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3 Omni-Channel Contact Center Solutions to Help Your Company Serve Gen Z

3 Omni-Channel Contact Center Solutions to Help Your Company Serve Gen ZEnough about millennials, let’s talk about Gen Z. A recent article by Ford Blakely discusses this generation of people who were born after 1996 and have never known a world without the internet or technology we use daily. Blakely says that this group is the largest in the country and will become the most powerful in the consumer market very soon.

In order for companies to be ready to handle a Gen Z dominated market, they need to offer omnichannel service that easily works with mobile devices and allows fluidity between platforms. Businesses need to be prepared to offer instant gratification in the buying process while delivering content, products, and services that give the consumer real value.

People sometimes hold onto old ideas. They’ll expect that customers wait for them and they look down on the notion of customers wanting service immediately.

With this thought process usually comes the inclination to scoff at modern service strategies as “trends” and only for young people. If you’re somebody with this mindset, you’re in for a rude awakening.

Like it or not, this isn’t limited to Gen Z, and even if it was, they’ll soon be the largest demographic in the consumer market. Customers of all ages have adapted to the digital world and the expectation of instant gratification.

If you’re interested in outsourcing your call center services, the following are a few of the inbound contact center solutions that could help you in the omnichannel age.

1) Outsourced Email Services

Email has been a favorite communication channel among customers when seeking information from companies. Inbound contact centers can make sure your customers can receive 24/7 customer experience through email. The centers use technology that integrates their ACD queues and with their email response system.

2) Live Chat Support

Gen Z customers want to be able to contact a company representative instantly during any time of the day or night. Being able to respond to your customers immediately can dramatically boost your web sales and decrease shopping cart abandonment. Live agents are helpful, but make sure to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to implement chatbots and virtual assistants.

3) Social Media Customer Service

Customers are reaching out to your company on social media, including channels like Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. Are you able to respond to them? Social media customer service can protect your company’s image while delivering high-quality customer experience instantly at any time. In addition, social media customer service can encourage customer engagement and help build brand loyalty.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

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