From ‘Silo to Platform’ Operating Model – How Outsourcing Can Support The Transition

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The future is here, and it’s demanding a business operating model that meshes all of the best elements of talent, culture and organization in the broad sense. Stakes are higher than ever, and every layer of an organization’s capability stack needs to transform in order to achieve higher profits and meet the intensive demand by consumers for personalization and enhanced omnichannel experiences.


Synchronization of these stack layers can be incredibly challenging. Since the advent of the internet over thirty years ago, the world has changed in unimaginable ways – including the pace of change itself – with transformation picking up speed every year. At the forefront of the technological revolution is a set of key technologies, spearheaded by the artificial intelligence platform known as AI. Essentially, AI is a computing field that studies the workings of the human brain and seeks to apply those biological functions to computers. As opposed to traditional computers which require a coded application of input, output and logic, AI simply requires the input, and the machine figures out the rest of the equation. And AI is not some iteration of a sci-fi movie – it’s here, clear and present in our daily lives – even if you don’t know it. The online giants like Netflix, Facebook and Amazon all utilize AI to deliver ever-heightened customer experiences. AI has assumed a central role in the evolution of many business fields including banking, retail and marketing – to name just a few.


AI is also having a significant impact on the shift from the traditional “silo” operating model to its “platform” relative, thereby generating a fundamental foundational shift from “products” to “experiences”. As the product itself becomes somewhat “invisible” – that is, taken for granted – the focus sharpens on the organization’s relationship with the customer. This typically involves a rapid increase in the amount of customer interactions while accepting that the revenue resulting from each interaction declines. This dynamic is well illustrated within the banking industry for example: at one time, customers would visit their brick and mortar branch once or twice a month. More recently they might have visited the bank’s website several times a week, and now many customers interact with their bank daily through apps and wearable devices. The lesson here: today’s customers seek an interconnected, interactive relationship with their vendors of goods and services.


Here’s where BPO (outsourcing) companies can really impact your business model and its ability to remain relevant in a rapidly changing environment. There is a widening gap between fast-evolving customer expectations and the inertia within organizations and their ability to meet them. Businesses that are on the move and embracing the platform operating model (or in transit) –  while recognizing the future-ready importance of AI and technology – are setting themselves up to fast-track decision-making and bring people together in teams that are relentlessly focused on delivering solutions that customers value. Transitioning your organization from “command and control” to a platform operating model introduces elements that align exceptionally well with BPO / outsourcing companies and the many benefits they can bring to the table.


As an industry leader with twenty years of experience, as well as bilingual expertise (English and Spanish), Anexa is one such resource. We offer one-stop solutions for a range of business needs – from customer-centric activities including sales, help desk and tech support, to data entry and debt collection. We can seamlessly assume the management of these departments, leaving you to the business of growing your brand and building your platform.


Let’s talk about how we can take your business forward.