VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

What is Hosted VoIP? It’s Features, Benefits, Working

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If you are planning to upgrade your business communication infra, consider opting for hosted VoIP. Owing to its pool of modern features and the benefits that come with these features), many businesses today are moving away from their on-prem PBX systems toward hosted VoIP. Let us know why hosted VoIP is taking over?

This blog will discuss everything you should know about what a hosted VoIP system is, what a cloud VoIP is and other relevant details to prepare to set up your new communication system.

 What Is a Hosted VoIP?

If you are wondering what a VoIP server is, we’ve got you covered. In simple terms, hosted VoIP refers to an online telephonic interaction service delivered and operated by a third-party provider to a company or customer entity. This assistance poses a perfect solution for small companies searching for an affordable and unified solution for communication requirements. 

In addition, hosted VoIP substitutes conventional landlines and the associated analog supplies with an online phone system.

Besides, any call made is transformed into online data packages and transmitted to the receiver through the internet. This method demands a physical server competent in managing the data, which must be installed by your company on-site. 

How Does a Hosted VoIP Phone System Work?

VoIP phones are similar to traditional analog phones, but they are different in that they use digital signals instead of analog signals. It means that your VoIP phone can send and receive data over a network, such as the internet, instead of just using a landline for calls.

VoIP phones convert voice calls into digital signals transported through IP networks like the internet. As long as there is a connection between your computer and the internet, you can make or receive calls through your VoIP phone.

Hosted  VoIP systems are very easy to set up and use. You don’t need to know anything about VoIP or how it works — turn it on and start using it like any other phone system in your office. Here’s how it works:

  • A hosted business VoIP phone system is a type of telephony service that is provided through the internet. Instead of having an on-premise hardware setup, a hosted VoIP system is managed and maintained by a third-party provider.
  • This means that users don’t have to worry about hardware maintenance, upgrades, or backups, as the provider handles all these tasks.
  • In a hosted VoIP system, calls are made and received through a VoIP phone, which converts analog voice signals into digital signals transmitted over the internet. The digital signals are then routed through the provider’s servers and sent to the recipient’s VoIP phone, which is converted back into analog voice signals.
  • One of the most significant advantages of hosted VoIP systems is that they can be easily scaled up or down as your business grows or changes.
  • With a traditional on-premise phone system, adding new lines or extensions can be a complex and time-consuming process, but with hosted VoIP, it’s as simple as ordering a new phone or updating your account.
  • In short, hosted VoIP phone systems offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. They are easy to set up, use, and maintain, and provide advanced features like call routing, voicemail, and call recording.
  • With hosted VoIP, you can enjoy a flexible, reliable, and scalable phone system that can help you streamline your communications and improve your bottom line.

Hosted VoIP vs. On-Premise VoIP

A hosted business VoIP system employs the Internet to direct calls between people and can be hosted on a third-person’s server. In addition, Hosted VoIP presents your company with tremendous flexibility by allowing you to utilize your computer or any other appliance with internet access to receive and make calls. 

On the other hand, On-premise VoIP is a more conventional and less automated form of hosted VoIP that has been in service for many years. Moreover, unlike most cloud-based assistance, on-premise VoIP demands hardware to be installed at your physical office, and a dedicated voice network connection is needed to send calls. It can be a more appealing alternative for companies that already have an IT division on the team.

Main Features of Hosted VoIP

The benefits of hosted VoIP result largely from all the key call center call center features offered by hosted VoIP solutions. Your team performs efficiently by availing each of the below-mentioned characteristics:

  • Call forwarding
  • Call queuing
  • CRM integration
  • Call recording
  • Voicemail
  • Mobile app support
  • Auto attendant
  • Call analytics
  • Call monitoring
  • Call screening and routing
  • Call Whispering

There are many other such rich features hosted VoIP offers; it largely depends on the vendor. But, in all, in comparison to the traditional solutions, you get a plethora of modern features – and that at an affordable rate – which empowers your sales and support teams to perform better.

Hosted VoIP Benefits For Your Business   

1) Reduced Costs

You can save a lot of money by switching to VoIP because you don’t need a landline anymore, so you don’t have to pay monthly fees or extra charges for using a phone line.

2) Reduced missed calls and voicemails

You know how frustrating it can be if you’ve ever sent an email or text message that didn’t go through because of poor coverage. With VoIP, your calls and voicemails will always get through no matter where you are in your area.

3) Seamless bill management 

You won’t have to worry about remembering to pay bills on time anymore — your provider will take them all taken care of automatically (again, if they offer this feature). This also makes it easier to compare costs and find the best deal for yourself.

