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5 Criteria for Choosing a Call Center Partner in 2019

5 Criteria for Choosing a Call Center Partner in 2019Goodbye 2018. Hello 2019! As we begin another year of innovation and evolution in customer service and call center technology, you may be considering call center outsourcing. Maybe for the first time, or maybe you’re a seasoned outsourcing veteran and need a new or additional call center partner. Regardless of your situation, finding a call center that fits your company can be a challenge.

Plain and simple, not all call centers are good. In fact, some are downright terrible, and even a highly competent one might not be right for your company. The best way for you to narrow your search is to start by filling out a Call Center RFP Template. Going through this process helps you determine the following five criteria.

1) Who are you and what do you need?

Describe your company and your goals for outsourcing. Determine:

  • The types of services you want the call center to provide.
  • Where they fit in with your company’s organization.
  • How you’ll track ROI.

2) What do you want out of their organization?

  • The call center’s experience in your industry and examples of their success.
  • Make sure their organizational philosophy and culture is compatible with your business.
  • Locations and training procedures.
  • Check their references. If they don’t offer references, be cautious with moving forward.

3) How will your partnership be managed?

  • What are their supervisory procedures and how do they manage quality?
  • Will they be able to manage your account efficiently and treat you like you’re as important as any other client?
  • How do they handle their client customer service? Do they have integrity?

4) What systems and tracking methods will be used?

  • Make sure they have technical capabilities to provide top-tier service. This includes phones and computers, reporting, tracking, CRMs, cloud software, and data handling.
  • Ensure they utilize agent training and scripting that fits your goals. See if it’s possible to customize these to your exact specifications.

5) How much do they charge and how do they handle pricing?

Many of our clients are looking for good value, which means the best service possible at an affordable price. When looking at a potential partner’s pricing, check the details of their fees, including:

  • One-time costs
  • Agent labor costs
  • Possible discounts

Before making a final decision, make sure you see a copy of their standard contract. One size does not fit all, especially in the outsourcing industry. It’s important to make sure you’re covering every base before stepping up to the plate. If you need help finding the best call center partner for your requirements, we can help!

Need an omnichannel call center? We’ll find you the best options at no charge.

Outsource Consultants are call center experts with over 25 years of outsourcing industry experience who have spent thousands of hours vetting and analyzing the strengths and specializations of the industry-leading outsource call center vendors. If you’re considering call center outsourcing, simply call 888-766-4482 or request a free call center cost proposal today and we’ll help you find the solution that best fits your exact requirements.