Business Phone System

Top 10 Business Phone Problems (And Easy Fixes)

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Like any other technology, business phone systems are not foolproof. You may encounter small issues every now and then. If you are facing issues and want to troubleshoot some of the common problems yourself, this guide is for you. Here, we have listed down the top 10 phone problems you might encounter along with useful and easy-to-implement solutions.

Top 10 Phone Problems that Might be Hampering Your Business’ Productivity (and Growth)

1) No dial tone

Top causes: The problem of no dial tone may occur due to multiple reasons such as an incorrect landline setup, damaged or disconnected phone cord, improperly installed filters, wall jacks not working properly, and defective handsets.

Easy fixes: Follow these steps to fix the problem of no dial tone:

  • Step 1: Start by ensuring that all the receivers are properly placed on their hooks.
  • Step 2: Then, check whether the phone is securely plugged into the jack or not.
  • Step 3: Check if the issue is with one phone only. In this case, plug a different phone into the same jack. If, on plugging, even the second phone does not work, the issue is with the phone jack. Connect with your service provider for further troubleshooting help.
  • Step 4: For no dial tone on any call, disconnect all your connected devices one at a time. This includes your phone, modem, as well as fax.
  • Step 5: Once the device is disconnected, leave it be for 30 seconds. Then, check whether you are getting a dial tone or not. If you do get a dial tone on the last device you unplugged, it may need repairing as it might be broken.
  • Step 6: Finally, reconnect all your devices to check whether they are functioning properly.

2) No outside calls

Top causes: Are you seeing a giant “X” on your screen? Not able to make any kind of outbound calls? Your network layout might be the main culprit. You might be struggling with the issue of two routers dropping critical packets of data.

Easy fixes: Follow the troubleshooting steps:

  • Step 1: Start by checking if your phone has a touch-tone button (tt) or not. If it does have it, make sure that it is activated. Look at the side or bottom of your business phone to locate the switch.
  • Step 2: Unknown to many, the biggest culprit of incomplete calls is a stuck button on a keypad. To address this issue, press each button on your phone to ensure they are not sticking to each other or making a dull sound.
  • Step 3: Another common cause of the inability to make outgoing calls is a busy circuit in the phone lines in your area. If you are experiencing a busy signal or a delayed dial tone, simply hang up the phone and dial again. Alternatively, you can make a call a little later once the phone lines are less busy.

3) Static noise on the line

Top causes: Some of the primary reasons for getting a static noise on your phone line are electrical interference from transformers, power cables, and TV transmitters, poor weather, faulty wiring, as well as technical issues in the main line.

Easy fixes: To get rid of the irritating static noise on your phone, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Start by unplugging your business phone from its wall jack.
  • Step 2: Then, plug another working phone into the jack.
  • Step 3: If you don’t hear any static noise, the problem likely lies with the first phone.
  • Step 4: If you are using a cordless phone, you should unplug it from the wall outlet and the jack. If this works, you can look for the service provider’s manual or replace the faulty phone altogether.

4) Poor call quality and too many dropped calls

Top causes: Are you experiencing poor call quality? Are there too many complaints of dropped calls? Your network’s bandwidth might be full or you might be experiencing network instability. It can also be the fault of another party’s VoIP network or the device’s fault itself, or you might have a UDP Timeout. In the latter case, a UDP route stays open on a firewall or router. Typically speaking, these problems occur on outbound calls on high-volume networks.

Easy fixes: Here’s what you can do to ensure that your network is running in tip-top shape:

  • Step 1: Start by ensuring that you have quality network cables for all your devices. Pro tip: Ask your service provider to place your phone on a VLAN to segment it from other sources of network traffic.
  • Step 2: Figure out if you are using the same internet connection for voice and data usage, which might be causing network problems. 
  • Step 3: Ask your service provider to check if your phone’s router can prioritize VoIP traffic or not. If it can, then the problem might lie with the configuration. If it cannot, then you will need to buy a router that can and get it installed professionally. 
  • Step 4: Finally, ensure that you have the most up-to-date firmware installed on your business phone. Your phone service provider should be able to confirm this on their routine checks for maintenance.

5) Choppy sound on call

Top causes: If your customers are constantly going: “I am sorry, can you please repeat that,” your business phone might have a choppy sound on the caller’s end, making it difficult to hear the agent.Choppy sounds on call generally occur due to poor Internet connection, lack of bandwidth capacity, or an incorrectly configured network configuration.

These can be disastrous for your business’ sales. In other words, if your internet bandwidth is low or there’s a network congestion/delay, this will lead to data loss causing choppy sounds. Another common cause includes inconsistent download/upload speed. If someone else hears your voice cut in and out, it is a problem with your upload bandwidth. If you hear the caller’s voice in bits and pieces, the problem lies in your download bandwidth.

Easy fixes:

  • Step 1: To fix this issue, you must wait for your office’s peak time for Internet usage.
  • Step 2: Conduct a VoIP test to understand the kind of bandwidth you have. If your network is slow, lower the congestion by switching off the phone system. You can also segment your network with a Virtual LAN (VLAN).
  • Step 3: Additionally, if you notice that your Internet speed is still slow, you will need to get in touch with your service provider about getting an upgrade for your business phone system.

