UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service)

UCaaS vs. Customer-Facing Stack: Which is Better for Sales and Support?

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The all-in-one tools are great. With a single investment, you get a lot more value.

But in sales and customer support, are they ideal? Do they really save you money and deliver better results?

UCaaS brings a lot more features, yes. Unfortunately, a lot of them are bloats.

For example, do your sales reps need video conferencing capability in their communication stack for outbound campaigns? No! 

Your customer-facing teams need a specialist stack to communicate with prospects and customers in the most efficient and productive way. They need dedicated features and capabilities to fulfill their tasks.

This is where the conversation on UCaaS vs. customer-facing stack comes in. And this is what we will discuss in this blog, answering which is an ideal choice for your sales and customer support teams.

Understanding the differences between UCaaS and customer-facing stacks

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) refers to cloud-based communication solutions. It includes various communication tools and services in one platform – voice and video conferencing, instant messaging, and email. UCaaS provides a centralized and integrated communication solution for businesses.

On the other hand, a customer-facing stack is a collection of tools and platforms specifically designed for customer-facing teams (sales and customer support teams). These stacks typically include a cloud phone system, SMS software, CRM (customer relationship management) system, and a helpdesk platform.

The key difference between UCaaS and customer-facing stacks is their primary focus or objective. 

UCaaS solutions streamline and simplify internal communication for the entire organization. Customer-facing stacks are specifically tailored to meet the distinct needs of customer-facing teams. 

The gaps in UCaaS for customer-facing teams

UCaaS is a great solution for many organizations… But it doesn’t always meet the specific needs of customer-facing teams. 

1. UCaaS may not offer the necessary features and tools for customer-facing teams

Customer-facing teams require specific tools or features to manage customer interactions effectively.

While UCaaS solutions may include some of these tools or features, they aren’t as robust as those offered in a customer-facing stack. 

The sales and support teams need tools that are built to enable their core responsibilities. UCaaS might not always be the best fit for their needs.

2. UCaaS may not integrate well with other tools used by customer-facing teams

Customer-facing teams often use multiple tools to manage customer interactions. These tools must work seamlessly together. 

A customer-facing stack is designed to integrate with the tools these teams use. UCaaS solutions may not always integrate as well with other relevant tools.

3. UCaaS may not be scalable or cost-effective for large numbers of customer interactions

Sales and support teams handle a large volume of interactions every day. Owing to this volume, the cost of UCaaS solutions can add up quickly. 

A customer-facing stack may be a more cost-effective solution for these teams – especially as they grow and handle more inbound and outbound calls.

4. UCaaS may not offer the customization and flexibility of a customer-facing stack

Customer-facing teams have unique needs and requirements. They need a solution that is flexible enough to accommodate these needs. 

UCaaS solutions may not offer the customization and flexibility of a customer-facing stack, which is specifically designed to fulfill sales and support responsibilities.

Again, UCaaS is a great solution for many organizations, but it may not meet the specific needs of customer-facing teams. Organizations should carefully evaluate their needs and priorities before choosing a communication solution. 

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Identify the needs of customer-facing teams

Identifying the needs of customer-facing teams is a critical step in choosing the right communication stack. 

Here are some key factors to consider when assessing the needs of your sales and support teams:

  • Tools and features required: Sales and customer service teams require specific tools to manage inbound/outbound interactions, such as a cloud phone system that can make international calls or has IVR functionality. It is important to determine the features required to support these interactions.
  • Scalability: Customer-facing teams may handle a large volume of customer interactions. You want to choose a solution that is scalable and able to accommodate growth.
  • Integration with other tools: Sales and support teams often use multiple tools to manage inbound and outbound communication. You should choose a solution that integrates seamlessly with other tools.
  • Customization and flexibility: Based on the needs of outbound and inbound campaigns, the needs of customer-facing teams change as well. it is important to choose a solution that is flexible enough to accommodate these changing or evolving needs.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The cost of the communication stack is a key factor to consider. This is especially for customer-facing teams that handle a large volume of calls. Ideally, you want a solution that fits your budget and provides value for money.

Evaluate options and make a decision

Between UCaaS and customer-facing stacks, here are some key factors to consider when making a decision:

  • Cost: Consider the cost of both options. Take into account the features and tools included, as well as the potential cost-saving opportunities.
  • Scalability: Evaluate the scalability of both options. Make sure the chosen solution can accommodate the growth of your team and the volume of daily calls.
  • Integration: Consider how well both tools can integrate with the ecosystem your sales and support teams are already comfortable with. For instance, if your support agents use Intercom to live chat with customers, you want to choose a communication solution that integrates well with Intercom.
  • User experience: Evaluate the user experience, which would include ease of use and customization options. This will ensure that the chosen solution is a good fit for the team.

