CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service)

Contact Center Analytics And Reporting: What to Measure!

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Contact centers are one of the most underrated departments of a business. It is important to equip your call centers with the right toolset and insight for them to function well.

Nearly half of customer service agents already find it hard to manage tough conversations. Add to that the heightened customer expectations today (especially after the pandemic), and you will see the need for a robust analytics contact center solution.

Let’s understand this need in-depth and explore the best solutions available.

What Is Contact Center Analytics?

Much like every other department of a business needs analytical insight to function well, so does the contact center. Contact center reporting, and analytics software is a tool that businesses utilize to generate insights for monitoring the call center and agent performance.

This software helps the business gather information about how well the customers are being served by the agents in terms of key performance metrics, like average handle time, response time, CSAT score, and much more.

At the end of the day, contact center analytics software helps businesses improve customer service quality and satisfaction levels by a wide margin.

Contact Center Analytics: What to Measure and How

Tracking the performance and efficiency of your call center ultimately comes down to knowing which metrics to track using your contact center analytics software.

Listed below are the most important KPIs that should be tracked.

  • Call abandonment rate (average): It is common in contact centers to experience callers dropping off before an agent can be connected. However, if this is happening too much, it might be a problem.
  • Percentage of blocked calls: In case your business is dealing with a high volume of callers, some customers may experience a busy tone. This means your contact center is adequately equipped.
  • Average queue time: This metric allows you to see how much your callers have to wait to speak to an agent on average.
  • Service level: You can measure the real-time productivity of your agents by measuring the number of calls they answer within a specified time.
  • Average response time: This KPI helps track how long your agents take to answer a call within the specified time limit.
  • Average handling time: If you want to track how long your agents spend on a call from the moment they get one from the queue, this is the metric to track.
  • Average time on work after the call: Agents need to finish associated tasks after they end each call. This metric tracks how long they take for the tasks.
  • First call resolutions: This metric lets you track the calls that your agents handled without transferring, escalating, or repeating a call.
  • Occupancy rates: Every second that the agents spend busy on calls or associated work is measured by this metric.

5 Ways Contact Center Analytics Improve Customer Experience

According to a Talkdesk research report, it was found that 84% of customers want their queries to be solved quickly and accurately.

This is what contact center reporting and analytics software help your business achieve – a hassle-free solution to customer queries that distributes the workload intelligently between your service reps.

Let’s understand how call center analytics software helps your business streamline customer satisfaction by providing five key analytics.

1. Speech Analytics

It is known that every customer interaction call is recorded “for training and quality purposes,” as the IVR message goes. Using the software, it is possible to analyze customer speech for the following attributes:

  • Emotion
  • Intonation
  • Urgency
  • Indifference

Speech analytics help with understanding how a customer feels about a brand’s products and services, helping to align the deliverables better with their expectations.

2. Desktop Analytics

Desktop analytics tool of contact center software enables businesses to track the efficiency of their call center. Using this software, it is possible to provide your agents with valuable feedback to work on while handling calls.

It also helps delegate the clerical task to automation, helping improve the service agent experience by offloading unnecessary tasks from their back.

3. Predictive Analytics

One of the key performance enhancers of a contact center is knowing how to optimize staffing requirements. Before the onset of the busy season, predictive analytics tools can help understand the staffing requirement, prompting the business to begin prior preparations.

During the slow season, the software helps optimize workforce expenses by automating as many tasks as possible and retaining only the necessary number of agents for calls.

4. Self-Service Analytics

Contrary to popular belief, self-service is becoming more popular amongst customers with straightforward queries that don’t need an agent’s presence. For example, checking order status is a form of self-service that eCommerce businesses provide to their customers.

Providing self-service tools helps your business reduce the call load on your agents and streamline inbound calls better. You can analyze how effective your self-service tools are using these analytics.

5. Text Analysis

With the advent of social media and live chats, customers are increasingly interacting with brands over chat. Text analysis tools help businesses understand the context and emotion of the text written by a customer on brand channels.

With better insight into how the brand is perceived by the customers, text analysis guides businesses to rework brand image based on this analyzed perception.

Call Center Analytics: The Data-Driven Way to Put Customers on The Right Track

HubSpot reports that customer expectations from services have increased drastically over the years. About 90% of the leaders agree with this fact.

These leaders also agree that their businesses may be underequipped to deliver on these enhanced expectations.

However, with cloud contact center reporting software, it is possible to improve the levels of customer service and call center efficiency significantly. The application of analytics software and finetuning it to respond to business needs may take time, but it can be done steadily.

Businesses can begin by weighing the analytics investment against potential returns in the short and long-term data availability, competitor analysis, and downtime for implementation. The next step would constitute prioritizing the use case for implementing analytics: for example, improving AHT or FCR in a given timeframe or by a certain percentage.

Attributing a goal to the effort will aid its assimilation and help the business understand its data requirements.

Initially, there would be the need to make do with the available data. As time passes and more data is gathered, the results from the analytics tool will begin to make sense.

Once this is done, the business can finally apply this analytics model to user data and test it for refinement and optimizations.

