Outbound Calls

The Importance Of Cold Calls And The Best Time To Call Prospects

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There was a time when cold calling was the only way organizations could reach new customers. Many think that the trend is outdated, and they ditch the strategy, capitalizing on the social media craze.

But, the fact is that people are more than ready to take calls from salespeople and do business with them. Let us look at these important statistics:

  • Businesses either run the same volume of cold calls each month or increase the tendency as per the scenario. 
  • 82% of customers accept meetings on cold calls. 
  • 42.1% of people confirm that telephonic sales are still the best mode of sales for them. 
  • Over 30% of new customers or leads don’t receive any kind of cold call or follow-up. 
  • Cold calls, if followed up and done correctly, can enhance the conversion rate by rate by 70%. 
  • 57% of C-level buyers like to conduct business on cold calls. 

Cold calls are still popular among people because of the human touch and the level of accountability and responsibility the call holds. It is much easier to talk to a human and get your questions answered rather than talking to a bot. If something goes wrong, the agents take responsibility and make sure the issue is resolved. This kind of accountability lacks technology.

So, if anyone tells you that cold calling is out of trend, you must ignore the advice and immediately strategies to acquire new customers by putting agents on cold calls.

What is Cold Calling?

Cold calling means calling potential customers who you may think can buy from you. However, they have not expressed any interest so far.


Imagine a scenario wherein you get calls from a credit card salesperson. You get annoyed and hang up as you never asked for it. The second time you again get the call from the same representative who is talking professionally to you and tries to talk about the advantages of holding that particular card. You still aren’t interested.

But after 5-6 calls from the same representative may impress you with the zeal and hard work of the representative, and you may just hear him out. There are chances that the latest card offered does have more benefits than your other cards, and you immediately apply.

This is the success of a cold call.

The purpose of cold calling is to interest them enough that they will end up buying from you. Cold calling has been succeeding for decades, and they seem to be more alive than ever, even against social media. One of the biggest reasons businesses shy away from cold-calling is that they don’t want to disturb people, as it may be viewed as intrusive and aggressive. But it has existed for ages and continues to thrive in the market.

Is Cold Calling Illegal?

Another misconception that needs to be cleared is – Cold Call isn’t illegal!

According to the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), businesses can legally use cold calling to reach potential customers over the phone. 

However, there are some compliance measures that businesses must consider:

  1. Cold callers must identify themselves and the company they are calling from
  2. There are specific cold call hours and the best time to cold call business owners, plus the best time of day to make sales calls that agents must adhere to. A call made at late night or early morning hours may not be taken in very good taste
  3. If the number has been registered in the DNC or DND list (Do Not Call or Do Not Disturb), then the agents must respect the wish of the customer
  4. There should not be ably monetary transactions on the call
  5. Honesty, integrity, transparency, and professionalism are expected by cold callers

Different Techniques and Types of Cold Calls

Cold Calls can be done in the following ways:

  • Through Telemarketing – When agents call on mobiles or home phone numbers. They can leave voicemail messages also
  • Email marketing: Using autoresponders, businesses can send follow-up emails to new leads, and share information about their brand, products, deals, etc.
  • Social Media Marketing: Businesses can try to contact new customers on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

When Is The Best Time To Cold Call?

No set rule assesses the best time to cold call b2b, but several studies have come up with different kinds of statistics on this. Let us take a look at the best time to cold call businesses and individuals.

Study Conducted ByThe best time to call prospects  The best day to cold call  
Sales intelligence solution InsightSquared The best time to make cold calls – Between 10 am and 11 am and between 4 pm and 5 pm.Tuesdays with the connect rate of 10%
Yesware’s analysis Tuesdays and Thursdays
InsideSales’ study Wednesdays and Thursdays 
2020 study by Gong   Wednesdays and Thursdays 
RingDNABetween 10 am and 11 am  
IndeedBefore lunch or towards the end of the workday 

How Can Businesses Make Effective Cold Calls?

