Training and Coaching

The Best Sales Closing Questions And Phrases For Sales Close Plans

Imagine you are watching a thriller. You’re sitting on the edge of your seat and waiting for something exciting to happen. But, the film takes a weird twist, and you feel disappointed about the way it ends. You will instantly doubt the validity of the story and feel betrayed,

This is exactly what happens when you place a poor sales pitch. You build the hype and deliver unimpressively.

Would the customer buy any product from these sales?

Entering into a final conversation with a prospect is always one nerve-wracking experience. Even if everything is going well, there is always a chance of an unfinished closing of sales deals. A prospect could drop you off at a competitor. So how can you manage such a situation?

Here we will discuss the best sales closing questions and phrases you can use for the sales close plans to materialize successfully.

What is Closing a Sale?

Reaching a deal and the closing point is the most crucial part of a sale. Your tone, your voice, your commitment, and the language used throughout the process also affects perspective. If you do the right thing at the right time, the user will easily get converted into a customer and the sale will be closed.

What is Assumptive Closing?

When salespeople assume that the conversation will eventually lead to a sale and they make statements that they are ready to move forward is an assumptive sale. Now for some, this strategy works, while for others, it may be too aggressive.

Closing the sale is a tough job to do, and you must do your research well, use the right technique, and say the right things to get the deal closed.

Here Are Some Facts Related To Sales And Closing Questions:

  • More than 50% of customer loyalty is based on sales experience, from call to close.
  • According to research, the average sales cycle has increased by nearly 25% over the past 6 years
  • 28% of identifying customer pain areas can close the sale and hit their quota
  • 91% of top performing salespeople include experts from all departments to close big deals
  • It takes approximately 97 days to complete transmitted leads

Recommended Steps to Follow to Close the sale

Many sales leaders suggest the SARB technique when it comes to sales close plans. It is all about:

Step 1 – Summarising the conversation with the customer

Step 2 – Asking for feedback

Step 3 – Recommending the next steps

Step 4 – Booking the next meeting to close the sale

You must use the right agenda and verbiage to follow the above four steps.

Top 10 Techniques That Can Help You Close A Sale

Let us look at the top 10 techniques that you can use to close a sale diligently

Follow The 70/30 Rule

The 70/30 rule indicates that let the customer do 70% of the talking while the seller should do the rest. Listening is the key to a good sale that helps you identify and work upon the pain points of the customer.

According to Gong, the highest conversation-to-listener ratio for B2B sales pitches is around 43:57.

The “Now Or Never” Technique

Use the “limited time specials” to give your customer the extra push they need to get a “yes”. Use trigger words like last chance, ending soon, today only, don’t hesitate, etc.

Do Your Research

You should be thorough about your company policies, products, services, and brand value. Don’t wait for customers to come up with unexpected sales closing questions wherein you have to do the running around to get answers. You should be thorough with what you are selling and to whom you are selling. Try to know your customer too.

Set The Right Expectations

Don’t overpromise or don’t say things that you cannot abide by. If the customer is asking for a demo, promise him one, only if it’s possible. Not delivering on promises and setting the wrong expectations can wipe off the sales prospect.

Indulge In Storytelling

Yes! You need to create a positive rapport with the customer. Stories enable a human touch and create a good impression. 90% of the decisions are based on emotion rather than logic, so a story can be a story related to a solution to a problem, a success story of your brand, or a story about the hard work that the employees of the company are pitching in.

Don’t Sell The Product; sell Its Benefits

Don’t be pushy while selling, and don’t highlight the product. Talk about how it can solve the customer’s problems or how it can help him make things easier.

Handle Objections

If the buyer is concerned about the price or fit of the product, approach it proactively. Ask further sales closing questions and answer them carefully.

Pitch In The Sales Closure At The Right Time

Don’t be abrupt in your sales close plans. Look for the right timing. Maybe the customer is still having a conversation with you regarding his problems, and you abruptly hand over the contract or form to him for sales closure. That can put him off. Once you know your prospect is fully convinced with you and ready to close the deal, ask, and be clear when you ask.

Make An Offer

This stage should come right towards the end, that too if the customer asks for one. When you offer a discount, you give your buyers another reason to say yes. You can offer free shipping, bonuses, cashback, vouchers, etc.

Organize Some Basic Steps Before You Close The Deal

Collect the contact details of the person, be ready with the paperwork and make the closing an easy experience for the consumer

Seal The Deal Confidently With These Best Sales Closing Questions And Phrases

It is not about what you say, what words you say; it is all about how you say it, your body language, your confidence, your personality, and finally, how you make the customer feel about the deal.

That’s why you should carefully choose the words and phrases you will use during the sales process, especially when you reach the final conversations to close the deal. Learn how to make and negotiate deals by using some of the highly recommended phrases that you can use before closing your next deal:

In case of Implementation of the sales talk and ensuring a commitment to buy, you can use:

“When can we start?”

It is a way to move the deal ahead by moving the prospect forward. You can use the sales close plan template to learn some more useful closing questions.

“Just to ensure I explained myself well and answered everything .”

You can use this phrase when the lead expresses interest, and you want to make sure there are no sales closing questions left unanswered

“I look forward to working with you”.

