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Facial Coding in the Customer Experience

How to Read and Respond to Customers’ Emotions to Deliver Better Service

Shep Hyken interviews Dan Hill, founder of Sensory Logic. They discuss how emotions affect the customer experience, and how facial coding can help employees better understand and respond to their customers’ emotions.

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Top Takeaways:

  • Facial coding is not facial recognition, but rather how emotions are displayed on the face.
  • Facial coding is universal, spontaneous and abundant. In other words, it is a plentiful resource of information that, when properly utilized, can help companies understand their customers and ultimately create a better customer service experience.
  • Collecting and interpreting data from facial coding can help companies understand whether or not customers are having a good experience and if they will return in future.
  • The seven different emotions you can get from facial coding are happiness, anger, sadness, surprise, disgust and contempt. The first three are “approach” emotions. Surprise and disgust are reactive emotions. Adverse emotions are disgust and contempt—in other words, customer service killers!
  • Every point of the customer journey creates an emotional reaction. Make sure each step inspires the right emotions (such as surprise and happiness) to facilitate moving your customers in the direction you want, rather than driving them away.
  • Customers may not remember all the details of their experience with you, but they will remember the high points—the beginning, the ending and above all, how the interaction made them feel.


“There are two currencies in business: dollars and emotions.”

“Facial recognition allows you to know who someone is, but facial coding allows you to know how they feel.”

“What’s the difference between a smile and a smirk? Profitability.”

“If trust is the emotion of business, then contempt is the emotion of bankruptcy.”

“The thing that really turns the interaction with the employee into a home run is the me story. Does the employee hear you and understand who you are and what you want?”


Dan Hill, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert on the role of emotions in business, politics, sports and popular culture. He is also the founder of Sensory Logic, a political pundit and the author of multiple bestselling books.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.

This episode of Amazing Business Radio with Shep Hyken answers the following questions … and more:

  1. How does emotion affect the customer experience?
  2. How does emotion affect customer loyalty?
  3. What is facial coding?
  4. How can I improve my customer service and experience?
  5. How can I use facial coding to my advantage in business?

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