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Using Call Centers to Close the Loop on Customer Interactions

Are your surveys biased? In a recent article by Martin Powtan, a critical point is made that biased surveys can produce useless responses. The following are ways Powtan suggests to avoid biased customer surveys:

  • Use neutral wording.
  • Use multiple styles of questions including multiple choice, open text, and scale ratings to avoid limiting the customers in their responses.
  • Take careful consideration of the question order and put challenging questions later in the survey.
  • Make sure the survey’s design is aesthetically pleasing without being distracting.
  • Avoid language that uses metaphors, assumptions, paradigms, or sensations.

Using Call Centers to Close the Loop on Customer Interactions

The customer has called your company and a call center agent has resolved their issue. Great! However, this isn’t where your company’s role should end. Call centers need to follow-up their issue resolutions by asking the customers how they felt the conversations went and how they could have been better. Once they give you their feedback, let them know as soon as possible that you appreciate their feedback. You should also inform the customer that the company would utilize their input moving forward to make a better customer experience.

In addition to follow-up via phone calls, call centers can monitor social media channels, message boards, and other online communities to help customers and listen to their feedback. These digital options can be a great way to communicate with customers directly and continuously in a more conversational tone. In addition to providing an open dialogue with your customers, online communities also enable them to discuss with and help each other.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the original article, please click the following link: How To Avoid Survey Bias – Martin Powton

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