These are the only phrases you’ll ever need to know because they won’t change in every situation.

“I hope you have time to respond, and I am thrilled with this collaboration”.

“We are happy to work with you, and I am sure we can make it work.”

Avoid the above statements if the prospect says, “Let’s do business.”

If there are several terms and conditions involved and the deal involves written formalities:

“I want to make sure we’re both on the same page, so let’s take a moment to review and double-check your answers.”

 You can use this expression if you are looking to strike a deal with a large party or company – an investment, just about any loan, so they can evaluate if they would buy from us. Your tone should be very professional

To make sure the customer understands everything

“Unless you have any questions or concerns, I think we’re fine.”

This phrase can be used if you’re not sure what your prospect is thinking right now.

Make an offer

“If we enter into the contract today, we guarantee that we will fulfill your request. How does it sound?”

This statement assumes that the seller will resolve a prospect’s objection before signing the contract.

“Let us share the quotation with you. No obligation.”

A non-binding quote is a winning statement that allows the lead to ponder over your prices and offers without committing. But in such a situation, make sure the follow-up is instant, without giving much time to the customer to explore your competitors

Give him options

“Considering your needs and wants, I guess we can shortlist these 2 products that will work best for you. Do you want to go with A or B?”

The reason for offering two alternatives is that the prospect will be more likely to choose one than to reject both. The salesperson thus increases his chances of obtaining a “yes” to something rather than a “no” to everything.

Give him a positive lead

“We are 100% confident that you and your [spouse/family/friend] will enjoy this product/service.”

This statement is another very confident closing sentence that shows the prospect how confident you are in your product/service.

It also indicates that you have probably already served customers who have the same characteristics as the prospect and therefore know from experience how the product/service will benefit them.

It also reassures the prospect that they can count on you to deliver if they need your support later.

Reassure the prospect

“As you can see, our product works/functions/delivers exactly as you want it.”

This is one of the best tips for closing a sale, especially if your product/service has certain characteristics and qualities that the prospect is looking for.

Make recommendations

“It seems that this is the right product that is most suitable for your company. What do you think?”

Since you end up asking for their opinion, it sounds sincere instead of selfish. And if they say something like, “Yes, I think it can help us with X”, then you have the perfect transition to “Great, I’ll submit the proposal right away”.

Giving a subtle deadline to the lead

“You are interested in the A and B functions, right?  So, I suggest, we should start today, so that we can be operational by …”.

Sales reps can nudge their prospects into deciding by reminding them that the sooner they act, the sooner they’ll have their new system.

Initiating Progress

“Ready to start? let me share  the contract with you immediately.”

Everyone loves the idea of progress. When potential customers associate buying with forwarding momentum, they are more likely to engage.

“Shall we discuss the price?”

With this question, you move the conversation away from general and abstract topics to the actual deal.

Ensuring a Follow-up cycle

“Would next quarter be the best fit for your requirement? If yes, I will be delighted to continue.”

If you feel the prospect is not showing any interest in the conversation

“If we offer the product at this price, and if you are still not interested, is there any reason for it?”

Such sales closing questions examples can lead to a yes or a no.If the answer is yes, the sales representative has the opportunity to address the objections without interrupting the business.

“If you have any concerns, questions, or objections, we will be glad to address them to your satisfaction.”

Another one of our great closing phrases for sale is to actively seek out your prospect’s objections, fears, and questions about your product/service. Sometimes the potential client may have a completely different fear than you expect.

Asking them to help you help them by sharing their concerns is a great way to foster a mutually rewarding relationship.

“Is there anything else that I can do to make this deal a priority for you?”

Sometimes, no matter how many times you contact a prospect, they may be trying to avoid your calls or disrupt previously scheduled sales appointments. In such cases of sales closing questions examples, it’s okay to be honest with the prospect and find out what you can offer them so that they care about your product/service.

“Take all the time you need, and we’re here for you.”

This final selling phrase is an empathetic and welcoming statement. Instead of pressuring your prospect to make an immediate sale, let them know that you respect their need for space and time to make their decision.


At the end of the day, you need to speak in your prospect’s jargon to make a sale. In your career as a salesperson, you come across many different situations and customers. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. But you must follow some standard techniques and strategies for making a sale is essential.

  • The average win rate – closing a sale after having a chance to propose or quote is 47%.
  • High-performing sales organizations are said to close 30% of their qualified sales leads (SQL), while midsize companies only close 20%.
  • 48% of sales calls are terminated without an attempt to close.

But by following the above-mentioned techniques and recommendations, you must work more efficiently. Chances are you won’t close the sale every day. Some days you wait for a rollback proposal, while other days, you negotiate. But, somewhere, these help in getting sales, and it enhances your knowledge, learning, and experience of selling. 

With over a decade of experience in the SaaS industry, Rahul currently oversees the Customer Success team for the Americas region. He has been a key figure in establishing, scaling, and also crafting the strategic vision for the department. Specializing in the digitization of customer success processes, Rahul excels at creating and executing operational playbooks aimed at boosting customer retention and renewals. Under his leadership, the team has achieved significant gains in NRR and NPS, elevating overall customer advocacy. Over the past four years, Rahul has held similar high-impact roles in various organizations, consistently contributing to their success.

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