Cloud Phone System

On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based Phone Systems: Which Are More Reliable?

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According to a survey by Salesforce, 94% of companies recorded an improvement in security after switching to a cloud system in a certain department.

Not only that, but 91% of these companies also stated that it became easier for them to meet government compliance requirements after switching to the cloud.

Such is today’s day and age when things are going digital at the speed of light. In this article, we’re bringing the focus on one such industry that can benefit immensely from going digital.

Owing to several of its benefits, numerous companies have started using a cloud-based phone system for their customer support.

Here, we compare on-premise vs. cloud-based phone systems side by side to help you choose the best option for your company.

In simple terms, an on-premise phone system is a tangible installation of telephones in a workplace. It is either wired or wireless, depending on the company’s preferences.

While you can use an internet connection to connect the phones, the setup relies heavily on hardware.

An on-premise phone system requires a dedicated room. Apart from this, you will also need a third-party system for recurring maintenance.

These are the basic requirements for setting up an on-premise system.

What is a Cloud-Based Phone System? 

On the other hand, a cloud-based phone system is based entirely on the internet, and businesses usually use an application to access their directories.

This application is provided by a third-party phone service provider. You need a good internet connection and sufficient bandwidth to reach out to your customers.

Cloud phone systems need a limited setup on the server. Adding more setups or subtracting the same from the phone system is extremely easy as well.

On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based Phone Systems: Major Differences

To arrive at a proper analysis of on-premise vs. cloud-based phone systems, let’s examine both of these against various scenarios.

White background with two columns comparing on premise vs cloud based phone systems

1. Setup

Installing an on-premise calling ecosystem can span several months, depending on the scale of the operation. You also need to finalize what hardware to buy and establish the infrastructure for the setup.

On the other hand, setting up cloud telephony is a one-person task. The process involves only downloading the said software and letting it do the rest of the job.

2. Costs

The cost, in an on-premise setup, depends entirely on the size of the model. When you scale it higher, it becomes increasingly expensive. It can burn a hole in your pocket if you are a small business.

However, cloud phone systems do not require a heavy capital outlay. No installation costs are associated with this model, and hence, it automatically becomes a client favorite.

3. Scalability

When we take on-premise phone systems in perspective, scalability comes with added costs. The investment and scalability here are directly proportional; the more you invest, the more you can scale. 

On the other hand, a cloud system provides for service adjustments – keeping seasonal and industry fluctuations in consideration. This is one major area in which cloud phone systems gain the upper hand over traditional calling models.

4. Reliance

Several businesses do rely on on-site calling systems for good call quality and to avoid internet-based hindrances and latency.

However, it is important to realize that not all errors are digital. On-site phone systems do soak up recurring funds for maintenance. They usually also take longer to repair.

Moreover, the equipment might break down sometimes or, worse, become incompatible with your software.

Cloud-based phone systems are naturally more reliable than tangible systems. The system itself does all the software upgrades, and the company’s own IT team can very well fix the bugs.

5. Integrations

There are various stakes involved when we speak of upgrading an on-site phone system software. The licenses and installations involved can often get complicated. 

Cloud-based phone systems are designed to have several integrations from the very beginning. Customer support is integral in cloud telephony.

As a result, cloud-based phone systems offer several integrations to make the experience smoother for both the clients and your employees. 

6. Productivity

Cloud phone systems come with a plethora of features that help your team of call center representatives.

Easier call log management, auto dialercall log tracking, and automated voicemails are just some of the many features that increase the productivity of your team manifold.

7. Collaboration

An on-premise phone system would do well in terms of collaboration for obvious reasons, as it is always easier to collaborate when you’re functioning from the same room.

However, now that most of the world has shifted to remote working, on-site systems have been facing a huge issue.

Cloud telephony is remote work-proof. You can use it from anywhere in the world. You can expect even easier collaboration because all data is stored on the cloud.

8. Maintenance

Both these setups require maintenance but of very different scales. While a cloud system might develop bugs, these usually are well within the radar of the tech team.

Traditional phone models have a recurring maintenance model. The hardware requires updates, and specific agencies are brought under contract for the same.

9. Security

Human hands cause a huge number of security breaches around the globe. The more primitive a system, the higher the chances of a security breach. 

Most cloud service providers make it their utmost priority to stay at the top of their game in terms of security. A team of security experts is deployed to tackle issues, prepared to handle large amounts of data.

How to Choose a Business Phone System Provider?

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right business phone system provider. 

1. The first factor to consider is how big your organization currently is and how many employees you expect it to have over the next five years, at the very least.

This is crucial, as any investments must cater to your organization’s long-term needs and not become redundant a few months down the line. 

2. The next factor to consider is whether you want an on-premise system with the hardware present in your office or whether you’d like to install a cloud-based system that caters to increased flexibility. 

3. The third factor is to decide what features you’d consider crucial for your business to run smoothly. Some of these could include provisions for call forwarding, conference calls, and voicemails, among others. 

4. Lastly, consider your budget in the present and over the next five years, for instance.

If you expect your organization to scale massively, an on-premise PBX system can be expensive at the outset, but adding additional handsets to the system is inexpensive.

A VoIP system, on the other hand, can be expensive as every new employee who needs a phone line will need to be provided with an expensive handset. 

On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based Telephony: What’s Best for You?

At the end of the day, it’s your choice to make. Either of these two options can be suitable for a business owing to its present circumstances.

Before making a choice, analyze these options carefully against your resources and needs.

And finally, if you are looking for a scalable, adaptable, and reliant telephony solution for your business, try out JustCall today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which one is best: On-Premise or Cloud-Based Phone?

Whether an on-premise or cloud-based phone system works better for your business will depend on its specific needs.

Cloud-based systems are typically easier to scale, have no installation costs, and are flexible, while on-premise systems are easier to control and offer stable voice quality.

Which will be more beneficial for my business: hosted vs. on-premise systems?

When comparing cloud-based phone systems vs. on-premise systems, deciding which is the best for your business depends on its present and future needs.

If yours is a large business with an IT team to manage an entire phone system, an on-premise system will work best. However, if you want something more scalable without physical wiring, a cloud-based system would be ideal.

Who are the best business phone system providers?

One of the best business phone system providers in the market today is JustCall. We offer various phone systems that can be tailored to your use case, regardless of your industry, and are also highly scalable and reliable.

How does a cloud-based phone system work?

A cloud-based phone system works primarily over the internet and is managed by a VoIP provider. This system doesn’t require any old-fashioned setup or wiring and is, thus, easier to scale.

Further, given that it’s hosted on the cloud, it allows employees to remotely access the phone system.

Is the cloud safer than on-premise?

In the comparison between a hosted vs. on-premise phone system, a cloud-based system comes out on top in terms of security, as data stored on the cloud is harder to duplicate as opposed to that in on-premise systems.

For further reading on similar topics, refer to the list below.

Common Misconceptions about Cloud Phone Systems

Features to Look for in a Cloud Phone System

Equipments needed to install a Cloud Phone System

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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