Learning about customer service should not be seen as an event, but rather as a process.

A wife walks into the living room where her husband is reading. She leans over and whispers “I love you.” Nothing. She repeats louder, “I love you.” Complete silence. She stares at him and asks, “I say I love you a LOT to you. You NEVER say I love you back. Why is that?” Her husband turns to her and declares, “Look, I told you I loved you when we got married. If that should change, I’ll let you know.” Now, is that enough? Of course not. If you want love to flourish, you have to be reminded every so often.

It’s the same for customer service. You already know what customer service is, but to make it flourish, you and your team need to be reminded periodically. If you want to drive customer loyalty, you cannot see customer service training as attending only one finite event, but rather you must see it as a participant in a continuous process.

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Just a little over a year ago, I authored a blog post that implied that customer service training is good, not better, just average. Nobody raves about average. So, I offered people a continuous education in customer CARE. If you missed it, just follow it here:

And if you haven’t followed me on customer CARE, just find that here:

When it comes to customers and customer service, don’t just be good. Be GREAT out there!

#customerservice #customerservicetraining #custserv 

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