6) Delays in transmission

Top causes: A delay in transmission, also known as latency, is basically the lag time that occurs between the speaker’s speech and the listener’s ability to hear it. This often sounds like an echo. This may occur due to three primary reasons: the headset lag, the device, or due to network latency.

Easy fixes: To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Start by asking yourself these questions: Does the phone system have the latest updates, or does it need to be updated? Is everything plugged in properly, and is it functioning accurately? Is anything damaged physically?
  • Step 2: Ensure that your VoIP traffic is being prioritized over the network. For this, you may need to re-configure your router. Get professional help to get this issue sorted out easily.
  • Step 3: You can buy a high-quality VoIP router and let the experts take over.

7) No ring on forwarding phones

Top causes: If your forwarded phones are not ringing, your system might be at fault. For instance, there might be an error in your phone’s settings. You can remedy this by logging into your online dashboard. Comb through your settings to see what the error might be. Another possible cause might be that your forwarding phone number was input incorrectly, preventing calls from going through.

Finally, if you are struggling with no ring on a single phone, your phone’s carrier might be facing issues such as an outage or network problems when placing a call. 

Easy fix: The best way to get rid of this issue is to cross-check your phone’s settings via an online control panel. If you still experience no luck, it may be time to get in touch with your business phone provider.

8) Calls not leaving the voicemail

Top causes: Are multiple customers unable to a voicemail? This phone system problem can be easily solved. If a single caller is unable to leave a voice message, then the problem might lie at their end. 

Easy fixes: To address this issue, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: The first troubleshooting step is to replicate the issue at hand and see if there really is a problem you need to address. Start by placing a few test calls to your phone system from a phone that is not associated with your system. Leave a voicemail. 
  • Step 2: Check if your voice mailbox is full. If yes, then delete a few unnecessary messages and test it again. Also, check for a configuration error in your control panel. Simply log into your dashboard and recheck all your settings. You should be able to get rid of this problem from within your dashboard itself.

9) Silence on call while holding the line

Top causes: Some of the common causes of long silences on the phone can be problems at the caller’s end, particularly if the silence occurs right after the caller calls in. If the silence occurs during a call transfer, then the employee/agent must have transferred the call incorrectly.

Easy fix: Check the settings for the on-hold music and audio messages. Are they set to play at the correct time? Are your audio files being recorded properly or are they an accumulation of long silences? If everything seems in order, you may need to speak to your phone service provider to get to the root of the issue.

10) Too many spam calls

Top causes: Is your business receiving too many unwanted calls? These could be wide-ranging–from robocalls to wrong numbers, which can hamper day-to-day productivity and leave your employees frustrated.

Easy fixes: To rid yourself of the problem of too many unwanted calls, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Add the unwanted numbers to your ‘blocked’ list with your virtual provider. Most phones will also allow you to log into your dashboard and see a list of “Blocked numbers.”
  • Step 2: Place your business number on the national Do Not Call Registry. This will significantly lower the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls that your business gets.
  • Step 3: Add an automated call menu to your business phone system. This strategy becomes super useful in screening calls that are driven by robocallers. Since these automated robocallers cannot choose an option from your menu, the number of spam calls will get reduced.
  • Step 4: The last step entails making a list of all the unnecessary phone numbers and contacting these numbers directly. The end goal is to ask them to put your business phone number on their do-not-call list.

Other Common Business Phone Problems to Make a Note Of

Aside from the problems mentioned above, you may also face the following issues:

  • You have an outdated phone system: If you are using an outdated phone, it may get harder to get it repaired as replacement parts become rarer to find. Plus, the costs for these ‘rare’ parts can drive up your phone maintenance costs. Additionally, you may also find it difficult to find the right technicians to repair your phone. To tackle this problem, you must get your phone systems upgraded every five to ten years and proactively budget for the same. For example, if you are still using a landline system, it is high time you switch to a VoIP solution that can offer more advanced features at a better cost.
  • You may have a phone with a limited number of features: Phone features have evolved way beyond putting customers on hold or conducting conference calls. To remain competitive and give your customers the best customer experience, you need more advanced features such as:

– Auto attendant, which enables customers to interact with a menu and select the extension that they need

– Voice-to-email transcription, which converts your voice messages to written email messages. This allows your agents to focus on what the customer is saying instead of worrying about documenting key customer details.

– Music on hold, which empowers customers to listen to soothing music while they are on hold (as opposed to the irritating and deafening silence).

– Routing calls, which allows you to build a list of numbers you wish to try before switching the caller to voicemail.

Collect your team together and brainstorm on the kind of features your team would like to use in the business phone. Then, reach out to three to four service providers and see which model suits your business needs and team’s goals the best. 

  • You may have a way-too-advanced business phone: If you’ve got a business phone that your employees are unable to use, all that effort and investment is already pouring down the drain. Imagine how difficult it will be if your employees have to fish out the instruction manual each time they make a call. This can hamper productivity and lead to time wastage. To cater to this issue, make sure to get your employees trained on how to use the phone system with maximum efficiency.

The Takeaway

If there are two simple solutions that you take away from this blog for fixing your phone line issue, let them be this: One, check your phones and equipment are properly plugged in. The power should be functioning properly at your office location. Two, turn off all your devices and unplug them. Wait it out for a minute. Then, plug it back in, and turn it on to see if it is working or not. If none of the solutions outlined above seem to be working in your favor, it might be time to connect with your phone service provider’s customer care team. 

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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