SMS Software

Top Features of an SMS App That Can Save Your Agents’ Time

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Imagine running an e-commerce brand and reaching out to hundreds of customers each day. You’re notifying them of their order status, answering queries, or sharing promotional offers. With SMS, you hit the bullseye. Why? 54% of customers prefer to receive text messages.

The reason isn’t hard to deduce; 80% of these messages are opened within the initial 10 minutes. By incorporating SMS into your communication arsenal, you’re using a channel that boasts high open and engagement rates.

The potential of SMS isn’t limited to just reach. Whether you’re an e-commerce mogul or a burgeoning B2B startup, SMS automation is a game-changer. With state-of-the-art features like SMS scheduling and pre-designed templates, you’re not only ensuring consistent communication but also timely responses. The result? A streamlined process that saves time, optimizes resources, and solidifies a direct invaluable connection with your customers.

After all, SMS isn’t just cost-effective with high ROI; it’s where your customers already are. Let’s dive in to discover how you can further maximize this powerful tool.

Pain Points Addressed by Efficient Text Message Handling via SMS App

Navigating the vast world of customer communication, businesses often stumble upon numerous challenges. Let’s delve into the specific pain points that many face:

1. Delayed Responses

The days are gone when customers had to scout for a business’s email, then write to them, and wait for their reply. Or call them but wait in a long line to be answered for their simple query. Today’s customers expect swift and direct responses, with a sizable 90% saying that prompt customer service is essential.

They’re accustomed to immediacy in the digital age, and a delayed reply can foster feelings of neglect. For businesses, especially in areas like e-commerce or tech support, this delay might translate to dwindling customer loyalty and 91% of customers abandoning without bothering to complain.

2. Inconsistent Messaging

Imagine ordering from a brand with their website promising delivery in 5 business days. But when you reach out to customer support for an update, they inform you that the order will only be processed in those 5 days and then shipped afterward.

This is a classic case of inconsistent messaging. Such discrepancies not only lead to frustration but can also diminish trust in the brand. In fact, customers notice and trust brands that are consistent 3.5 times more often. Customers rely on clear, consistent information, and any misalignment can result in lost confidence and potential business.

3. Missed Communication Windows

Imagine you’re a B2B company based in New York, and you’ve recently established a partnership with a firm in Sydney. In your eagerness to update them, you send a message at a comfortable 9 AM in your time zone. However, on their end, it’s midnight. Not only is your message likely to go unread until morning, but you’ve also risked causing an interruption during their off-hours.

In a global marketplace, recognizing and respecting these windows of communication is essential. Whether it’s a business update or a promotional SMS, timing can make all the difference between a message being received positively or being perceived as an annoyance.

4. Resource Drain

Consider a budding startup: tight-knit and agile, with every team member juggling multiple roles. In such an environment, dedicating an employee solely to sending out SMS manually can be counterproductive. Each minute they spend on crafting and dispatching messages is a minute diverted from other pivotal tasks. As the startup scales, the challenges amplify.

The manual process of texting can’t keep pace with the rising volume of customers. It’s not just about the time; it’s the energy, the potential for error, and the strain on the workforce.

5. Lack of Personalization

72% of customers say that they only engage with SMS from businesses that are personalized. Generic messages not only risk being overlooked but can also come across as intrusive or irrelevant.

In a time when consumers expect personal touches in their interactions with brands, a one-size-fits-all approach to messaging can be a misstep. Tailoring SMS content according to individual buying behaviors, preferences, or past interactions ensures that messages resonate, fostering better engagement and trust.

Solutions to Efficient Text Message Handling via SMS App

Let’s look at the solutions and features that an SMS app offers to make communication more efficient, personalized, and timely.

Immediate Automated Responses

The essence of SMS lies in its immediacy. By leveraging SMS automation, businesses can provide on-the-spot replies without manual intervention. 88% of small business owners claim that automation helps them compete with bigger businesses.

For instance, if a customer enquires about their order status, the system, through integration with inventory or shipment tracking, can instantly fetch the required data and communicate it back to the customer. This not only reduces response time but also ensures that customers feel attended to, reinforcing their trust in the brand.

Unified Messaging

Consistency is key in communication. SMS templates offer a way to maintain a uniform tone and content across various messages. Whether it’s a confirmation of order placement, a status update, or an alert about an ongoing sale, these templates ensure that every customer receives a clear, consistent message. Such consistency prevents the confusion that arises when, for instance, a website mentions one delivery timeframe and customer service mentions another.

Smart Scheduling

Respecting your audience’s time is of paramount importance. By integrating SMS scheduling tools, businesses can ensure they communicate at times most convenient to their audience. If you have customers or partners across the globe, these tools can be set up to send messages based on the recipient’s local time, thus avoiding potential disruptions.

Optimized Resource Management

For growing businesses, especially those with limited manpower, efficiency is crucial. Integrating the SMS system with CRM or other management tools allows for seamless communication without the need for manual input. For instance, once a purchase is logged into the system, an automatic ‘Thank you for your purchase’ message can be triggered.

This ensures not just timely communication but also reduces the chance of manual entry errors. It’s about optimizing processes so that human resources can focus on areas where they truly add value.

Personalized Customer Interactions

In today’s competitive market, personalization can set a brand apart. Utilizing data-driven insights to tailor messages means communicating in line with a customer’s preferences and past interactions. 31% of consumers want firms’ SMS marketing to send them personalized messages.

With JustCall’s SMS Copilot, personalization takes a giant leap forward. This feature introduces AI-powered capabilities such as Tone Analysis and Rephrasing. Not only can businesses gauge the tone of every SMS – analyzing elements like empathy, politeness, and urgency – but they can also effortlessly tweak content to align with the desired tone. This ensures that each message resonates perfectly with the intended sentiment, providing a more personalized and impactful communication experience for the recipient.

Let’s integrate the use of SMS Copilot into the given example to showcase its features:

If a customer like Jane regularly purchases athletic wear from “SportyFit,” an online sports apparel store, understanding her buying patterns is vital. Instead of sending Jane a generic promotion, the marketing team drafts an SMS about a new collection of athletic wear.

Original Message: “New collection alert! Check out our latest arrivals.”

Using SMS Copilot’s Tone Analysis: The tool identifies the message as generic, without any specific tones such as urgency or personal connection.

Rephrased Message based on Copilot’s feedback: “Jane, we thought of you! Dive into our new athletic wear collection tailored just for your active lifestyle. Limited stock – don’t miss out!”

This targeted approach, enhanced by SMS Copilot’s AI capabilities, not only increases the chances of a sale but also makes customers feel valued and understood.

Maximizing Efficiency Through SMS Apps

Efficient SMS handling is more than just a tool—it’s a gateway to enhanced customer relationships. Embrace automation, consistency, and personalization to make every text count. Your business thrives when communication is timely and tailored.

It’s worth noting how JustCall is poised to be a game-changer in this arena. JustCall, an AI-powered customer communication platform, enables businesses to instantly connect with their customers through voice, SMS, and even WhatsApp. It’s not just about making connections; it’s about making them smart.

From automated dialers to SMS campaigns and integrations with over 100+ CRMs, JustCall streamlines communication. The platform’s AI capabilities also offer real-time prompts and call scoring, ensuring that every communication meets the highest standard.

Taran, as the Support Manager at JustCall, spearheads efforts to enhance customer satisfaction by strategically collaborating with client-facing teams. He upholds rigorous standards, ensuring JustCall's support services consistently excel. Passionate about superior customer experiences, Taran champions a company-wide dedication to a customer-first mindset.

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