
By Bhagirath Sindhav Published on: March 22, 2024 Updated on: Event
HoduSoft Showcasing HoduCC Omnichannel CX Suite at Enterprise Connect 2024

Experience the Evolution: HoduSoft Showcasing HoduCC Omnichannel CX Suite at Enterprise Connect 2024

“Customer experience is one of the two core pillars of customer retention.” This quote reinforces a stat released by Deloitte which found out high-quality customer experience (CX) can reduce as much as one-third of the cost of serving customers. When customers experience better quality of service, they are four times more likely to refer a friend and five times more likely to buy again, reveals recent data.

In the realm of business communication, CX is not just a buzzword. It’s the cornerstone of progress. Leading this charge is HoduSoft, a prominent name in unified communication solutions, all set to showcase its HoduCC omnichannel CX solutions at Enterprise Connect 2024, scheduled from March 25 to 28, 2024, at Gaylord Palms, Orlando, Florida.

About Enterprise Connect 2024

Organized by Informa Tech, a market leading provider of integrated research, media, training, and events to the global tech community, Enterprise Connect 2024 is an event for professionals seeking the latest in communication and CX solutions. The event will feature 10 conference tracks, over 15 end-user-led sessions, above 150 exhibitors, and more than 5,000 IT, CX, and communications professionals in attendance. Some of the key highlights of the event include:

  • Interactive panel discussions headed by industry experts
  • Massive networking opportunities
  • Product demonstrations and face-to-face meetings
  • More than 150 solution providers
  • Chance to win gift cards and consumer tech goods

From unified communications and contact centers to video solutions and collaboration platforms, Enterprise Connect 2024 promises a firsthand look at the technologies shaping the future.

HoduSoft’s Participation: What to Expect?

The event provides HoduSoft with the opportunity to connect with industry professionals and discuss how their solutions can transform organizations. With booth no. 2035 as their stage, HoduSoft will be represented by Co-founder and CTO Bharat Lalcheta, Co-Founder & CBDO Kartik Khambhati, and Product Manager Kashyap Dhamecha. 

In this event, the experts will talk about the latest innovations in the field of CX as well as share insights, demonstrate products, and engage in meaningful discussions about the evolving landscape of CX solutions.

Some challenges HoduSoft’s CX solutions can overcome are:

  • Inefficient customer service: With features such as intelligent routing, Interactive Voice Response, and self-service options, HoduSoft’s CX solutions can streamline customer service operations.
  • Fragmented communication channels: HoduSoft’s CX solutions provide exceptional omnichannel infrastructure and integrate multiple channels into a unified interface.
  • Ineffective call management: The strong call management features of HoduSoft’s CX solutions can optimize call handling processes and enhance productivity.
  • Limited customer insights: HoduSoft’s CX solutions offer advanced analytics capabilities that provide actionable insights into customer interactions, sentiment analysis, and performance metrics.

HoduCC-Call and Contact Center Software

Since its inception in 2015, HoduSoft has been at the forefront of innovation, delivering world-class communication products that redefine industry standards. 

HoduCC contact and call center software has garnered recognition as a Category Leader and FrontRunner for call recording solutions in the latest Gartner Digital Markets report. HoduCC is equipped with a wide array of sophisticated features such as:

All in All,

With Enterprise Connect 2024 drawing near, the stage is set for a convergence of ideas, innovations, and inspirations. And amidst it all, HoduSoft aims to shine bright as an exhibitor. The company reaffirms its dedication to shaping the future of communication solutions. The innovative omnichannel CX solutions, such as HoduCC call center and contact center software, are meticulously crafted to meet the ever-evolving needs of contemporary businesses. Through its insightful and influential participation at the event, HoduSoft is poised to leave a profound impression on the digital communications landscape.

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