PBX (Private Branch Exchange)

What Is a PBX Phone System and How Does It Work

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Your sales and customer support teams need a robust communication system that not only fulfills basic tasks but also empowers them to perform better.

In your search for one such system, you’re likely to come across the word “PBX phone system”.

In this blog post, that’s what we’ll discuss: what PBX is, its features, types, and benefits.

Let’s start!

What is a PBX phone system? 

PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange System, which refers to a private telephone network that controls all incoming and outgoing calls within the organization.

This system contains multiple phone lines that allow you to link multiple users to a single line. It enables you to have an advantage over key telephone systems, which only allow for a limited number of phone lines.

PBX systems are typically designed by the organization that uses them based on needs and budget. They can be pretty complex to install. Therefore, it is important to understand all the workings, features, and functions of PBX before getting started. 

How does the PBX phone system work? 

Now that we know what PBX phone systems entail let’s dive into how PBX works.

In a broad sense, there are two ways in which PBX systems operate. 

Earlier, classic PBX systems had to be used. They depended on copper-wire landline phones that entered the actual premises of the business to link to the PBX box (usually located in an IT closet). 

This Private Branch Exchange box included telephony switches that allowed telephone calls to be directed or “switched” to other desk phones across the company.

Since then, things have transformed tremendously. So how does PBX work now? 

Well, the modern or “digital PBX” makes use of the internet. Also called IP PBX, VoIP phone system, or VoIP PBX, such systems make and receive phone calls using digital phone signals.

There is no need for rewiring with digital PBX systems because they use ethernet cables to link VoIP phones. These Private Branch Exchanges boost connectivity since they use an internet connection. 

Today, most companies use the digital PBX system thanks to its automated functions, convenience, and scope. 

PBX phone systems, irrespective of the technology employed, provide the following fundamental phone call processing functions:

  • Connecting telecommunications devices.
  • Terminating connections when the user finishes a phone call. 


Types of PBX Phone Systems 

Now that we have a clear understanding of how PBX telephone systems work, let’s explore the different types of PBX phone systems. There are several types of PBX phone systems. 

1.Traditional or on-premises PBX 

Traditional PBX consists of an internal telephone service that is physically installed in the office. This PBX is accessible to the employees who use it to make outgoing calls and communicate with their colleagues and managers. The host cannot inherently monitor all the calls made through this system, a facility that is extended in modern PBX systems.

On-premises PBX is not recommended for companies that hold a progressive mindset. These systems require huge upfront expenses. Furthermore, a dispute in these systems will require engineers.

2.IP or Digital PBX 

The IP or digital PBX is distinguished from older models of PBX by one fundamental feature: it uses digital signals to make calls. In other words, it uses the internet for its functioning. This system is also referred to as VoIP PBX. 

So how does VoIP PBX work? Well, VoIP phone systems can operate in multiple ways. They are either installed on-site or off-site. Both these alternatives to VoIP have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. 

3.Hosted or Cloud PBX 

Hosted PBX makes use of the cloud. It’s really interesting to find out how cloud PBX works. It functions with the help of a cloud that connects PBX systems across different locations to one host via the internet.

Alternatively, big companies use a cloud PBX to host calls within their multiple branches and offices. The “host” can monitor all the inbound and outbound calls connected through this system with the help of a web browser or apps.

Some features of this PBX type include call recording and routing, auto call attendant, hold music, call forwarding, and more. 

Today, there are many hosted PBX service providers to assist companies. Service providers offer you different plans and features. This means that smaller organizations can easily avail of the services of a cloud PBX at a low cost with a suitable plan. It essentially avoids the hassles and complications of having an on-site PBX.

4.PBX SIP Trunking 

SIP trunking is a great option for companies that already have a traditional PBX system installed. As mentioned, there are many limitations to the traditional PBX system. It does not provide the range of functions that digital PBX provides. 

However, one may be skeptical of putting their company phone lines in the hands of a hosted PBX. This is where SIP trunking comes in. SIP trunking refers to connecting an existing PBX system to the internet. 

An upgrade through SIP trunking enables a range of new functions and capabilities within the PBX, such as video conferencing, multimedia messaging, and instant data exchanges. 

Features of PBX phone systems 

Throughout this blog, we are referring to IP PBX phone systems. Traditional PBX largely only had calls and related services. 

Modern PBX phone systems include a variety of business-grade capabilities to improve call handling and routing. The following are some advanced features of PBX solutions:

  • Business hours routing: Out-of-hours phone calls are automatically sent to 24*7 voicemail, available agents, or alternative departments.

  • Auto Attendant: Phone calls are routed to different departments or personnel inside the firm using a pre-recorded option. The system can automatically attend calls.

  • Call forwarding: It allows staff to route phone calls to the appropriate agent or department.

  • Call logging and recording: Call recordings are used to save critical phone calls for archival or training purposes.

