Business Phone System

What is a Conference Bridge Call?

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Employee dedication and trust– the twin pillars of a marching business– do not occur at the wave of a magic wand. And these need to be effectively fashioned and conserved via efficient communication with employees.

Effective in-company communication is indispensable to the very idea of a successful business. Therefore, continuous advancements in information and communication technology, especially VoIP, have brought ground-breaking changes in communication tools and methods. One of the successful products of this innovation is a conference bridge.

Unsurprisingly, 60% of companies lack an effective internal communication strategy. From diminishing employee productivity, engagement, collaboration, retainment, and trust, the economic cost of inefficient communication stands as high as $62.4 million per annum per company.

Continue reading to know more about conference bridges and explore how conference call bridging can foster effective in-company communication.

Conference Bridge Call: An Overview

A conference bridge call, in the simplest terms, is a remote business telecommunication system. Here, participants can enter the meeting room by dialing in through their cell phones, landlines, desktop phones, or anything similar. They can also enter the meet virtually through traditional means, i.e., via a meet link on their smartphone or PC.

In essence, a conference bridge is a software/ platform that creates a single virtual meeting room and connects all participants virtually. Bridge calls in Hangouts, Zoom, Messenger, Skype, and Netmeeting are a few common examples of a conference bridge.

The versatility of conference bridge calls lies in the fact that meetings can be voice-only. The advantages of this feature are two.

The Webcam Misery

All conferences do not require video, no matter whether the reason is technical or otherwise.

  • First, the users might not be familiar with conferencing tools they use. In such cases, they might even abandon communication during the meeting.
  • Second, abysmal bandwidth and terrible network connectivity might drive you nuts. Also, invisible people and muted speakers are not uncommon phenomena.
  • Third, creating a perfect meeting space for a video call is taxing. From business infrastructure to attire, you must look ceremonious. It makes day-to-day formal video conferencing impractical and heavy on the pockets.

Conference bridge calls are, therefore, technically and economically feasible and practical. You can dial in remotely wherever you are.

Informal is Bliss

Conference lounges and managers in a suit might be an intimidating scene for an employee expecting an informal meeting. Informal team meetings are quintessential for effective in-team collaboration and communication. And as mentioned before, daily formal meets are impractical.

Therefore, to maintain the desired level of communication and collaboration with the team and to communicate with the team members informally, you might require regular informal meetings– indeed, without video.

Beyond Voice-Only Calls

However, a conference bridge is not all about voice-only meets. VoIP conference bridges have a voice plus video option for a formal business meeting, making it flexible and dynamic. Some conference call bridges have advanced features like:

  • Screen-sharing
  • Cloud storage
  • Live chat
  • Polls and participant Q&A
  • Recording
  • Collaboration
  • Multiple device access
  • Voice transcriptions
  • Presentation
  • Post-call reporting, including metrics and data analysis

Before VoIP systems, conference calls were limited to a few participants. Now, the number of participants is endless, depending on the conference call bridge.

Moreover, conference call bridges might support multiple rooms with multiple participants for each room. It helps in coordinating simultaneous team meetings of a department or various departmental meetings of a company. In addition to that, the role-based features available to admins and participants make conferencing streamlined and productive.

The Magic of Conference Bridge Calls: Fostering Efficient Internal Communication

Today, a conference call bridge is a quintessential part of any business team’s internal communication strategy. It is cost-efficient, insanely flexible, and has a global scope and cherished objectives.

Informal Meets

As mentioned before, conference bridge calls facilitate informal meetings. The voice-only meetings can be a breeding ground for casual employee interactions and help foster an informal organizational structure. It reflects stronger employee bonds, effective internal communication, and employee social satisfaction, as studied by Elton Mayo.

Tremendous Flexibility

Bridge calls are dynamic and flexible. Imagine a bridge call scenario. The manager attends the meeting from her cabin. Some team members join from the office, and some from a library, a car, and even a coffee shop!

This level of flexibility offered by bridge calls for informal meets eliminates postponing meets due to technical and participant availability-related issues and fosters efficient and timely communication.


Creating an in-person conference infrastructure is a hefty economic exercise. The event will burden the company exchequer, from the water bottles in the conference room to management and travel costs. By fashioning a virtual meeting room, conference bridge calls foster effective yet cost-efficient communication among team members/ employees.

Secure Meets

Spotting a black sheep in a live virtual meet isn’t rare. With businesses focusing more on meeting security and prevention of trespassing and intrusions, a conference bridge might be something they’re looking for. Conference bridge calls are secure, and protected by passcodes and role-based control. Some conference bridges also offer data encryption to combat hacking.

Celebrating Transnationality

Organizations with a global footprint, operating in multiple countries under different time zones, require a great deal of collaboration that can happen only virtually. For Multinationals and Transnationals having offices spread over many countries, VoIP-based call bridging is a blessing in disguise. Through call bridging using a VoIP system, employees in different parts of the globe can collaborate quickly and effectively.

Collaboration, Communication, and Communion:

How Conference Bridge Calls are Revolutionizing Intra-Organizational Communication

To sum up, a conference bridge is a platform that creates a shared virtual space for the participants to partake in an organizational meeting. Beyond the economic and technical barriers created by in-person meets, call bridging enables organizations to communicate effectively and collaborate with their employees.

Call bridging leads to enhanced employee engagement and employee morale. It also boosts employee productivity as well-connected teams are 20-25% more productive and improves employee retention as effective communication improves retention rate by 4.5 times.

With 75% of employees believing that teamwork and collaboration are intrinsic to a thriving business ecosystem, shying away from a conference call bridge would later prove to be a strategic blunder for any organization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does a conference bridge call employ AI?

Yes, it does. However, AI in conference bridge calls is currently limited to live speech-to-text transcriptions, subtitling, and automation.

Are call bridging platforms limited to voice-only/ video-only conferences?

No. Call bridging platforms can create a voice-only/ video-only/ voice-cum-video conference with multiple participants. You do not have to pick one– either voice or video. Participants in the meet can join through their (say) PC with a meet link and also with their (say) mobile phone through dialing in.

What are some famous conference call bridges?

UberConference, Zoom, GoToMeeting, RingCentral, etc., are some famous conference call bridges.

Does conference bridges provide additional control options for the host?

Yes. Depending on the conference bridge, the host can control the meeting attendants and their roles (presenter/ organizer), add or remove them, record call, merge calls, etc.

Is there a time ceiling for conference bridge calls?

No. There are no such time restrictions for conference bridge calls.

Can I use calling cards to dial into a conference bridge call?

Yes. Depending on the service provider, you can use calling cards to dial into a conference bridge call.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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