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5 Valuable Metrics Contact Centers Can Provide Companies

Does your company gather valuable customer insights from your brand’s digital channels? According to an article by Maria Marinina, the data within digital channels can be just as valuable as data from traditional methods such as research, surveys, and CRM systems. No matter where you get your data from, the most important thing is that you’re using the data to enrich your customers. The data collected can be used to create personalized communications for customers, which provides real value and leads to customer loyalty. In order to accomplish this, Marinina says that companies need to break down silos holding data and have the right people and the right framework in place to make the best use of the data.

5 Valuable Metrics Contact Centers Can Provide Companies

Big data can help companies improve their customer experience, earn customer loyalty, and increase revenue over time. For companies that outsource their contact center services, their contact center partners can provide a wealth of valuable data. This data can give insight into the brands’ customer base in order to determine if any changes need to be made in the service component of the customer experience. The following are five of the many pieces of valuable data that contact centers can provide their clients:

  1. Average Handle Time: How long are agent/customer interactions? If you have long handling times, you may need more staff. If you have very brief handling times, you may need less staff. Whatever the situation is for your company, your contact center partner should be able to provide you with this metric.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Many companies have internal customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores and they track their KPIs frequently to make sure their internal agents are keeping up with the established goal numbers. Contact center partners can follow this established system and report it to their clients to ensure ROI.
  3. First-Contact Resolution: Are your customers having to call your company multiple times to get their questions answered or their issues resolved? If so, this is a very bad sign. It can be a scary piece of data to review, but it’s better for you to see this report and make efforts to fix it if the results aren’t positive.
  4. Agent Attrition: Turnover has been a big problem for many contact centers in the past. The less turnover the better, and contact centers can provide this data so companies know the experience levels of the agents handling their customers’ inquiries.
  5. Abandonment Rate: This gives insight into how long customers are waiting for their calls to be answered and how many of those customers are leaving before they’re answered.

These five metrics are crucial to demonstrating success in the contact center. They can help companies learn where their customer experience is succeeding and failing, which makes it easier to plan and coordinate future steps. However, these are only a few pieces of data contact centers can provide their clients, and it’s important to do research into the other KPI possibilities when you set up your contact center partnership.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

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