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Contact Centers Can Enhance Your Web Presence

Contact Centers Can Enhance Your Web PresenceAll roads lead to the internet. That’s a very sloppy take on the classic proverb, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t relevant in today’s world. A recent article by Jessica Compton dives into the notion of the Internet of Things and its effects on the holiday season. The specific industry of note is pop-up food stores.

The internet allows these pop-up stores to track their food deliveries and ensure their food is up to the highest standards according to regulations. The internet also helps these stores reduce energy and costs. To learn more, check out the article here.

No matter the industry, the internet is almost certainly a critical component. This isn’t news and we all know it. If your company has a strong web presence and you need some additional help handling the volume spike, you may want to consider outsourcing with a reliable contact center partner.

Outsource contact centers provide a strong complement to your existing agents. This gives your in-house agents some relief from potential overload while saving you the time and expense of finding and hiring seasonal employees. Omnichannel contact centers can assist your web-based customer service by providing the following services.

  • Live Chat Support. There needs to be something on the other end of those helpful chat boxes that pop up in the corner of many websites. Contact center agents often handle these inquiries and they can do it quickly and efficiently.
  • Email Support. This has been a popular form of communication for decades. Not just for online, it’s one of the most popular versus any form of communication. Contact center agents can take this off your in-house agents’ plate, which is a big help during the holidays.
  • Social Media Customer Service. These channels aren’t strictly “young” people. If you want to be there for your customers, you better be using social media as one of your service offerings.

It’s not too early to start thinking about your customer service needs for next year’s holiday rush. We can help!

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.