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70+ Business Survey Questions You Should Include in Your Next Business Survey

Business survey questions

Entrepreneurs wishing to scale their business often fall prey to expensive consultants and time-consuming PR experts. The result? A few of them experience positive outcomes while others don’t.

What if I tell you that you could achieve the same by sending out business surveys questions while spending negligible time and money. 

Yes! You heard that right.

Successful businesses grow by talking to the people who matter most to their business. And this could be simply done by conducting business surveys. Collecting feedback via business surveys not only helps you advance your business, but also helps save a lot of time, money, and effort.

In this post, you’ll learn about what business survey questions are, how they are beneficial, and how you could leverage them to scale your business fast.

What are Business Surveys Questions?

Business survey questions help companies to collect honest feedback, opinions, and preferences from their target audience. The collected information from a business questionnaire helps you form growth strategies by analyzing meaningful insights about market trends, employees, and customer behaviors.

For example:

Business survey questions

Simply, don’t just waste time and money in developing the things that don’t benefit your audience. For this reason, thinking of the questions to ask potential customers before starting a business will keep you focused on building what customers actually need.

Despite this, there are so many other benefits that business-related questions have to offer. Let’s discuss it in the upcoming section.

Advantages of Asking Business Survey Questions

When you try to understand how people perceive your business, company survey questions can help you in understanding your customers and marketplace. Let’s see how:

1. Gather Qualitative Feedback

It cannot be denied that a company questionnaire is the best way to gather qualitative (text) feedback for the customers, employees, and market.  You can gain deeper insights by knowing the ‘why’ behind how others perceive your business.

This could be simply done by including open-ended questions that prompt more honest responses. For example:

  • What are the two main reasons you chose to shop today?
  • Which brand have you engaged with before coming to our website?
  • What did you like best about your experience?

2. Improve Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of the vital aspects that could make or break a startup/thriving business. Hence, survey questions for businesses can help in calculating crucial metrics including customer satisfaction scores, customer effort scores, and customer service satisfaction. 

The data collected via such surveys help in analyzing the areas that need improvement and ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

3. Improve Employee Satisfaction and Performance 

For enhanced productivity, it is essential to have an accurate glimpse into the overarching mood and the overall morale in your company.

Good business questions allow you to gauge employee morale and understand how satisfied employees are with their roles and responsibilities, work environment, and company policies. This makes it easier for organizations to open lines of communication for employees to share their feedback that collectively helps in improving the employee-company relationships.  

4. Analyze Market Trends and Competitors 

Amidst the fierce competition, the chances of attracting new leads increases when your brand offers unparalleled products and services. You should strive to find out the answers for:

  • What are the ongoing market trends?
  • What are the unique features of your competitors’ products and services?
  • What are the key determinants for your customers to make a purchase – price, quality, or delivery?

It may be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s crucial to know why customers are not buying from your brand. Hence, questions about business competitors and the market helps analyze what customers are considering as their ideal products.

5. Target a Large Audience at Lower Costs

Surveys are considered one of the most cost-effective research methods that can bring in hundreds of qualitative and quantitative results at lower costs. Since business surveys can be easily shared via direct links, emails, and other modes, this makes it possible to collect a lot of data via multiple campaigns and reap the benefits of huge respondents.

70+ Business Survey Questions

Now that we have discovered what are the survey questions for business and their advantages, let’s explore the business survey questions examples and types that you can use for your business growth.

1. Product Feedback Business Questions

A product survey is the best way for businesses to learn what customers think about their products. Conducting such surveys before launching a product lets you analyze the market demands and customers’ needs. 

Whereas, asking these questions from your existing customer base will help you understand how customers are enjoying their experience and how the product can be improved further.

Sample questions to ask customers about your products and services:

  1. How often do you use [product name]?
  2. Which features of the [product name] are most valuable to you?
  3. How would you compare [product name] to our competitors?
  4. Are there any features missing on [product name]?
  5. What are you trying to solve by using [product name]?
  6. What other types of people do you think could find [product name] useful?
  7. How easy is it to use [product name]?
  8. How would you rate the “value for money”?
  9. How likely are you to recommend [product name]to others?
  10. How could we improve [product name] to better meet your needs?

Have a look: 100+ ready-to-use survey templates

2. Market Research Business Questions

Learning about the market and competitors is crucial for business success. The best way to do this is by asking the right market research questions. This way you can identify opportunities for improving your business strategies, operations,  as well as product planning.

Sample questions to ask about the target market and competitors:

  1. What is the first brand you think of when purchasing  XYZ product? 
  2. How favorable is our brand to you? 
  3. What aspects can we improve on our existing product? 
  4. Are there any other brands that offer similar services you’re currently using or planning to use?
  5. Which features do you like the most on [COMPETITOR’S PRODUCT]?
  6. What features would drive you to switch to a similar product?
  7. Can you think of any other brand offering what you want? 
  8. Could you share your views on your dream product?
  9. Did we solve all your support problems?
  10.  Can we help you get started using XYZ’s product or service?
  11. Were you satisfied with our promptness and support?
  12. Would you be willing to recommend us to your friends, family, or colleagues?
  13. On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your experience with us?
  14. Are you willing to buy from us again?

3. Customer Satisfaction Business Questions

For retaining the customers for long, you need to know what they think about doing business with you. Customers are likely to share their experience with you regardless of whether it’s been a positive or a negative experience. 

Hence, ask them directly to show that you listen to their concerns and always strive to make their experience enjoyable and satisfying.

