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Finding the Right-Size Outsource Call Center Partner

There are many factors that go into selecting an outsource call center partner, including location, quality, scalability, price, culture, and many other criteria. However, one thing that many underestimate is the importance of the call center being the right-size fit for the company. For example, an outsource call center may be very large with a successful track record of working with numerous Fortune 500 companies, but this could mean that a small or mid-sized company wouldn’t have as much priority in a partnership (i.e., a small fish in a big pond). We have seen many large Fortune 500 companies choose the world’s largest BPO providers as “safe” selections when their outsource call volume and requirements didn’t align with each other, which has led to disastrous relationships.

It’s critical to hire a call center partner that focuses on helping companies with similar call volume and industry requirements to yours so your partnership is successful and you don’t get pushed to the back-burner. The following is a case study that demonstrates how we helped a client find a mid-sized call center that was the perfect fit for their needs.

A major global travel and hospitality company approached us in need of assistance in finding a new outsource call center partner. They were working with two of the world’s largest global business process outsourcing (BPO) providers, but they were frustrated with less-than-stellar customer service experiences from their outsourcing relationship with the “big boys”. After four months of due diligence and researching our company by checking references and speaking with our current clients, the company put us up to the challenge to assist them in a search for a new call center provider to meet their exact outsourcing requirements.

Their key search criteria for a call center partner were:

  1. US-based call center that aligns perfectly with their cultural core values
  2. Easy to work with, hands-on, reliable, and flexible partner
  3. Able to deliver very high customer satisfaction – CSAT scores
  4. Able to provide a stellar customer experience
  5. Stay within budget below their targeted hourly price

We leveraged our deep expertise with the mid-tier BPO market (BPOs sized from 500 seats to 12,000 seats), so the call center would be aligned and optimally suited as the “right size” to meet our client’s performance and customer experience objectives. After an extensive search process and analysis, we presented the client with call center options and they selected a US-based call center that met all of their exact requirements and criteria. The client has been extremely happy with the differentiating customer service and high CSAT scores the call center has been able to provide to their customers. The outsourcing partner is delivering CSAT scores higher than their previous vendors and the scores are consistent with the client’s internal call centers (a score of 4.7 out of 5 on the client’s internal scoring system). In addition, they have been so happy with our performance that they referred us to several other divisions within their organization and sister companies, whom we have helped by completing searches for nearshore call centers.

Considering adding a new outsource call center partner in 2018? At no cost, we can help you find a high-quality, top-performing call center!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience that have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.