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Contact Centers Help Your Retail Staff from Burning Out During Holiday Spikes

Contact Centers Help Your Retail Staff from Burning Out During Holiday SpikesA recent article by Brian Hannon discusses the significance of long-term retail opportunities. Many companies in the retail industry put a major emphasis on holidays such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday because these days bring major spikes of customer activity. But the most important thing is how your retail brand does the rest of the year during “down times”.

Seasonal spikes are a good thing, but gaining loyal customers has more benefit to a brand in the long run. Companies need to focus on how they can provide a great customer experience during unseasonal times to build up and make a great impression before the busy seasons. Some strategies include hiring seasonal employees well before the holidays and keep the same hiring standards for the seasonal employees as the year-round employees.

In addition, companies need to make sure their employees don’t get burned out by not having enough break time or days off work (employing enough customer service representatives can help with this issue). Finally, it’s crucial to keep your seasonal employees on-staff after the holidays to make sure residual spikes are covered. If possible, keeping seasonal employees onboard permanently can help keep the momentum going all year long.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

Contact Centers Help Your Retail Staff from Burning Out During Holiday Spikes

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. If you’re in the retail industry, you may have some emotions stirring at the sound of those words. For many companies, late autumn (and even earlier these days) marks the beginning of a major seasonal spike in purchases and inquiries from customers.

These spikes are great for business and can provide a major boost in revenue for a short burst that can help meet quarterly, or even yearly KPIs and goals. But there’s one thing that can’t be forgotten during this busy season: the quality of your customer service agents’ experience.

The increase in customer traffic, both in-person and in digital formats can be overwhelming for employees. This can lead to burnout, which can lead to poor customer service and lost customers.

In order to avoid this employee burnout, especially for your in-house contact center agents, is to outsource with a US-based, nearshore, or offshore contact center partner. We’ve had clients partner with contact centers for strictly holiday seasons to improve scalability at a lower cost than adding more in-house agents to their existing staff.

The results have been great and many of the clients end up hiring the outsource call center for a continuous, long-term partnership. If you’re in need of improved scalability during the holiday season to help more of your customers while reducing stress for your current contact center agents, partnering with a retail contact center is a great option.

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Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading nearshore outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering nearshore call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.