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3 Ways Contact Centers Assist with Market Research

3 Ways Contact Centers Assist with Market ResearchAdvertising is going extinct. Okay, that’s hyperbole, but an article by Keith Pearce discusses the possibility that traditional advertising of telling people how great your brand is may be losing its impact. With this in mind, it might be a better idea for companies to prioritize their existing customers instead of putting all their focus on gaining new ones.

Pearce points out that many companies put a bunch of money into advertising despite the fact that a high percentage of consumers use ad-blocking apps. In addition, these companies are neglecting to invest in their customer service despite research that shows increased customer retention can increase profits by 25% at the minimum.

Instead of approaching customers like speed-dating, it’s important to develop lasting relationships and be there for them when they truly need it. Pearce says that, while advertising will remain to get customers in the door initially, it’s the customer journey that will keep them coming back. The article gives an idea of how this customer journey will look.

Contact centers will “onboard” customers and tailor the customer experience specifically for each person using marketing and AI tools. In addition, brands will be able to perform preemptive customer service and help solve potential product/service issues before they even happen. These strategies and more will ultimately lead to customer retention and increased revenue.

Every company could benefit from learning more about their customers. Market research is an option to obtain insights, but many brands don’t have the time or staff to dedicate to it. People might not realize it, but market research is one of the many services provided by contact centers.

For businesses and organizations that don’t have the time, resources, or financial means to focus on market research in-house, contact center outsourcing can be a great option. Omnichannel contact centers have the technology to provide advanced analysis and the staff available to deliver the focus the research deserves.

The following are three ways contact centers can assist with market research:

  1. Outbound Surveys: Traditional calling, emailing, and social media are a few tactics contact centers can use to reach out to customers. This can be beneficially for companies, but it can also be very helpful for political campaigns and voter polling.
  2. Inbound Questionnaires: Customers contact companies to make purchases or request information are perfect candidates for questionnaires. The goal of inbound contact center agents should always be to help customers with their inquiries as quickly and efficiently as possible. Sometimes customers don’t have the time for further discussion. However, many customers are open to answering a few questions that can help the company gauge public opinion as long as the agents are allowed to use casual, conversational tone and don’t bombard the customers with too many questions.
  3. Client/Patient/Customer Follow-Up Calls: Hospitals and clinics, hotels and resorts, booking companies, airlines, and more can use contact centers for follow-up calls. Contact centers can reach out to customers, clients, and patients to find out satisfaction levels and feedback to gain retention insights.

This blog post is based on an article from CustomerThink. To read the article, please click here!

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