
By admin Published on: May 24, 2022 Updated on: Contact Center Software
Top Reasons Cloud-based Is Better Than On-Premise For Contact Centers

Top Reasons Cloud-based Is Better Than On-Premise For Contact Centers

Contact centers are becoming increasingly important to modern business, and they are the central hub in a company to assist with customer retention and building brand loyalty. Many businesses are moving to cloud based contact center software to maximize the flexibility, scalability, and cost benefits.  

According to a report from Marketsandmarkets.com, “The worldwide cloud-based contact center market is estimated to increase at a CAGR of 25.8% during the forecast period, reaching USD 36.1 billion by 2025 from USD 11.5 billion in 2020”. 

This shows how cloud contact center software is gaining in popularity every passing day. Cloud-based call center software is an excellent way to handle inbound and outbound calls and some form of email support. As businesses move from on-premise to the cloud, they can enjoy better software, easier maintenance, better security, and reduced costs.

This blog will explain why cloud contact centers software is better than on-premise-based call contact centers and how cloud-delivered IP PBX  software will adapt to meet the evolving needs of businesses.

What are cloud-based contact centers?

Cloud contact centers is a software as a service solution hosted on cloud computing infrastructure.

It is also known as a virtual call center or hosted call center. This call center software can be managed using a web browser-based application running on the cloud hosting infrastructure. 

The application is hosted on a separate server and can be accessed by the user without downloading any software. So, customers and the contact center agents can interact through the application. It enables the customers to have more control over the system without much application knowledge.

What is an On-Premise Contact Center?

An On-Premise contact center is a contact center software that resides within an organization’s corporate offices.

The center is managed, maintained, and supported onsite by the organization. This means that the infrastructure is managed in-house, with the help of an outsourced vendor such as an On-Premise contact center software is a contact center solution that can be used within an organization’s corporate offices.

Top reasons cloud is more suitable than on-premise for contact centers

Today’s contact center software is more advanced than ever before. They have evolved from being just a tool to just for making and receiving calls to a full-fledged tool for customer service. This cloud-based contact center software has many advantages over the on-prem contact centers. Here are a few of them. 

  • Less dependency on technical staff

Cloud-based contact center software is the next step in the evolution of contact centers. Benefits of cloud over on-prem contact centers include lower costs, less dependency on technical staff, and several other advantages.

The cost of operating an on-premise contact center is high and requires a lot of technical staff to maintain. Many moving parts need to be in place for an on-premise contact center to operate successfully, such as hardware, software, networks, power, and cooling systems.

Cloud-based contact center software does not require all these resources and can be operated with less dependency on technical staff. This means that cloud contact center service providers can offer their services at lower prices than their on-premise counterparts and have more flexibility in terms of location.

  • Greater return on investment

The cloud-based call center offers a better ROI than on-prem contact centers and is more economical. The ability to cut down costs is one of the key benefits of cloud over on-prem contact centers.

With high customer expectations and the pressure to meet service level agreements, cloud-based contact centers give organizations a more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution than on-premises solutions.

  • Increased scalability

Cloud-based contact center software empowers your business to grow as you wish. It’s not a question of if your business can grow but how and when. For example, you can easily add new, qualified agents to handle your peak volume days and hours by simply pressing a button.

Cloud-based contact center software is not just the newest trend. And it is the future of smart customer service delivery. Whether you need to offer help desk support or handle inbound calls from customers and prospects worldwide, cloud-based contact center software solutions enable you to do more onsite resources.

  • More efficient analytics

Cloud contact center software helps in giving more efficient analytics than on-prem contact centers. Increasing data gathering, reporting, and analytics are being introduced, which will help enterprises to make strategic decisions.

This service provides a better and faster analytic data collection and storage process. It facilitates swift and easy data transfer to other departments such as HR, Finance, and IT. This also means increased efficiency in every department of the company, with more reliable communication between departments.

  • Offers more features

Cloud-based contact centers offer more features than on-prem contact centers, and their popularity is on the rise. Cloud-based contact center software uses modern technologies like click-to-call, live call monitoring, and smart IVR, among other things, which makes them perfect for the contact center software solutions.

  • Improved integration

Traditional contact center solutions can be difficult to implement, costly, and complex. Cloud-based contact center software solutions offer a better alternative, better integration, better performance, and a lower total cost of ownership.

It enables seamless interaction with many commercial applications, including customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

A cloud-based contact center is a forward-looking contact center solution.

Today’s contact centers have evolved and offer multiple features that facilitate business communication in several ways. Most organizations are preferring cloud-based omnichannel contact center software to their on-prem counterparts owing to their benefits that outweigh the latter. 

With robust features and greater scope of scalability, cloud-hosted call contact center software are the best technology solution for your business. The remote work model is here to stay and only cloud call contact centers can meet the evolving communication and collaboration needs of this model. Investing in the right cloud call center solution cannot only help improve agent productivity but also fetch high ROI.

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