Now is the time for a People First Revolution!

Despite the business turmoil of the pandemic, Skimpflation, The Great Resignation, quiet quitting, and, now, the recession, envision a time when your business will, not only survive but, soon, thrive and succeed. Just exactly when is that time? Well …

Now is the time for a People First Revolution! One caveat is Employees First. Business leaders see themselves as bosses, hierarchical rungs well below their subservient “employees first” at the bottom of the ladder. With a “People First” culture, no longer are people taking second or third seats to profits or customers. Your people’s emotional well-being would take priority over your business’s financial health.

With that your People First in mind, whether your position or title, be a servant leader who will CARE for your people.

  • COMMUNICATE openly, transparently, interactively, frequently, and continuously any information that their people need and want to know. Listen empathetically to the people’s concerns, questions, and complaints. Express compassion with their recommendations and encouragement. 
  • APPRECIATE the important roles and responsibilities of their people.
  • RECOGNIZE and offer accolades for your people’s individual and team accomplishments and acts of service to colleagues or customers.
  • EMPOWER people to make the right decisions for themselves, their colleagues, customers, and your business.

As a servant leader, ask your people two questions:

  • What do you think?
  • What can I do for you?

When you ask, promptly respond, and take action as appropriate, your people will feel valued and respected. They’ll be inspired, energized, and empowered to develop themselves. and engage their colleagues their customers and you and your business.

When you create a GREAT experience for your people, they will do the same for your customers, and you will earn the loyalty of both. Soon, without a focus on profits, your profits will grow. And everyone, your people, your customers, you and your business, will be enriched, literally and figuratively.

So what are you waiting for? Now is the time. It’s time for a People First Revolution! First, you will be best for your people, and then you will be first among your competitors.

#employeeengagement #employeeexperience #customerservice #customerexperience #custserv #custexp #cx

1 Comment

Filed under Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, Employee Engagement, Leadership

One response to “Now is the time for a People First Revolution!

  1. Sarah F

    This blog post is a powerful call to action for businesses to prioritize their employees and adopt a “People First” mindset. It’s a refreshing perspective in a world that often prioritizes profits over people. The CARE framework – Communicate, Appreciate, Recognize, Empower – is a simple yet impactful way for leaders to foster a positive and supportive work environment.

    I particularly appreciate the emphasis on servant leadership and the two key questions: “What do you think?” and “What can I do for you?” These questions demonstrate a genuine desire to understand and meet the needs of employees, which is essential for building trust and loyalty.

    The concept of creating a “GREAT experience” for employees resonated with me. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal. This, in turn, translates to better customer service and ultimately, business growth.

    The “People First Revolution” is a movement that more businesses need to embrace. By prioritizing the well-being and development of their employees, companies can create a sustainable competitive advantage and build a thriving culture that benefits everyone involved.

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