Sample questions to include in a customer satisfaction survey:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your product experience?
  2. How likely are you to recommend [product name] to others?
  3. Rate your satisfaction with our [team name] in resolving this issue for you?
  4. Do you feel that our support team has answered your inquiry immediately?
  5. Is your issue completely resolved?
  6. How likely are you to purchase again from us in the future?
  7. How likely are you to return to our website?
  8. In your own words, describe how you feel about [product name]?
  9. Do you think our employees can do better?
  10.  How can we improve your experience with [product name]?
  11. What made you choose [product name] over a competitor’s?
  12. Please share any additional comments or feedback for us?

4. Customer Service Business Questions

Exceptional customer service plays a vital role in maintaining and strengthening business-customer relationships. Based on the type of your business, you can get a pulse on your customer service by asking the following business questions:

  1. When interacting with our company recently, were you pleased with the level of support you received?
  2. On a scale of 1-5, how courteous or uncourteous would you say our service/support team member was?
  3. On a scale of 1-5, how knowledgeable or unknowledgeable would you say our service/support team member was?
  4. On a scale of 1-5, how effective or ineffective would you say the service/support team member’s communication was?
  5. How friendly was our service member while assisting you?

5. Customer Retention Business Questions

Retaining customers is crucial for every business as acquiring new customers could cost up to 5 times more than retaining the existing ones. 

 The longer customers stay with you, the more loyal they tend to become to your brand. Customer loyalty is the basis of repeat business. Thus, businesses can leverage customer retention surveys that help them measure how loyal their customers are towards their brand. Example questions to ask customers about brand loyalty:

  1. Does the product help you achieve your business goals? 
  2. If you could change one thing about [this product], what would it be? 
  3. How would you rate your experience with [this product]? 
  4. How well does [this product] meet your needs? 
  5. How likely are you to recommend [this product/brand] to your family and friends?

6. Brand Awareness Business Questions

For businesses to be successful, it is important to keep an eye on how their target audience perceives their brand. A good brand awareness survey includes questions that help to gauge the audiences’ overall brand perception and sentiments. 

Sample business questions you can use are:

  1. When you think of [brand name], what comes to your mind?
  2. How likely are you to recommend [brand name] to your friends?
  3. Do you enjoy using products offered by [brand name]?
  4. How would you describe your latest experience with [brand name]?
  5. Why do you buy from [brand name]?
  6. What unique value does our product offer?
  7. What kind of brand appeals to you the most?
  8. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate our brand in terms of customer experience?
  9. How well are you familiar with the products from [brand name]?
  10. When was the first time you heard about [brand name]?
  11. How often do you come in contact with [brand name]?
  12. When was the last time you used a product from [brand name]?

7. NPS Survey Business Questions

Asking the right type of questions is necessary to capture meaningful data via Net Promoter Score surveys. Such surveys basically consist of two parts: a rating question and a follow-up open-ended question to know the reason behind the given rating. Based on the scores, NPS calculation is done and the respondents are categorized into Promoters (scores 9-10), Passives (scores 7-8), and Detractors scores (0- 6).

Rating question: 

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our [business/ product/service] to a friend or colleague?

Depending upon the context, you can include the name of a brand, product, or service in the classic NPS question to collect relevant responses. 

Open-ended questions: 

What is the primary reason for your score?

Just like the rating question, the NPS survey has a standard open-ended question, which can be personalized based on the scores given by a respondent. Such as:

  1. What was missing or disappointing in your experience with our [business/ product/service]?
  2. How can we improve your experience?
  3. Which features are the most valuable for your business?
  4. What do you like the most/least about [business/ product/service]?
  5. How does our product meet your business needs?
  6. What business problems are you trying to solve with our product?
  7. Why did you opt for our [business/ product/service] over our competition?

Also, when it comes to NPS surveys, businesses should modify the thank you messages based on the Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

Promoters – Thank you message

“Thanks for your valuable feedback. It’s great to hear that you love our [business/ product/service]. We strive to discover new opportunities and make sure to offer the possible experience every time”.

Passives – Thank you message

“Thanks for your valuable feedback. Our aim is to offer the best possible product. Your ideas and suggestions play a major role in helping us make our product better and identify opportunities for improvements.”

Detractors – Thank you message

“Thanks for your valuable feedback. We highly value feedback from our customers, either they’re positive or negative. In the future, our team might reach out to you to analyze how we can further improve our products/services to exceed your expectations.”

Have a look: NPS Survey Templates

8. Customer Effort Score Business Questions

A customer effort score survey aims at capturing the information about whether customers find it easy/useful to interact with your brand/product or not. To serve the purpose, you can leverage an online survey tool to access a wide range of ready-made survey templates and questions types to effectively create a survey.

Sample business questions to include in the CES survey are:

  1. How easy did you find our product to navigate?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much effort was required on your part to get your issue resolved with our support agent?
  3. How easy did you find our website to navigate and collect the information you were looking for?
  4. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “Our business app is really easy to use”.
  5. If we could do anything – what do you think we could do to make this app easier to use?

Scale Your Business with Right Business Survey Questions 

By all appearances, collecting feedback is the most vital aspect of making intelligent and informed decisions about your company’s products and services. Knowing your customers’ concerns will help you resolve them at the earliest. 

This way you can make sure your audience will have an engaging experience each time they interact with your business. After all, no matter how big you are, you still need to improve.

Therefore, creating business surveys with the right set of business survey questions lays the foundation to steer your business towards success.  Regardless of business size, online survey tools such as ProProfs Survey Maker and Qualaroo can help you create and share business surveys with the right audience.

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About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.