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3 Reasons to Celebrate Your Call Center Agents This Labor Day

3 Reasons to Celebrate Your Call Center Agents This Labor DayLabor day is a time to show appreciation for all the hardworking staff in or contracted by your company. One often overlooked group, contact center representatives, definitely deserves some love this year. Agents handled so many phone inquiries while people were isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic and kept customers up-to-date on supply chain disruptions over the past year.

These amazing employees show their skills every day as they keep their cool when dealing with an irritated caller or quickly resolving customer requests. They’re the ones who truly connect customers with brands, and that’s why Outsource Consultants wants to remind everyone why contact center agents are so exceptional!

They’re Masters of Zen

People rarely call customer service agents to talk about how happy they are. When someone reaches out, they are often confused or are experiencing difficulties in their customer journey. We all know that handling frustrated clients can be challenging. When customers are upset, they often unload on the first company representative they encounter – the call center agent. Being yelled at for a problem you didn’t play a role in causing can put anyone in a bad mood, but CSRs have acquired a level of patience that’s nothing short of remarkable.

When emotions are high contact center agents maintain a level head, using empathy to de-escalate the situation and soothe callers. Keeping their cool instead of matching the energy presented to them is what makes them masters of the art of zen. Even when things may feel personal, they dedicate themselves to finding solutions to clients’ problems. If customer complaints can’t be resolved, their caring voices help make difficult interactions easier for everyone involved.

They’re You’re Early Warning System

Website down? Service outage? Issue with a new product? Chances are your contact center agents were the first to know.

When issues inevitably arise, customers are quick to seek help by picking up the phone or firing off an email. As support inquiries suddenly spike, your call center agents are your first line of defense. They skillfully gather the important details, immediately alert the appropriate teams to set the wheels of resolution in motion, and provide status updates and guidance to your customers. They have their finger on the pulse of your entire organization and are often the catalysts behind a rapid response to a problem.

No One Problem Solves Better

With a broad range of knowledge from handling customer inquiries, contact center agents are rarely caught off guard. They’ve heard it all, and know the shortest path to any problem’s solution. They know where customers are getting stuck in a given process, and which answers aren’t readily available on your website. They can walk through a troubleshooting exercise with their eyes closed, and can probably predict the outcome after a question or two. They’re not just experts on your products and services, they’re experts on how your customers interact with your products and services.

It’s not uncommon to find other employees seeking advice from contact center representatives, leaning on their day-to-day experiences as guidance. Some companies will take it a step further and include call center staff in important meetings, or actively solicit ideas for improvement from them. Your call center staff can undoubtedly provide critical insight into projects by presenting a customer’s perspective.

Find Your Rock Star Agents

Agents are amazing and deserve recognition! They’re the (too often unsung) heroes of any organization, providing a direct line of communication between your brand and your customers. If you’re ready to add some stellar performers, our BPO partners have the people in place to elevate your customer experience. Start the search by requesting your no-obligation call center cost proposal to help navigate the world of outsourcing options.