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Find Your Perfect Match with Outsourcing Country Speed Dating

Find Your Perfect Match with Outsourcing Country Speed DatingSpeed dating allows people to compare many options quickly, so we gathered some “suitors” to do the same with call center locations. Each country has its charms, but we hope that you find your perfect match!

United States

How do your friends describe you in one word?

Reliable. With a world-class communications infrastructure and a culture of outstanding customer service, I remain a dependable option for both inbound and outbound call centers. With me, BPO leaders know what they’re getting — top-notch service.

What is something you want to change about yourself?

I wish I could change the rising cost of doing business with contact centers in my country. However, organizations looking to keep their call centers close to home can find lower-cost options in certain regions.

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.

I have a thriving outsourcing industry! While the average consumer tends to associate outsourcing with overseas workers, many organizations are trusting their CX to outsource call centers right here in the United States. This provides access to domestic agents without having to worry about staffing, payroll, and facilities management.

How many languages do you speak?

It’s hard to say how many languages I speak because of my status as a cultural melting pot. While my most frequently used language is English, it is not uncommon for citizens to speak additional languages like Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, or French.

What is your motto for this year?

“I’m worth it!” Wages might be rising, but many business leaders looking for reliable contact center solutions will still find that I’m an excellent choice. I have a history of exceptional customer service, world-class infrastructure, and talented agents.

The Philippines

How do your friends describe you in one word?

Established. This word speaks to how long I’ve been a first-rate contact center outsourcing option. Companies looking for offshore alternatives have seen value in me due to my excellent English skills and my affinity with Western culture.

What is something you want to change about yourself?

Don’t be fooled by my last answer — I’m constantly working on myself to become everyone’s perfect outsourcing option. I have spent a lot of time improving myself through the Foreign Investments Act, and I would like to continue to pursue those goals. I’m aiming to give better competitive advantages to different sectors, including the BPO industry, and continue to provide excellent training for the next generation of call center agents.

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.

I have the largest outsourcing industry in the world. This status has been earned through my contact centers setting themselves apart from global competitors by offering world-class service and fluent English.

How many languages do you speak?

When it comes to business, I tend to speak English, and I speak it well. In fact, BPO leaders are often surprised by the fluency of my contact center representatives. When I’m with my friends and family, I usually speak one of our native languages like Tagalog or Filipino.

What is your motto for this year?

“Take time for self-care.” These past years have been challenging with the COVID-19 pandemic, but I’ve taken the time to focus on myself. I’ve learned that sometimes a little change, like working from home or welcoming more foreign investment, can go a long way.

El Salvador

How do your friends describe you in one word?

Affable. My proximity to the United States allows call center leaders easy oversight and flexibility. Additionally, the contact centers in my country are eager to work with geographically and culturally similar business leaders. To attract these prospective partners Salvadoran BPOs offer a significantly lower cost than those in the U.S. and Europe.

What is something you want to change about yourself?

With a new government administration, I’ve been focusing on bettering my infrastructure for foreign investors, including BPO partners. Most notably, I am working to expand airport capacity to ease travel for business leaders.

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.

Many Fortune 500 companies have chosen me as their outsourcing option. The BPO industry that services these companies is especially strong in major cities like San Salvador, where my business and communication infrastructure are at their strongest.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak both English and Spanish fluently. The fact that these languages are two of the top four spoken worldwide has helped my BPO industry service customers all across the globe.

What is your motto for this year?

“Maintain your close friendships.” I want to continue to provide excellent customer service and cost savings to companies looking for call centers in my country. I’ve already invested in expanding my airports and want to continue to make corporate leaders feel welcome within my borders.

South Africa

How do your friends describe you in one word?

Enterprising. As an emerging outsourcing option, I have remained open to anything that will help me grow in the contact center industry. Those who know me well would say that I’ve really put in the work to stand apart from the crowd.

What is something you want to change about yourself?

I’m hoping to elevate the ease of doing business in my country for foreign business leaders, especially those looking for outsourcing options. In fact, I have added lucrative perks for the BPO industry, including a lump sum cash incentive for each new contact center job created.

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.

I’m more than just lions and giraffes. I’m home to several huge, modern cities like Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. My cities are great tourist destinations but also have thriving economies and well-developed business infrastructure.

How many languages do you speak?

Although you’ll find my citizens speaking English while doing business or relaying news, I speak far more than just that one language. Between my cultural diversity and my proximity to other African countries, I’ve picked up 10 additional languages.

What is your motto for this year?

“Growth is good.” I’ve grown a lot over the last few years, but there’s still no slowing me down. BPO leaders have benefited from the work I’ve put into my business infrastructure and my improvements to ease of doing business. I want to keep growing in these areas to offer the best outsourcing options possible.


How do your friends describe you in one word?

Active. Ever since joining the EU, investments have been channeled toward growing my economy. I’ve been able to focus on building my infrastructure aimed at foreign businesses – like contact centers.

What is something you want to change about yourself?

I recently adopted EU regulations, giving my private-sector autonomy and offering tax incentives to foreign investors. My aim is to continue to leverage these regulations while also keeping my costs for the BPO industry low.

Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.

Although I’m not necessarily the first European country most people think of, I still have a lot of cultural similarities with other Western nations. This makes me an ideal outsourcing location when companies look for a European partner.

How many languages do you speak?

My connections with other European countries have helped me learn just about every language in the region. You can expect to hear my citizens speaking English, Polish, German, Italian, and many more.

What is your motto for this year?

“With every step, I get closer to my goal.” I know that as I invest in my business infrastructure, I’ll get closer and closer to my goal of being a top BPO option in the European region. Many corporate leaders have already begun seeing the benefits of partnering with contact centers within my borders because of the progress I’ve made.

Find Your Perfect Call Center Match

Finding the perfect match BPO partner is key to providing great CX for your customers. If you want us to introduce you to any of the countries you’ve met here, or set you up on your own custom speed dating session with additional countries, just request your free call center cost proposal.