4) Increased calling features

Whether you want call waiting or forwarding, many providers give you more control over how calls are routed when using VoIP than traditional phone lines. Also, many providers offer free chat features for business owners who need them most!

5) Higher flexibility

Hosted PBX systems allow you to turn on or off services as needed. If you decide that you no longer need your phone system, you can remove the service without much effort or cost.

6) Better scalability

Hosted VoIP systems allow you to use on-demand services that scale according to demand. If you have too many calls or too few calls, your telephone system can adjust without needing any changes made by you or your IT department.

7) Robust security

Hosted PBX systems are designed with security in mind, so they’re more secure than traditional phone systems and less likely to be hacked into by hackers or other malicious individuals who might try to use your phone system for their own gain.

8) Increased capacity

With hosted voicemail, there’s no need for separate servers or dedicated lines for recording messages. You can also use multiple numbers on one phone line with no additional costs or setup time required.

9) Improved productivity

With hosted VoIP services, employees can stay connected from anywhere at any time without having to worry about the cost or availability of certain features on their end devices such as telephones or computers. Further, the added features ensure they are more efficient and productive, be it in making sales calls or receiving calls from customers.

Get the Best Hosted VoIP Phone System with JustCall

JustCall is a comprehensive hosted VoIP phone system that offers advanced features such as:

  1. Hosted solution: JustCall’s hosted VoIP phone system eliminates the need for hardware and reduces IT infrastructure costs.
  2. Integration with popular tools: It can integrate with popular tools like CRM, helpdesk, and productivity apps for seamless communication.
  3. Auto-attendant: Automated spam calls won’t make it past the auto-attendant, saving team members from wasting time on robocalls.
  4. Scalable solution: Easily scale up or down with changing business needs without the hassle of additional hardware.
  5. Cost-effective: Pay only for what you need, with no hidden costs or long-term contracts.
  6. Advanced call routing: Route calls to the right team member based on time of day, availability, and call priority.
  7. Virtual numbers: Access virtual numbers in multiple countries, giving a professional touch to your business communication.
  8. Customizable IVR: Create custom interactive voice response menus to ensure calls are directed to the right department.
  9. Multi-device compatibility: Make and receive calls from any device, including desk phones, mobile phones, and laptops.
  10. Advanced reporting: Monitor call statistics, agent performance, and customer satisfaction with real-time reporting.
  11. Voicemail and call recording: Store and access voicemail messages and recordings for training and quality assurance.
  12. Excellent customer support: 24/7 customer support to assist with any issues and ensure seamless communication.
  13. User-friendly interface: Intuitive interface that is easy to use and requires minimal training.
  14. Increased efficiency: Automated call routing and other features increase efficiency and productivity, allowing team members to focus on their core tasks.
  15. Improved customer experience: JustCall provides improved customer experience with quick call routing and professional communication.

So why wait? Take your business communication to the next level with JustCall.

Sign up for a free trial today and experience the advanced features and benefits of a comprehensive, hosted VoIP phone system.


At a time when consumer needs and demands have significantly changed, you need a modern communication infra that can keep up with this change. Hosted  VoIP phone systems check all the right boxes, assuring to help your sales and customer support campaigns and empower your reps. Sign up for JustCall and get started with hosted VoIP in minutes.


What are the drawbacks of VoIP?

VoIP systems are entirely dependent on an internet connection. Emergency calls cannot be tracked using these systems. Also, there is a chance of data loss due to hacking activities. This is why it’s important that you ensure you have a reliable internet connection and that the vendor you’re working with has robust security measures in place.

Is it possible to host VoIP of your own?

Yes, setting up a self-hosted business VoIP network is possible. But it’s costly and comes with plenty of other challenges- this is why opting for hosted VoIP is recommended.

How much does VoIP cost?

The estimated cost for hosted VoIP solutions ranges from $20 to $200 per extension. The exact amount depends on the vendor you choose and the services you avail of. So, when you’re looking for a VoIP provider, do look at their pricing and see if it fits your budget.

Which hosted VoIP provider is the best?

This largely depends on your distinct needs. Some vendors offer bare minimum features and could be expensive for your budget. In comparison, others could offer just the right features you need and offer greater flexibility in pricing. The key here is to do your research and find a VoIP provider that fits your business needs. In the research process, also consider their security and support.

Is Hosted VoIP a good choice for your business?

Yes. However, you need to ensure that have partnered with a reliable hosted VoIP provider that offers a good set of features at the right price.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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