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Nearshore Outsourcing Spotlight: Belize

Nearshore Outsourcing Spotlight: BelizeMost business executives face common challenges: lower costs, elevate service quality and drive a better customer experience.

And for those that can rise up and overcome the challenge? Tropical drinks in Caribbean destinations seems like a fitting reward, right?

But what if the journey to achieve a better customer experience at a lower cost, and the ultimate reward for a job well done both led you to the same place?  That’s the growing reality in Belize

As a thriving nearshore call center destination – brimming with the cultural spirit and amenities of the Caribbean – Belize has become that safe haven as one of the most coveted nearshore call center locales.

As one of the fastest-growing countries in Central America, Belize is rich with all the qualities and advantages leaders look for in their business process outsourcing.

Here are just a few:


Bilingual call center staffing

English is the official language of Belize, with local citizens offering a highly-articulate and conversational population. Because English-language instruction is a main focus in Belizean primary- and secondary-schooling, the country offers some of the most fluent and skilled nearshore agents in the world. Few countries, if any, can offer an agent base as flexible with both English and Spanish as Belize.

Talented and dedicated pool of call center agents

As contact center employment grows in prestige and job security in Belize, more workers are being trained to fill these roles. Currently, Belize features 4,000 call center employees. But with a labor force with a median age of 21, and the scaling demand for qualified workers, expect even greater numbers of qualified candidates to emerge. 

Cost savings without sacrificing quality service

A big reason call center outsourcing is so viable is that call center salaries in Belize are 60 to 80 percent lower than comparable agent salaries in the United States, thus BPOs in Belize are very cost competitive. Additionally, Belize offers very low attrition rates, allowing call centers to safeguard their profit margins while fielding a stable workforce that offers continuity of service. 

Nearshore convenience and accessibility

Belize offers a great balance between the proximal benefits of a local call center and the cost savings of a remote location. With flight times of less than three hours from cities like Miami, Atlanta or Houston, your BPO vendor managers and trainers are never far from connecting face-to-face with your on-site teams.  Plus, Belize is located within the Central and Mountain time zones, offering convenient timing and collaboration with your domestic teams.

Bigger brains in Belize

As a national priority, Belize continues to invest heavily in the social development of its citizens, generating a young and highly-educated workforce that adds thousands of new graduates each year. With a steadily improving quality of life for their citizens, along with the revenue from foreign business relationships, Belize will continue to emphasize elevating the education of its population to meet rising economic demands.

Reliable infrastructure

To remain highly competitive across the Central American market, Belize offers a national infrastructure that can rival domestic locations when it comes to reliable electricity and telecommunications. Belize is connected through the ARCOS and TELMEX networks, offering stability and redundancy that every call center demands. With a domestic fiber-optic network connecting many cities, and a concerted effort to reduce telecom tariffs, Belize’s infrastructure is increasingly accommodating for business development. 


For organizations looking to add nearshore call center operations, Belize offers a tremendous collection of benefits, including a deep talent pool of highly-skilled agents and a modern technology infrastructure. 

With close domestic proximity, Belize offers a highly cost-effective nearshore location that is growing in business amenities and advantages each year.

If you’re considering Belize as a nearshore outsourcing option, let Outsource Consultants find the perfect partner to elevate your business needs – at NO COST to you! To get started, request your free call center cost proposal.