  • Call queue: Notifies callers how long it will take them to connect to an agent.

  • Call conferencing: This PBX functionality is required for corporate telephone systems in order to establish external and internal conference calls.

  • Music on hold: It keeps callers engaged while they wait in line by playing music based on your choice.

Benefits of PBX phone systems 

Here are the most talked-about benefits of PBX:

1. Smooth Communication: A company does not work with one individual. It involves teamwork. Therefore, communication is very important for the functioning of a business.

PBX promptly connects your employees, managers, and clients and enables smooth communication with high-quality calling. This is essential for a business to thrive.

2. Connectivity and Call Routing: Internet connection has ensured that PBX systems can be accessed and tracked almost anywhere. This allows business owners to stay updated with the current business status across multiple office branches simultaneously. It is, therefore, easier to manage day-to-day functioning across offices.

3. Enhancing Customer Support: Customer is king! Many people terminate their services with a business because of poor customer support. On the back of advanced features, PBX systems allow you to thoroughly listen to your customers’ concerns and address them.

Further, issues such as prolonged call waiting and call forwarding are avoided with PBX. You can smoothly forward calls to different departments, add pleasant music when the call is on hold, and show your customers that you care about their experience.

4. Working Remotely: This is one of the biggest advantages of PBX: it is futuristic. Since the outset of the pandemic, working remotely has become a normal thing. It is important to make your company’s communication systems resilient.

Now, all you need is a broadband internet connection to stay connected with your employees and customers and keep track of the entire operation.

5. Improving Employee Performance: With its advanced capabilities, PBX allows you to record calls, keep track of productivity, and essentially estimate what’s working for your company and what is not. This can help you understand the concerns of your employees and deal with them promptly so you can enhance your performance.

Providing incentives and appreciating good work is also easier with the sort of tracking and monitoring PBX enables you to do. 

Do We Really Need PBX for Calls & Productivity?

The modern technological evolutions might make us question the importance and need for a PBX system.

However, if you value integrity and want a secure system for communication, a PBX system can work wonders.

Traditionally, the PBX technology was reserved for large-scale organizations with a dedicated IT department and a substantial budget. However, technological advancements have made it more affordable and accessible. Today, even small businesses can afford and benefit from a PBX system.

Meetings in the contemporary digital age go beyond just voice calls. A dynamic PBX system allows you to hold online sessions, including live-streaming video conferences.

It is way more effective than traditional voice calls and can improve communication and coordination among the team. Communicating effectively will lead to less confusion and errors, boosting productivity.

Small businesses are on the verge of losing customers due to not upgrading resources. An outdated PBX system may not be able to handle the volume of calls that a growing business receives. 

Additionally, it may not have the features and functionality that customers expect, such as the ability to transfer calls or access voicemail from any phone. This can also lead to a poor customer experience and may cause customers to seek out other businesses that can provide the level of service they expect.

Build a robust communication ecosystem 

Upgrading to a better and more agile communication solution is critical for businesses to stay competitive.

Sales and customer support teams today need powerful phone systems that fulfill basic responsibilities, as well as enhance their productivity and performance.

So, now that you know what PBX is, its types, features, and benefits – take your time and make an informed decision. Choose a phone system that maps to your needs and goals… a phone system that can help ramp up your sales and customer support efforts.

JustCall is the topmost cloud-based phone system, trusted by 6,000+ businesses worldwide. Give it a try. Schedule a free demo call and learn more about the ‘JustCall advantage’.

FAQs - PBX Phone System

How do PBXs differ from a PSTN switch? 

PSTN stands for Public Switched Telephone Network. It refers mainly to the typical landline telephone system. It is useful for residential purposes and is wider in its scope than PBX because it is public.

On the other hand, PBX is by definition private. Therefore, it is used by businesses. PSTN further is only concerned with phone calls. PBX has nuanced features as it works via the internet.

What is the purpose of a PBX? 

PBX enables an organization to run a private telephone system. Unlike traditional telephone systems, it has additional features such as auto call attending, voicemail management, and message recording options. This enables tracking progress, communication within the organization, and interactions with the clients.

It makes communication with customers much smoother and more organized. Therefore, the main purpose of PBX is to enhance the basic functioning of a business via smooth communication and accessibility.

How do PBXs operate? 

PBX phones mainly operate in two ways. Modern PBXs use VoIP digital phone systems, while the traditional method relies on analog phone lines. After a subscription has been availed, it calls each client for free.

Define PBX solutions for startups or small businesses. 

Small businesses utilize PBX phone systems to transfer calls among extensions internally and externally. Nowadays, many automated features have been introduced, intended to help a company’s business proceedings and save extra expenditures.

How to select a PBX service? 

Consider the upfront setup charges or subscription plan costs. Then evaluate the ease of customization when compared to other market alternatives. Look for other users’ experience online; check the reviews. Finally, consider the tech support costs and availability of customer support.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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