You can consider iterations and scalability to enable your business to handle more analytics with time, delivering a holistic customer experience at the end of each run.

The Best Contact Center Analytics and Reporting Software of 2023

To help you make the best selection for your business, listed below are the best contact center analytics solutions of 2023.

1. JustCall

JustCall is a comprehensive, all-needs-met package for businesses that are looking for call center solutions. The major analytics features consist of the following:

Complete call center analytics like wait time, missed call rate, call volume, etc.
Team analytics with data segregation to monitor team members and their performance
Voicemail analytics
Workflow analytics to activate and nurture leads

JustCall is a one-stop shop for all call center requirements.

2. Aircall

Aircall is a cloud-based platform that lets your business improve customer experience and agent efficiency drastically. Some of its key analytics features are:

  • Complete call center analytics like wait time, missed call rate, call volume, etc.
  • Call monitoring
  • Call whispering
  • Call activity feed

Their solution is scalable, making it fit for adoption by businesses of any size.

3. Nextiva

If you are looking for an easy-to-use call center solution, Nextiva can get the job done with fewer clicks and fewer agents. Some of its analytical capabilities are:

  • Automatic conversation analysis using natural language processing
  • Smart recommendations during an agent-customer conversation
  • Customer experience score for understanding customer impact

Nextiva is a great tool to help build good customer relationships.

4. CloudTalk

CloudTalk is an innovative call center analytics software that allows custom delegation of inbound calls to agents who are best suited to handle them. Some of its key analytics features are:

  • Call flow designer (intelligent call routing)
  • Skill-based routing
  • Call statistics
  • Real-time dashboard
  • Emotion analytics
  • Call monitoring
  • Agent reporting
  • Wallboard – a feature that provides an overview of the call center and optimizes agent productivity

5. RingCentral

If you are looking for flexible call center solutions that can be accessed through mobile as well, RingCentral can be your answer. Some of its analytical features are:

  • Customizable dashboards
  • Real-time insights
  • Historical reporting
  • Workflow optimization
  • Automatic alerts and subscriptions for identifying opportunities
  • End-to-End monitoring

This platform has a robust real-time monitoring system for call improvisations.

Using Contact Center Analytics To Improve Business Performance

There are four key use cases of contact center reporting software that enable businesses to boost their contact center performance.

1. Reduction in Average Handle Time (AHT)

It is possible to reduce AHT significantly by leveraging speech and text analytics to improve how calls are handled.

If you analyze your call and text logs using intelligent software for a specific incident, you will discover how each service agent uses different methods to resolve the same incident. You can then build on the methodologies that require the least AHT.

2. Reduction in Call Volume

Call volume surge can throw the processes of your call center off balance.

You can leverage analytics to bridge the gaps between systemic issues and resolutions, helping you reduce repeat calls significantly.

3. Network Resilience

According to McKinsey, any company can face up to five major outages a year with 25 to 30 disruptions in the queue.

Call center analytics data can help with proactive preparedness that models the impact of outages on customer satisfaction levels. It also helps better manage the workforce by guiding a business protocol during contingencies.

4. Improved Conversion

Advanced analytics software also helps a business visualize its insights and data.

Making data more understandable helps service agents glean opportunities for improvement, incorporating it into their work methods.

Wrapping Up

One can say that it is absolutely necessary for the modern contact center to have a robust analytics solution in place. In order to know where your efficiencies stand at all times, you need complete visibility into your operations, which can be delivered by implementing a comprehensive contact center analytics solution like JustCall.

To know how JustCall can help make your contact centers more productive, efficient, and less costly, visit the website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you gather data in a call center?

There are several methods businesses employ to gather data around a call center:

By employing robust intelligence software, businesses then feed this data into them for analysis.

What is predictive analytics for call centers?

It is a type of call center analytics that leverages historical customer interaction data to map patterns and extrapolate them to generate predictions for the near future. Businesses take the help of data mining and data science technologies to achieve reliable predictions for call center optimization.

What are the four steps of call center customer data analytics?

The four steps for customer data analytics at a call center are:

  • Data collection from calls, surveys, text, speech, etc.
  • Data sorting by segmentation and segregation
  • Data storage in lakes and warehouses
  • Data analysis using customer call analytics tools
Is there a need for reports in a contact center?

Contact center reports are an important tool to let managers understand how best to utilize the resources at hand. The analytics reports help inform call center strategies that aim at improving customer experience and call center efficiencies without wasting workforce efforts.

What are the three essential parts of a call center report?

A call center report consists of three important sets of information:

  • Information about the call center
  • Analysis of issues or bottlenecks
  • Recommended solutions or courses of action for the best outcome based on the current situation

Vijaya heads the Global Support team at JustCall, where he has played a pivotal role in expanding the support team and diversifying its channels and services. Under his guidance, the team consistently earns top customer satisfaction scores. With a passion for team-building, Vijaya is committed to empowering his staff to deliver unparalleled customer experiences. In addition to his managerial responsibilities, he is a certified Leadership Coach, specializing in helping leaders overcome their unique challenges to achieve success.

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