To be effective in cold calling, you must:

  1. Minimize prospect response time – Reducing the response time of your prospects is essential to improving your conversion rates. – According to KISSMetrics, only 37% of businesses respond to inquiries within the hour.
  2. Use Autodialers – Businesses should stop wasting time by manually dialing numbers. They should rather invest in technology and use autodialers for that.
  3. Maintain Persistence and Patience – 44% of agents give up after a failed follow-up call. But giving up after a single cold call is simply too soon. Selling is a multi-touch process that can take 7 to more than 13 points of contact to close a deal. These include cold calling, email promotion campaigns, and email follow-up. This means that companies need to be extremely detailed in planning when tracking the entire customer journey and reach of sales.
  4. Outreach found that the winning sales for a high-call sales process include 6 calls, 5 LinkedIn communications, and 10 emails in 33 days to make the sale.
  5. The best time to make sales calls is important, but so are accurate mobile numbers – You must rely on professional data analysts or compilations to maintain high accuracy on the cell phone numbers to connect authentically, and break performance records month after month.
  6. Call speed trumps everything – Your ability to respond quickly to a lead can affect or interfere with your ability to land the sale. According to research, 78% of buyers buy from the first company that meets their demand. So, the faster you can respond to an incoming lead, the better. Businesses that don’t respond within 5 minutes see an 80% drop in lead qualification.

Test these approaches and see how many potential customers you can reach with a few changes in your cold call technique.

A Comprehensive Guide To Cold Calls – 2022

Accept Failure or Rejection

With a cold call, rejection is inevitable. According to a study, only 5% of salespeople are willing to take a risk with a stranger, and 95% fear rejection. So, prepare yourself mentally for rejection before you start cold calling. If you’re not ready to be rejected, you may be overly sensitive.

Don’t let that stop you from doing something you love. And remember, it’s not personal. The person who rejects your cold call has nothing against you.

Take Notes

It is important to note down any information that you may get from the lead on the call. If the customer has shared any information with you, it is a positive sign, and the same must be noted and followed up diligently according to the sales call schedule.

Basic Cold Call Etiquettes and Critical Requirements

Don’t waste your time with the wrong leads

Focus your time and effort on leads who need your product, not on customers who are trying to have a friendly conversation with you.

Fluency In presentation

It is important that people feel comfortable. You must be genuine in listening, should better precede the actual pitch. The happier customers are, the more convinced they are that you are looking out for their best interests.

Is it wise to quit after 4-5 calls?

According to one study, 10% of sales are closed after four follow-ups, but 80% are successful after 5-12 follow-ups. It clearly states that if you stop continuing after your 4th or 5th try, you will lose the chance to close the deal.

Don’t give a chance to hang up

Take on the role of an active listener. Use the right vocal techniques and maintain the right volume level to play safely. Maintain your optimal pace and use body language that inspires confidence

Influencing Prospect Behavior with Social Proof

One of the biggest benefits of cold calling is that you can influence customer behavior using cold calls.Agents must ask more open-ended questions. They need to replace “I” with “We”.

Make Your Customer Your Priority, Not The Product

Don’t try and sell on cold calls – selling comes at a later stage – Try and communicate first. You must try to build confidence in the leads. Introduce yourself and start talking about the customer’s wants and needs. Talk about the solution – your products but don’t sound like pitching for sale. The aim of the cold call should be to resolve the customer problem rather than completing one’s sales targets.

Tracking and Closing the Deal

Prospects generally need multiple touchpoints across multiple channels before closing the deal. You must maintain your stance and provide a better solution each time you call.


Cold calling revolves around prospects and leads who may be interested in your products and services, although they haven’t directly implied or expressed it. You may have got your answers to questions like – what is the best time to cold call? Your agents must be smart enough to gauge the tone of the customers and make every possible effort to build relationships and close sales.

Consider the above-mentioned cold-calling tips before you follow them all. Use the best technological tools to add more potential customers to the sales funnel. Statistics show that cold calling is effective, so why not use it?

Taran, as the Support Manager at JustCall, spearheads efforts to enhance customer satisfaction by strategically collaborating with client-facing teams. He upholds rigorous standards, ensuring JustCall's support services consistently excel. Passionate about superior customer experiences, Taran champions a company-wide dedication to a customer-first mindset.

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