The Art and Science of Measuring Customer Emotions: An Essential Guide for CSMs

The Art and Science of Measuring Customer Emotions: An Essential Guide for CSMs

Do you know the best ways to measure customer emotions as a CSM? If not, check out this blog, wherein we have provided a comprehensive take on achieving this endeavor.

The Art and Science of Measuring Customer Emotions: An Essential Guide for CSMs
The Art and Science of Measuring Customer Emotions: An Essential Guide for CSMs

Whether we want them to be or not, emotions are substantial driving factors in any decision we make. And the same is true for your customers. They also make many emotional-based decisions. Whether they want to renew or leave for your competitors. So, one way CSMs can improve upon the customer’s experience is to focus on their emotions. In many cases, customer emotions are not measured, and this leads to an inability to manage it. So, in this guide, we’ll cover why measuring customer emotions are important and how to do it.

But First, The Basics, What are Customer Emotions?

Just so we’re on the same page about what we’re measuring, customer emotions are what customer feels about their experience with a product or company. Measuring customer sentiment is essential to keep customer happiness at the center and align overall goals. Emotions are a significant part of the customer journey and help drive the journey forward. Customer emotion data is how customers react to a product feature update or improvement.

Benefits of Measuring Customer Emotions

Here are the most significant benefits of measuring customer emotions.

Connecting With Your Customers

When you know how your customers feel about your company, you can forge a better bond with them based on their needs and what drives them. And when you understand their emotions, you’re able to help them get what they need more efficiently. So, by emotionally connecting with your customers, you can improved the overall customer experience.

Opportunity to Provide Value

When you measure customer emotions, you can accurately find ways to provide value to your customers. And this can allow you to help them achieve the value they signed up for, potentially increasing brand loyalty.

Can Improve Targeting

Customer emotion measurement can help understand target streaks and feelings behind customer behavior. You get an idea of what customer segments experience with the product and in what capacity. This way, you can build better bridges and improve segmentation and targeting.

Improved Product Scope

If you understand customer emotions, you can improve and give the product team a better understanding of feature updates or requests. You can enhance growth and measure product performance.

Top Ways to Measure Customer Emotions

Here are the top ways to measure customer emotions.

Ascertain Key Elements Like Who, How, and Where

Before you can measure your customer emotions, you have to segment them. Perhaps you want to measure the emotions of a specific customer segment. This targeting will help measure customer emotion so that you can personalize customer behavior.

You cannot assess the emotions of every customer. So, you’ll need to communicate with specific customers based on their engagement with the product. You must also choose the medium of interaction, for example, like sending a survey.

Use Net Promoter Score

You can also use the Net Promoter Score to determine how customers feel about the product. And it’ll help measure specific emotions in the customer journey. They’ll only need to answer one question—Will you recommend the product to your friends or family?

Calculate the Net Emotional Value

Another way to measure emotions is based on the Net Emotional Value metric. Net emotional value is when the company asks the customer to mention how their interaction is in one word. The NEV represents how the customer feels about the brand. You can eliminate neutral responses like fine, okay, decent, etc.

Net emotional value can help track the reasons for negative emotions.

Net Emotional Value = Total Positive Words – Total Negative Words

Perform a Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis measures the customer’s voice, messages, conversation context, word usage, etc. Sentiment analysis allows you to interpret all conversations objectively. Aspects you need to check include:

  • How fast the customer speaks
  • How frustrated the customer is
  • How the customer responds to questions
  • How the customer’s speech changes when offered solutions

How are Emotions Different From Sentiment?

Even though customer emotions and customer sentiment are similar feelings, there are some differences:

  • Emotions are easy to change as compared to sentiment. A sentiment is a group of emotions on a specific topic.
  • The sentiment builds over time while emotions are quick and intense.
  • Emotions can vary, but the sentiment is either bad or good.

Bottom Line

Customer emotions are unique and can be managed if measured. Measuring customer emotion data and gauging sentiment is important to understand the customer experience better. And it’s important for CSMs to handle customer emotions and measure them in the right manner. And by using the methods mentioned above, you can measure customer emotion and take steps to improve customer experience.

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