What to consider when choosing a field ticketing software

How to choose a field ticketing software

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Field ticketing software is crucial to managing a company’s operations in the field remotely. Field service managers rely on these systems to keep tabs on current operations and plan out future ones. As field service becomes more remote, priorities are changing. It is as vital as ever to track the performance of team members. Still, connectivity is now taking an increasingly important place in a company’s considerations. Remote maintenance and Remote Virtual Inspection are just two applications of this technology. Field ticketing software should align with your company’s needs and use cases. 

When choosing a field ticketing software, consider these three factors: 

1. What are your most time-consuming tasks?

In many cases, dispatching field technicians or inspectors is both time-consuming and expensive. Data entry and file management are also areas where you can save time by using field ticketing software.

2. Who will be using the system?

Office staff, technicians, or inspectors will have different needs. Tailoring your field ticketing software to their requirements is the best approach. Whether you’re sending people into the field or running a call center, ViiBE’s video call software is an excellent option for maximum connectivity. ViiBE’s flexibility has been demonstrated in many industries.

3. Where is the software being used?

Customer-service facing use cases differ in needs from remote virtual inspection or quality control. CRM software like Zendesk is an often used tool for customer service. On the other hand, ViiBE’s suite of solutions works great for nearly any use case.

ViiBE is a download-free video call software that was designed from the ground up for business. It includes ticketing and knowledge management solutions integrated into the software. ViiBE’s versatile ticketing solution can save multiple calls under one ticket if your technician needs to visit the same place multiple times. The option to save calls helps with quality control and ensures full traceability. ViiBE also integrates into different CRM ticketing systems, giving you the freedom to use whichever ticketing solution you like. ViiBE is designed to keep your operations organized like an in-person visit while reducing truck roll and dispatching. At the end of each call, a short survey updates performance metrics such as first call resolution rate.

1. What are the different types of ticketing tools?

Today, there is a wide variety of ticketing tools available. Let’s explore a few of the main options:

1.1. Specialized tools

Specialized ticketing tools exist for specific industries,  a field ticketing system for oil fields. This software can track labor, equipment, and materials (LEM) as well as timesheets and billing information. This software is designed to work best for a specific use case. 

1.2. CRM systems

CRM ticketing systems are focused on the customer journey and improving the customer experience. Zendesk’s ticketing system keeps track of customer inquiries or issues and helps to prioritize tasks. This software is becoming more and more used in customer service. 

1.3. ViiBE

Conventional video conferencing software like Zoom can be used for field service but lacks dedicated ticketing tools. ViiBE’s built-in ticketing system and knowledge base combine the best of video conferencing software with CRM systems. It is equally helpful for customer-facing use cases like customer service and non-customer-facing ones like remote visual inspection

Different field ticketing software exists for different use cases
Different field ticketing softwares exist for different use cases

2. What is a CRM ticketing system?

A customer relationship management (CRM) system helps track a company’s interactions with its customers. Each customer is assigned a ticket, which the software manages throughout the customer journey. It is also a convenient way to prepare field service reports. Ticketing software is essential for following up with customers who experienced an issue while using a product or service. Software such as Zendesk, Microsoft Dynamics, and Salesforce are some of the most common solutions. 

ViiBE integrates seamlessly into any of these ticketing systems and also offers its own ticketing solution. ViiBE makes creating field tickets a simple process. Just name the ticket and any tags, and the call data is automatically integrated into the ticket.

No matter the industry, field ticketing is becoming more and more important to conduct field operations remotely while increasing efficiency. 

3. Importance of field ticketing software

Before the advent of field service ticketing software, managers would have to fill out paper forms and complete other time-consuming tasks. Today, Field ticketing software is the backbone of field service operations. Digital field tickets make it easier to track jobs by organizing information in a centralized location. Data is updated in real-time and is easy to find. 

For customers, field ticketing software improves the customer experience. Ticketing systems empower customer service representatives to easily and quickly retrieve customer information. Knowledge bases allow them to find relevant updates to procedures or new product information. This capability not only saves time for the representative but also provides convenience for your customer. ViiBE’s ticketing solution can organize issues with tags, making it easier to track ongoing or reoccurring problems. This feature makes it easier to plan and perform updates to fix issues with your system.

4. The convenience of ViiBE

ViiBE is not only flexible but also convenient. With a simple web link, your customer or your technician can connect to a ViiBE call. WebRTC technology ensures a secure download-free connection. Whether you’re calling someone on a smartphone, laptop, or even the latest Augmented Reality headgear, ViiBE’s field service platform-agnostic web app will connect. You can share documents or photos before or during the call and store the information in a centralized knowledge base. Experts can draw on the screen or use a superimposed red dot “laser” to guide you through technical components. The latest release of ViiBE includes call scheduling for enhanced convenience.

5. Conclusion

Field Ticketing Software is used in a wide variety of uses from customer service companies to industrial equipment operators. Whether you need ticketing software for customer-facing or non-customer-facing use cases, ViiBE’s flexible ticketing system will benefit your company. Specialized systems may be necessary to keep track of equipment and employees. Still, when you need an expert, ViiBE connects you effortlessly in an instant thanks to expertise call routing. Customer service agents will appreciate ViiBE’s integrated knowledge base and easy integration with major CRM systems. Most of all, your customers will enjoy the download-free secure web app which works on any device.  

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