Once all factors have been considered, make a decision based on which solution best meets the needs of the customer-facing team. 

Implement and extend support

Yes, you have made the decision… You have chosen the right communication stack for your sales and support teams. But this alone isn’t sufficient.

Once you have invested in the tool, you now need to ensure its wider adoption and efficient usage across your team members.

To maximize the benefits of the chosen solution, consider the following:

  • Access to resources: Ensure that team members have access to the necessary hardware, software, and guides to use the new communication stack effectively. 
  • Training: Provide training on how to use the new communication stack. Cover all its features, functionalities, and benefits. The training should be tailored to the needs of the team.
  • Support: Offer ongoing support for team members with one-on-one and training materials. This will ensure that the team can quickly resolve any issues that arise and continue to use the communication stack effectively.

Measure the impact of the communication stack

Choosing the right communication stack for customer-facing teams is only the first step. 

You need to ensure that the investment in new tools delivers the desired results. 

Here are some ways to assess the effectiveness of the communication stack:

1. Gather Feedback from Team Members

Regularly gather feedback from team members to understand their experiences with the new tools. Based on the feedback, identify any pain points, and address any issues promptly. 

This feedback can help improve the user experience, ensuring the communication stack is meeting the needs of the team.

2. Track Performance Metrics

Monitor performance metrics, such as response time, resolution time, customer satisfaction scores, and conversion rates. This will help you measure the impact of the tools on productivity and other customer-facing KPIs. 

This information can help to identify areas for improvement and optimize the use of the tools for better results.

By tracking the impact of the communication stack, customer-facing teams can ensure that the tools are effectively supporting their work and delivering value to the business. 

Mistakes sales and customer service leaders make when choosing a tech stack

When it comes to choosing the right communication stack for customer-facing teams, there are a few common mistakes that sales and customer service leaders need to avoid. 

1. Choosing a tech stack based solely on cost

While cost is an important consideration, it should not be the only factor. You need to balance the cost with the effectiveness of the tools for the team. 

A lower-cost option may not provide the necessary features and functionalities to support customer interactions. This can ultimately hinder the team’s ability to perform at peak.

2. Not integrating the tech stack with other tools and systems

Customer-facing teams rely on multiple tools and systems to manage customer interactions. 

The chosen communication solution must integrate seamlessly with these tools and systems. This will ensure smooth workflows and an efficient user experience.

3. Neglecting the user experience 

Are your agents even enjoying using this tool? Are they having difficulties in adoption?

You need to choose a user-friendly, easy-to-use, and customizable solution. It’s critical in order to ensure your team is using it effectively and efficiently.

4. Failing to consider scalability

Your team is growing. Your company is growing. The communication stack should be scalable to accommodate this growth. 

You need to choose a solution that can grow with the team and support their evolving needs.

5. Not providing adequate training and support

There’s a huge difference between using a tool and using it optimally.

If you want your sales and support teams to use your new communication stack optimally, you need to train them. They need support and assistance to get comfortable with the new tool.

6. Not establishing clear goals and expectations

You need to establish clear goals and expectations for using the communication stack by the team. This means defining KPIs.

This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the tools are used effectively to achieve outbound and inbound goals.

7. Not regularly reviewing and updating the tech stack

The communication stack needs to be regularly reviewed and updated. This is to ensure that it remains aligned with the needs of the team. 

Doing a half-yearly assessment of the stack is a good idea. 


UCaaS has its benefits. But its “all-in-one” pitch isn’t the right fit for your sales and support teams. 

A lot of what it offers isn’t what your agents need. Your agents need a specialist stack with purpose-built features that make them more efficient and productive.

They need a dedicated customer-facing stack that has all the features to run inbound and outbound campaigns in the best way possible.

So, if you’re building a tech stack for your customer-facing teams, take your time to weigh in on all factors before making a decision. After all, your sales and customer service success depends entirely on the communication stack your agents use.

Recommended Read: 25 Tools to Empower Your Customer-Facing Teams

Vijaya heads the Global Support team at JustCall, where he has played a pivotal role in expanding the support team and diversifying its channels and services. Under his guidance, the team consistently earns top customer satisfaction scores. With a passion for team-building, Vijaya is committed to empowering his staff to deliver unparalleled customer experiences. In addition to his managerial responsibilities, he is a certified Leadership Coach, specializing in helping leaders overcome their unique challenges to achieve success.

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