Tomorrow: A Human Perspective on the Evolution of Sales Support

Much before the internet, smartphones and instant access were a thing of the normal, sales support meant knowledgeable salespeople guiding customers through a brick-and-mortar store. Fast forward to the present day, sales support has metamorphed drastically. Customers are no longer limited by physical spaces and now navigate through digital spaces loaded with multiple choices while also demanding a seamless and personalized experience. The shift in customer behaviour is the shaping factor of evolving Sales support. In the dynamic realm of customer support, the interplay between technology and sales assistance is transforming how we connect with customers. TMP Direct, a seasoned Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company, takes a deeper dive into the fascinating transformation of sales support, exploring the profound impact of technology on customer interactions. Embracing Change in Sales Support The traditional image of sales support associated with call centers is changing to a more responsive and personalized approach. The digital age has increased customer expectations by greater levels, demanding an experience much beyond transactional interactions. This shift of expectations is the catalyst for the transformation of traditional sales support into a dynamic, tech-infused evolving space that now anticipates and meets customer needs. Unraveling Artificial Intelligence in Sales Support At the heart of this transformation is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into sales support. AI is no more a distant concept. AI is the force dictating the landscape of customer-business interactions. AI-powered chatbots are the dominating trend in delivering instant and context-aware responses, streamlining customer interactions. TMP Direct is at the forefront of this change, seamlessly integrating AI solutions that not only enhance efficiency but also empower businesses to anticipate customer needs and preferences. Personalizing Experiences and Omni Channel Engagement The surge in big data analytics has become a cornerstone of the future of sales support. Businesses now possess a wealth of customer data within their reach that goes beyond details such as demographics. This data goldmine can be harnessed to understand individual preferences, predict behavior, and tailor offerings to meet the unique needs of every possible customer.  The future of sales support is proving to be solely omni-channel. TMP Direct recognizes the importance of providing a seamless experience across channels. In present times, customer engage with brands through various touchpoints, from social media, email, live chat and phone calls. Being present on multiple platforms and integrating them cohesively to ensure a consistent and high-quality support experience is the tall order that customer support companies must prioritize. This commitment to omni-channel engagement sets TMP Direct apart, providing a unified customer experience regardless of the chosen interaction channel. Envisioning Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Looking ahead, customer support companies must envision a future where Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) redefine the customer experience. The potential applications are boundless with customers being able to virtually explore products, trying them out before purchase, and receiving immersive support experiences. This shift surpasses the transactional nature of sales support and transforms it to an experiential journey that enhances the buying experience and also the post-purchase satisfaction. The end result is a seamless, unified and a memorable experience for the customer at every touchpoint.  Balancing Technology with the Human Touch While technology is reshaping sales support, TMP Direct holds true to the fact that the human touch remains irreplaceable. Despite the advent of AI and automation, customers still crave authentic and empathetic interactions. TMP Direct employs an approach where technology is leveraged to complement human capabilities rather than replace them. The synergy between technology and the human touch is where the real magic of future sales support unfolds. Technology enables efficiency, but the human touch factor provides emotional intelligence and understanding, fostering stronger and lasting impressions with customers. Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Trust In a tech-centric future, the emphasis on cybersecurity cannot be overstated. TMP Direct prioritizes the security and privacy of customer data. Trust is not just built on providing efficient services but also on safeguarding sensitive customer information. As the custodian of customer data, TMP Direct invests in robust cybersecurity measures to ensure a secure environment for both businesses and their customers. Continuous Learning and Adaptability Adapting and future proofing requires more than embracing new technologies; it demands a continuous cycle of learning and adaptation. TMP Direct recognizes that staying ahead requires ongoing education and skill development. Our teams are equipped with the tools and knowledge to navigate the ever-changing technological landscape, ensuring that sales support and customer needs remain at the forefront.  The Role of Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics is shaping the future of sales support. TMP Direct employs the same to anticipate customer behavior and proactively address potential issues even before they arise. This forward-looking approach enables our clients to stay agile, relevant and responsive. By predicting trends and customer needs, sales support becomes a proactive force, contributing immensely to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Conclusion: Charting the Future Together with TMP Direct The future of sales support is an exciting frontier where the amalgamation of tech and human ingenuity unite to craft unparalleled customer experiences. With vast experience in the field of customer support, TMP Direct stands as a guide through the evolution, leveraging cutting-edge technologies while keeping the essence of human connection intact. The vision is not just a transactional engagement but a holistic journey that anticipates, understands, and exceeds customer expectations. As we navigate this landscape, TMP Direct invites businesses to join hands in shaping the future of sales support – a future that is responsive, personalized, and inherently human. Tech powered by humans and not otherwise.

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